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Matrice périnatale
9 Avr 2012
I've tripped on shrooms twice thus far, each time I only took 2.3 grams (splitting 1/4 between three people). So far I haven't really had any mystical, spiritual, or self revealing trips or any of that matter. Don't get me wrong, they've been amazing, and have really helped me see the beauty in nature, but my ultimate goal with psychedelics is to experience something really spiritual, or even life-changing. Ego death also facinates me quite a bit, and I'm curious as to what that experience is like, and what better way to find out then experience it. So anyways, I'm only 17, still quite young, and psychonautics and exploring my mind really interest me, I've been working on meditating, and I'm wondering, to be able to explore my mind more while on shrooms, or experience something really amazing like I've read about, should I up the dose at all? Or will an experience like that just happen with time and experience? Also, I've been considering combining my next batch I buy with Syrian Rue seeds, so any advice and tips on timing and dosage and such with that would be greatly appreciated=)

By the way, like I stated, I'm 17 and weigh about 175 pounds, don't know how much that will play a role in dosing. Also, I'm pretty comfortable that I know who I am, and know my fears and how to handle them, I'm not too afraid of a bad trip, or not being able to handle one.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2011
"When in doubt, double the dose"-- Timothy Leary.

Seriously though, I'd suggest you hit the brakes a bit, considering your age. Don't get me wrong, I started when I was 19, and I've heard of people on here starting out when they're 14-15, but I think that some things are best left until you've got some more age. Meditation is a great tool for helping you make any sense of what's going on during and after the trip, but ultimately, it's all about letting go. With psilocybin, it's a good thing to at times smoke some nice joints, it really changes the trip. Other than that? Try tripping by yourself, either in nature or in darkness. It's a good idea to have a sitter with you, though, or closeby, in case of a bad trip or something like. You say you're not afraid of a bad trip, but having one coming for you, you would be ;)

Ego-death is a very interesting and illuminating phenomenon, but it can come through many paths. Mine came through a Bad Trip (you can read about it in the trip reports, headline 2 LSA trips 24 hours apart, or somesuch), momentarily mocking me with madness and then setting me free for me to do as I will.

There's no hurry, man. As long as you live a nice, "clean" and gentle life, there is no hurry. All you can do with hurry is make the inevitable happen, and strain yourself. Take it from someone who knows!

Psychedelic Eric

20 Avr 2012
Dont rush anything my friend, theres plenty of time. Increasing the dose is not the answer. If its meant to happen it will, you cant force it. Take time, improve your meditation technique and gradually you will find the way forward.
Be yourself, have fun and enjoy life for what it is.


Matrice périnatale
9 Avr 2012
Thank you for the advice guys=) I think next time Ill try tripping by myself probably in nature, shrooms hav really helped me see the beauty in nature it seems=) And Ill be sure to check out that report. Would you have any tips on meditation that you could share with me in that case?


8 Oct 2008
tankssmith, you are about to head down the path i chose. And i dont recommend it, i made life very hard for myself (spiritually).

Study and learn 'kundalini'. This is a ancient practice of awakening ones inner energy body through certain meditation. look up "pranayama" also.
This will awaken your energy centers (chakras)
When the energy reaches your crown chakra you will have a spiritual experience where u connect with the universe, and you will become aware of the subtle energy system the universe is composed of.
This process takes quite some time usually 2-5 years to complete.

You will need to do a body cleanse, removing as much toxins from your body as possible. No more process food, and eat clean natural food and water as much as possible. (this is CRITICAL for any progress) It is also the beginning step of awakening the kundalini.

As each chakra opens you will have a personal fear you have to resolve until you progress, Failure to reconise this results in the manifestation of psychical illness.

You open your chakras by directing your breathe to these area's this fills your body with life force. This is needed for spiritual practices.
You will experience so many things im not going to list just do your research.

I Hope you choose to do this as i took the time to explain in lightly to you :P

If so, take note that once your kundalini is awakened you will be harassed by evil spirits as sort of an initiation. You just have to learn not to fear them cause their a bunch of pussies, follow the light and love and this will go quite quickly as your vibration surpasses theirs, hence you no longer perceive them. Oh and they project themselves as whatever you fear as they can read your aura.

Once you have had your first spiritual experience you could ease in exploring with psychedelics.
But keep in mind, pschedelics push you into the deep end before you are ready, which for me, kept resulting in an un-grounded body.
spontaneous Out of body experience's while your driving or operating machinery at work is not safe lol.
So if you do choose to ignore my advice, start with meditating with weed and shrooms. But you will be thrown out of your comfort zone ;) Learn to ground yourself to counter act this.

If you need any more help send me a msg. Their is very little information about this in the western world and most of knowledge needs to be translated.

This website didnt look to bad.
Kundalini Awakening Systems 1 > The Safeties


22 Août 2012
Hum... Your young but I was about that age when I started - I don't regret it at all. Set and Setting are the key.
You need really good clean music, candles if you were used to the experience (but your not) - Christ said we have to die and be born again. Voir la pièce jointe 7646Voir la pièce jointe 7647Voir la pièce jointe 7648Voir la pièce jointe 7649
This ego death is just that thing he spoke of. So your a three part creature - Body, Soul and Spirit. You know your body and you know your mind (part of your soul),
but humanity does not know its own spirit. So we our understanding of ourselves goes through a death like experience when you take your first heroic dose or baptismal dose(7g).
That begins the experience of getting to know your true self - your spirit. Our spirit is the only thing which the Holy Spirit can mingle with so - that is why it is so cool and useful. I'll post some pages that will give more history of this Faith.