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Ayahuasca healing ceremonies in Holland (in august 2007)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
JosVU a dit:
Entheonaut a dit:
JosVU a dit:
Entheonaut a dit:
Isn't it meant to be a "healing ceremony"? I think it's not just for the fun... is it :P?
Would be a cool experience, but anyway, I'm still in spain on the 17th of August, so you won't meet me there :wink:
I think people know that. And I don't think anyone is going to do this ceremony just for fun or to meet us?

Don't know if it's cool.. my guess it's way more and very spiritual?

What I'm trying to say is, do you have something that has to be healed?
My motivation to do this ceremony is very personal.

No questions asked then.:mrgreen: I hope you find what you seek.:wink:


Elfe Mécanique
5 Avr 2007
The planets are well alligned for me on August 18. I think I will go.

Two hours later: I'm a bit concerned about her reputation. She likes to drink alcohol, even before ceremonies. One time she fell asleep at the onset of a ceremony... :confused:

See: http://ayahuasca.tribe.net/thread/20b7f9d3-44ba-41f9-9f28-1de50446ae97.

"I participated in a ceremony once, where she arrived smelling of alcohol (I smelled it when I kissed her). She went ahead with the ceremony, because there were a lot of people there and she fell asleep soon after the ceremony began. The result was a silent ceremony and people had no guidance. All of them were experienced and nothing bad happened but they said that it was extremely hard for them. It's true that many shamans in the area have alcohol problems, which is an absolute lack of respect for the basic ayahuasca "rules". I am rather strict about that!" and "...I have seen her drunk enough times to lose respect..."


Alpiniste Kundalini
23 Mai 2006
So.... Norma's ceremony...... Well.... iam not concerned about here reputation that's for sure!!! It was my first time aya... but fwwaaaa it was beautiful!!!! Those songs and icaros were amazing!! My intention for drinking aya was fullfilled... I had an nice intrioduction for the first time..
And with those songs ... you can feel the force behind the word ayahuasca!!!
But...... well...... iam not ready yet. and have to drink again!!!
all rgrds


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
It sounds like a good idea you all meeting each other amd doing it together . I`m realy interested to hear what happens , what it was like and what you all think afterwards . The price of 90E is the lowest price i have heard of for a ceremony , the ayahuasca , the room to do it in and a breakfast afterwards , usualy in europe i have heard of prices much higher than that .


9 Mai 2007
yep... i was there to... and yes indeed... for a first time it was a great introduction of what ayahuasca has to show us... not only during the dream, but also afterwards... talking a lot with such a great people that where there... and the way Norma gave her rituals in her own style with such a lot of freedom was really nice... the chanting was great, there where some really good and creative people, i loved the indian chanting with drum... But, hehe.... the experiences and rituals (i was there for 9 days and participated in 3 of the 5 rituals) where really strong... i had very strong visions.... and quite scary to... but in the end it helped me to get over my depression for example... But if you are intrested you can read my dreamreport here below, wich i wrote on ayahuasca.com. the topic was about "when things really become difficult". here it is. ( i hope the mod's don't mind i put it in this topic)

Well i had only 3 sessions with aya... the first was a so called difficult experience... i was doomed to suffer in hell forever as far as i can remember my irrational thinking at that moment... the second was so what controlled and there i saw the true face of aya, wich brought me to try it a 3 time...

heh... my dream was starting, and yea i felt it wasn't going very well (it was slightly going into the direction of a bad-trip) voices where mumbo-jumbo for me, something like; freut my heupp , hahahah, smoe piu japo, haba (so i just stopped listening) .... and visions where quite hard also... So, it was a very psychedelic experience... eventually i came to the point i was getting mad, and i really felt onto my bones i would be trapped in this state forever... totaly mad i was, slightly in panic but conscious enough to stay on my place and trying not to disturb my neighbours... yea i lost control in a way... i was cursing all the time...and i can imagine it wasn't pleasant for the ppl that where in my neighbourhood. But what can you do?... ok, this is just the start... what comes now is sooo scary that i wished i was able to die... but i wasn't, cause i was beyond dead or life...
I felt like i was something like an implosion, i felt i was responsible for the end of humanity (I came to the conslusion that humanity had failed in there purpose of existence), the end of the cosmos, the end of time... it was the power of the big-bang, i think i saw it happening like 5 times. But it was that responsibilty that scared me soo much and that made the experience worser, cause it wasnt individual pain anymore it was collective pain... Man i was scared...

I don't know how i did it but i came in a space of peace and rest. i was laughing to myself and felt so releaved... lying on my belly with my head in the direction of the center of the room seemed to put me back on a rattional thinking. And then i did something very ordinary... going to the toilet, wich made re-integrate into this collective reality. Damn... that was a fascinating experience ( the dream i mean)... the releave was so big and i felt soo strong for a sudden that i was able to support others, cause the pain and fear i had was beyond any pain, suffer and fear i was able to imagine... and i survived it... 8)

My interpretation of fear and pain has now a differant perspective and strangely enough im looking forward to another experience. Hopely i will find focus next time...

But ok... What really helped me working out this experience (cause at the deepest of my madness, notthing was able to help me, maybe i helped myself unconsciously) was talking with the people around after the dream, that really helped me...


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
Fear and pain are to be respected and accepted, for they are part of the process of learning. I haven't had one bad trip since I've learned that -- call it God, the collective conscience, aliens, yourself, you have to accept this if you want to go further into the heights of the universe while remaining unscathed. That's what I think, anyway.

(I sometimes seek scary settings to have a more intense trip.)


9 Mai 2007
Rymmen a dit:
Fear and pain are to be respected and accepted, for they are part of the process of learning. I haven't had one bad trip since I've learned that -- call it God, the collective conscience, aliens, yourself, you have to accept this if you want to go further into the heights of the universe while remaining unscathed. That's what I think, anyway.

(I sometimes seek scary settings to have a more intense trip.)

Thank you for your reply Rymmen.

I got pretty much the same view of this fear and pain.
And im pretty sure for myself that fear or pain are my best teachers and that i respect them very much. Or is it death that is your best advisor?
Cause also death was a very central subject in my dreams.

Any idea if this already been talked about on this forum. Im quite intrested.
Last week i had a dream on mushrooms in combination with dxm. An other very strong experience, where death was very central. all though, during the dream it was a fight for my life and it isn't an easy issue to confront.
Well, in theory it might sound easy to encounter, in practice it's a lot more complex.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
You met yourself head on , looked into your own soul and steped over your own shadow . It sounds like it was realy good for you to me . I wish i could have been there .


9 Mai 2007
this was what i roughly expected to be... well at least getting face to face with my own ego... defenatly the greatest experience i had since i was dropped into this realm of existence.