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Will the U.S. Legalize Marijuana within the next five (5) years

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Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2007
By Bill Piper
July 15, 2009
LA Times
Original Story

Dan Neil hits the nail on the head ("" July 7). The relatively minor negative consequences that Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps had to endure for being outed for his marijuana use is Exhibit A that the war on marijuana is coming to an end. The American people are tired of the hypocrisy and extremism inherent in the war on (some) drugs.

In a 1969 Gallup poll, only 12% of Americans supported making marijuana legal. By 2005, support had grown to 36%. And in a Zogby International poll taken earlier this year, 44% of Americans said marijuana "should be taxed and legally regulated like alcohol and cigarettes." The most interesting information, however, is in the demographic breakdown.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans in Western states, and 48% in East Coast states, support taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol. Of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29, 55% say marijuana should be legalized; 53% of Democrats support legalization (as do 45% of independents and about one-third of Republicans). Fifty-three percent of Latinos say tax and regulate, according to the Zogby poll (45% of African Americans, 42% of whites and 41% of Asian Americans agree). And poll numbers are rising.

Both California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York Gov. David Paterson recently said marijuana legalization should be considered and debated. Arizona Atty. Gen. Terry Goddard, citing evidence that Mexican drug-trafficking organizations get 60% to 80% of their revenue from marijuana, has suggested that members of Congress at least debate legalizing marijuana as a way to undermine crime syndicates. A bill pending in the California Legislature to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol (AB 390) is garnering national attention. Meanwhile, some San Francisco Bay Area activists aren't waiting for Sacramento to act; they have drafted a voter initiative and may begin gathering signatures to qualify it for the 2010 ballot.

In Congress, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Ron Paul (R- Texas) have introduced legislation to decriminalize possession of marijuana for personal use. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said at a recent hearing, "There's no question that with the limited resources we have ... that we ought to decriminalize" marijuana.

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) argues for decriminalization in a new book. He introduced legislation to create a national commission to study the U.S. criminal justice system and make recommendations on how to reduce the number of Americans behind bars, with a particular emphasis on reforming drug laws. More than one-third of U.S. senators are co-sponsors of the bill, and it is expected to pass the Senate sometime this year.

President Obama said a few years ago that marijuana should be decriminalized, although he doesn't speak about it now. It's hard to see, though, how Obama can reach his goal of "shifting the paradigm, shifting the model, so that we focus more on a public-health approach" to drugs, without some degree of decriminalization or legalization. At a minimum, he needs to end the criminalization of people who use drugs. No other health issue is dealt with by the criminal justice system.

In February, the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, a high-level commission co-chaired by former presidents of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, called for a "paradigm shift" in global drug policy, including decriminalizing marijuana and "breaking the taboo" on open and robust debate about all drug-policy options. Mexico's Congress recently decriminalized not just possession of marijuana but possession of all drugs, so Mexican police can focus on violent crime.

In a report released last week, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime cited Portugal's decriminalization of drug use as a model for eliminating jail time for drug users, increasing access to treatment and decreasing drug-related problems. The agency recommended countries focus on violent drug traffickers instead of arresting and prosecuting people for drug use. It rejected drug legalization but concluded that "the system of international drug control has produced several unintended consequences, the most formidable of which is the creation of a lucrative black market for drugs and the violence and corruption it generates."

Almost every measurement criteria that can be used shows the U.S. and the rest of the world trending away from prohibitionist policies. After decades of allowing drug markets to be controlled by thugs and gangsters, policymakers and voters alike are warming to legalization, which would bring control and regulation where none exists now. In fact, California has already legalized marijuana. Sure, it's only for medical use, but all the elements of a heavily controlled system are there: regulated dispensaries, licensing and taxation. A similar system, perhaps tighter, could be developed for non-medical marijuana.

Bill Piper is the director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance.

Personal Comments:

Just thought I'd second what Ahuaeynjxs posted earlier. It really is "high time" the US and Canada Legalized Marijuana, and it looks like it may finally happen.

EDIT: Thanks to whoever added that picture, I can't believe I forgot one! :oops:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
There is definitely the biggest push for legalization right now that we've seen in a while.. If this 'wave' keeps gaining in intensity it might finally break through. I would never have thought the US would be decriminalizing marijuana before Canada, but then I never thought the Canadian neocon movement would gain so much momentum. Legal within the next 5 years in canada, no way josé. We're regressing right now, not progressing. Who woulda thunkit?

As for the US, I highly doubt it will be legalized nation-wide, certain areas of the states are just too addicted to booze and too opposed to marijuana. I somewhat think that the future could be like robert anton wilson's illuminatus where it is up to the individual states, legal in progressive states but if you get caught with it in the backwards states you're dead meat. Things are already partway there.


Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2007
Absolutely, you certainly haven't seen Alabama Or Mississippi pushing through legislation! As for Canada... :( The worst thing we ever did was elect Bush Jr.Jr.
So long as he is in power we're going to keep going backwards I'm afraid. Have you heard about Bill C-15?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Arcticpheonix a dit:
Have you heard about Bill C-15?

Yeah, and unfortunately it looks like it's going through (it's been passed in Parliament and is going to the senate now right?).. The liberals are too scared to vote down any bills the cons are introducing, for fear of another election. Canadian politics are pretty absurd right now.

And it looks like the polls haven't changed at all... we will be in for another Harper minority in the next election. Dagnabbit.


Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2007
st.bot.32 a dit:
Arcticpheonix a dit:
Have you heard about Bill C-15?
And it looks like the polls haven't changed at all... we will be in for another Harper minority in the next election. Dagnabbit.

Which will likely be in about a month. Lol. And yes, C-15 has passed the house, and had a senate reading or two. We can cross our fingers, but according to history, once it passes the house it's basically in.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
It would be funny to see them TRY and regulate health products... They have like 8 employees and they're 3 years late in DIN approvals and rejections.

Sir youre gonna have to take your vitamin C off the shelves : uhh ok.

*take it back on the shelves 5 minutes later*

See a doctor to buy vitamin C... in their dreams.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2008
1 230
This sounds very good indeed.
Unfortunately I think there's still too many people against it that it won't be legalized in the whole country in the next 5 years.
The rising movement against the hipocrisy is great, though. But I think it will be a change that's too fast.