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Can acid make you go insane?


Matrice périnatale
5 Mai 2016
kim a dit:
I had once a pretty bad experience on acid. I took many times acid and had always a very good experience. Once I took only 1/4 of the paper, which could contain apx. 100-150 mg max. I had a really trip with 2friends then I went home. It was already over, I tripped like 8hours. I was very tired but i wanted to smoke some hash to sleep better. Then my whole trip came back. I felt that i cannot control my brain and I wanted to make a phone call. Then a voice started to say that i should not call anyone, i just need to go back to my life built up from lies. My whole world started to collapse. And then i put down the phone while the "real me" inside me shouted to call a friend. I could not fall asleep and i felt i can anytime lose my mind. I was awake until next morning whole night dealing with panic attacks and could only fell asleep after taking 2pills of Xanax. I really was afraid that I will lose my mind. I felt that I was so so close. Since then i had a lot of panic attacks, i quit smoking weed, I even quit drinking alcohol for 3months because i can get panic attacks from anything. I went to many psychologists until I found the right one who thought me autogenic training, which helped a lot. Now after a year I tried to smoke weed and even from one puff I started to feel very bad. I explain it to myself if that panic on that night would not had happen probably i would have had not quit smoking and would not have my university studies finished. but since I have a proper job and everything looks nice i want to smoke once in a while again and MAYBE try acid again. Before that bad trip i always felt it makes me see the truth and I always changes a bit for the better. Before that one trip I felt always optimistic, strong, beautiful and capable to do anything and cannot die easily. Now I'm getting better but i still have a lotsa fear in my life. Did anyone experience something similar?

Hi Kim,

I have been searching the internet for someone who has had a similar experience to this. I have been a heavy drug user for the last 10 years and started taking hallucinogens at quite an early age (15/16). I have always considered myself to have a strong mind, in my early days never having any problems with taking LSD and other similar psychoactives. However i do know that i have abused my mind by taking far too many trips and other drugs.

One time i shared an experience very similar to yourself when at a rave taking what i thought was LSD (but i later found out was DOC). I smoked a bong of cannabis at the end of my trip and suffered from what i can only describe as an episode of temporary insanity/catatonic schizophrenia, luckily after sleep i woke up 'normal' as i really felt that i was never coming back and would have to be sectioned into a mental home. Since this experience i have had positive experiences with hallucinogens but have also experienced this state again when taking 4-ACO-DMT.

Another thing that has worried me is that every time i have entered a K-hole on Ketamine since these negative experiences, in my disassociated state i relive this experience of catatonic schizophrenia. Literally everytime...

I can imagine that a lot of people wonder why i still continue to take psychoactives and especially ketamine. Unfortunately i have always suffered from but only recently been diagnosed with Bipolar 2 disorder and Borderline Perosnality Disorder. Ketamine in small doses is one of the only things that alleviates my crushing depression and inability to deal with the outside world. I am actually so scared of taking hallucinogens nowadays though that the thought of taking LSD makes me feel physically sick. The strange thing is that i still consider myself to be a strong minded person, but in essence after reading this thread is it that my mind is in a pre-schizophrenic state?

I know meditation, diet and looking after my general wellbeing will have a big part to do with preventing further mental decline. I just sometimes worry that the damage i have done through my continued drug use is something that may be hard, if not impossible to reverse.

Sorry for rant or if this doesnt make much sense. This is the first time i have ever spoken about this openly.

Love & light x


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Mai 2016
My point of view is that PCP, 25I-NBOMe is often sold as LSD (I've been at least 3x on drugs that weren't LSD but sold as LSD) the best way to know is to get a reagent (erlich) if it doesn't turn purple it is LSD and if you're brave enough take it and if it is pain relieving it could be pcp or if the taste is like metal it is 25I-NBOMe and etc. now there's RCs that are blotters so there are more than we imagine!
And like every other psychoactive substance if the host have in his family some mental health and other kind of un curable disease like schizophrenia there's at least 75% chance that they will go "MAD"
And 2tabs is not really life changing maybe 6(600micro grams) can be life changing but really intense (it was life changing)
Anyway overall LSD was way stronger before and way safer to my point of view!
LSD can change somebody like it could turn people crazy at the point that they could be hospitalized even though they have no mental issue in his family.
And be careful even 2 can be dangerous! Get yourself a Tripsitter it could save you! :p Good Luck next time!


Matrice périnatale
8 Juin 2016
General idea regarding sanity and the LSD experience:

Make sure you understand the direct association of love and the concept of infinity which we all evolutionarily chase :)


Matrice périnatale
29 Juil 2016
I detected no problems while using LSD ... other than reality 👍 I can probably think of some things not to do, though, but the only one I would really recommend would be not to use LSD with any person you have not known for too very long. That being my opinion, I'm sure others have had a better experience than mine.


Matrice périnatale
9 Août 2016
ArthBH a dit:
I took acid a few weeks back and I have to say, it was fucking awesome. I have taken mushrooms quite a lot and at very high doses, so I'm pretty experienced. But acid just felt totally different, like there was a beam of electricity being pointed into my brain. It was great fun, and because I'm quite experienced at tripping I didn't really have any problem with making my tea or even answering the phone (or at least I think I didn't...). It wasn't a huge dose, only two tabs, but from comparing it to other peoples experiences and my own psilocybin experiences I think they must have been pretty strong tabs. Anyway, the next day I got up and felt totally fine, if a little tired, and went to college. It made me think but it didn't 'change' me as such, and I was perfectly able to concentrate on stuff at college. I think the reason it didn't have such a profound effect on me after-woulds is partly because I've done psychodelics before and also due to the fact I kind of naturally percieve the world like that anyway, and when I was on acid I felt no shock as if I was seeing the reality for the first time, but instead a powerful and life affirming sense of reassurance that my natural way of perceiving the world is right. The only thing that disturbs me a bit is stories of people going mad on acid and stuff. I really want to do it again, but I value my brain greatly. I think it kind of unnerves me because I felt anything but insane after taking it. I love tripping with a passion, and would like to use acid again.


in the event that you would prefer not to acknowledge it, that is fine. Trust me I know how astonishing lucy can be and how it can positively affect people groups lives. So i'm not attempting to be Debbie Downer, I'm simply putting it out there to answer the inquiry with actuality


Matrice périnatale
21 Sept 2016
karlykary a dit:
in the event that you would prefer not to acknowledge it, that is fine. Trust me I know how astonishing lucy can be and how it can positively affect people groups lives. So i'm not attempting to be Debbie Downer, I'm simply putting it out there to answer the inquiry with actuality



10 Mai 2016
I may even agree or generally be of the tendency to agree with ideas such as "it showed you a truth you couldn't deal with", and if so, the treatment would be to go through it and not backwards, and when you feel normal again you'll be on another level of spiritual development.

However... I think most of us can agree that a learning experience so powerful that it fucks you up, is not usually desireable. I like fucking myself up in small doses, but it should be "controlled demolition".

Most of the time I hear such ideas though, it feels like a defensive statement to say "that could never happen to me" or "it could never happen to someone who doesnt deserve it"

Fact is, you never know if it could happen to you. You can be more or less confident, but I guess 100% certainty can never be there.

Drugs are a high risk, high reward venture.