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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 482
First, an old poem I wrote last winter to attempt to show happiness in the grim;
Don't see bleak upon the rain,
as rain is under sun.
The sun exists upon your bliss,
And allows your fears to run.
Hold and embrace what you can chase,
These loves will be dear to you.
Sum your chances, behold your branches,
And reach for the upper blue.

I really like that one.

So, anti-anxiety meditation, which I am working on now to perfect and hopefully can help some of you if you have it as bad as I do.

Last night I had a strong urge that I had been and have been doing something wrong. I had, and will have again, an overwhelming sense of wrongness in my life. It can pertain to anything, but it is often illogical and impractical. I haven't tripped on any long-duration psychoactives for some time because of it (psilocybin, lsd, aya...); as soon as I start to peak I get the sense of "Wrong" and attribute it to taking the drug. I usually end up saying "I'm never going to do that again! I want to be sober forever!"

But this is not the correct vantage point, and believe me, it is not hard to change. If you've ever had a panic attack during a trip you know what I am talking about - it's like those but can occur every day, stemming from deeply rooted fears and stress.

So here is how to fix it! (Step by step!)
If you are alone, or can be alone:
1. Lay down. I find the most comfortable and productive posture is the pharoah with your legs crossed as well. Arms crossed on chest, legs crossed, back on bed/ground.
2. Realization that this fear is real is important. Believing that the fear and tension are just going to go away with breathing does not always work.
3.Identify what is wrong, name everything that happened within the last few hours that made you feel uneasy.
4.Focus on these ideas or occurences strongly.
5.If anxiety jumps, this is good - that means you have identified what is wrong.
6. I usually start to let my mind wander now.
7. I feel better or have forgot about the anxiety.

What is happening here is you are basically going back in your recent timeline and unraveling the "knots" that have you pulled back. You didn't have time to worry or fully understand the fears and tension before, so now you must go back. I like it and I've realized that identifying and connecting the emotion to an event or idea is very crucial in curing the problem.

However, if you are not alone
1. Tell someone you feel uneasy - "A problem shared is a problem halved." someone said on this board.
2. Talk to someone about the idea that makes you feel uneasy.
3. Just talk until #1 or #2 are applicable.

What I used to do, immaturely and unexperienced, was to blank my mind. To forget about what was making me anxious, to try to "overcome" the fear by disregarding it. This is wrong and does not work for me. Meditation for this specific cause is much different than meditation for pure relaxation. The goals are very different, so the technique must be different. You cannot reach pure relaxation if you have any type of stress lingering - whether consciously or subconsciously.

Thanks for your time, hope this helped someone :)
about a year I think... 10 months or so...

DMT every 2-3 months though since then.
I'll return.
IJesusChrist a dit:
i dont believe you have ever taken any psychoactives or meditated.
i believe you are a fraud, although im sure you have convinced yourself otherwise.
ive read your posts

I suppose I could say the same to you.
your anxiety stems from cognitive dissonance. the source of your dissonance is living a lie
i hinted at that earlier
get real
From your posts I think you're a stay at home dad who got high once in the sixties. You like psychodelic movies and like to think you're smarter and more experienced than others.

Really getting pushed to my limits with the community on here as of late.
At first your comment pissed me off, now I realized I shouldn't care. Why would I - shouldn't get mad at ignorance/denial.

Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:13
Mnemo a dit:
Sage words, IJC

Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:30
IJesusChrist is a troll. i hate him

Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:38

fuck it im leaving psychonaut again. it used to be a good forum, now its just a playground for wannabes and bluffers

by Mnemo » Wed Nov 17, 2010 16:26
i am short on patience. i guess its my age or something
anybody can take the experiences of others and dress them as their own but expect to be called on it if somebody is paying attention. im always paying attention, i cant help it

by Mnemo » Wed Nov 24, 2010 16:07
i should really make myself clearer. i don't hate IJC one bit, but i do think he has a very negative outlook when it comes to entheogens and psychic explorations. my reflex reaction to him is to attempt to shock him into awareness, something i do to myself when i need to.
negativity is a habit like smoking or picking your nose. i dont want to watch someone picking there nose. when you have done as much hitch-hiking as i have you see enough nose picking.

I think you are seeing something in others that you can only see in yourself.

To put on a bluffer mask, I will ask - why do you think I don't trip?

To take it off once again, your post pushed me hard enough to hit the DMT landscape once again after a long absence - 6months or so. Unfortunately I didn't have enough left except for some CEVs and pure love. It made me remember though, that DMT takes all anxiety away for a month or so, which is wonderful. Thanks, but you're still being an ignorant asshole.
I rarely ever speak on these forums, in fact this might even be my only post. But I"m always reading what everyone has to say. And for as long as I"ve been here, I've throughly enjoyed IJC's posts, as well as many others. There can be something to learn and look upon with a different perspective with every person's posts, considering there opinions/experiences. But it is very hard to look at your opinions Mnemo, when you choose to involve ignorance and accusations towards one specific member. To say he is "not real" with what he speaks of, how can one assume such a thing? Either way, I don't claim to know much, and rarely choose to speak, but I feel there is no need to hate, specially when someone is only trying to help others. I have not read your posts, so excuse me if I"m wrong, but maybe you should try a different approach to helping others or spreading your views.
What has gone horribly wrong in the past months of your life mnemo, I see no reason for this arrogance or ignorance.

In fact you seem like you are only spreading anger at the moment, and a selfish anger.

Maybe you are getting old and a bit rusty in the hinges. Maybe you can't relate to me, or maybe you just frankly don't believe me. I don't see why, I can't see why, it boggles me. I wish you were a little more open and a bit less of a hypocrit.

But yup, don't comment on my posts anymore please. I really don't like what you have to say to/about me.
this thread gives me anxiety
The accusation of IJesusChrist being a fraud seems to me as being fairly out of the blue.
I've read a lot of IJC's posts as well and never once had the same opinion as MrEmo. In fact, a lot of what IJC posts rings bells of familiarity in my head.
But hey it is the internet after all. To some degree you have to assume everyone here could be a fraud. But why worry?
I don't understand firstly what would make him question, but then why even call me out on it in a negative manner?

He seems to have enjoyed some of my postings, but decided that I Can't be real. In some way I take it as a big compliment - no one can experience what I have! I must be faking :D
Thanks for sharing some good stuff ... i also liking your that poem it's really nice ... well peoples have their own ways to cope with stress but i some serious situations like PTSD .. we must have needed medication ..
Haha most of this thread was irrelevant to the op.
But I have crazy anxiety and am definately going to try this out. I'm currently in this phase where I've been trying to disregard the negativity of the conflict-ful situations I fear and be at peace with them rather than overcome such situations by trying to be strong to deal with conflicts. It all boils down to the ability to relax in the face of a conflict rather than deny or over exaggetate it.
Ima gonna try this today :o
besides the personal conflict your having with some of the members, I think you found a way to ease the pain/fear without supressing it. That's cool, I always used to do this. The moment your dwelming off you come to the subconciesness (how to spell??) wich is always good. You just lose a little reliability by publicly let out your personal conflict. But who am I to say, your post is really worth trying if other meditations doesn't help in the short or long run.
