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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Thanx silv. 8) :) One thing bout methamphetamine in Desoxyn pills and street drug methamphetamine. In pill you will get salt meth, but on the street pushers are selling base meth without salt glue. This is why meth is crystal rock or glassy powder.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
Some experts have said, "ADHD is just a difference in brain structure and it's often a very gifted brain structure. If you change the brain so you can learn better you loose the gifts". So does neurofeedback change the structure? Nobody knows and I'm not changing my brain until I find out for sure. :D

Yes, it will be something to really think about. This month i`m gonna speak to a specialist, and i`m gonna ask what kind of things could change in the brains. I believe you have 3 kinds of people, using the brain in different ways. Of course you have the intellectual, which uses the left brain, then you have the right brain thinkers, where from many are diagnosed as add or adhd or at least can not function in the society like other left brain people can . But you have also those people who have there right and left brain very well in balance. I think these people can easy go with the flow, because they have both capacity's.

So if neurofeedback just only activates sertain parts of the brain with some training. Then this could be interesting, because maybe you can be a balanced brain user, who is able to use left and right brain correctly. So this could mean, you still have the gift, but also can go with the flow if it's necessary. Which i think, could be really interesting. And could be the best usage of the brain.



Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
LISTEN HappyMind, if your problems involving ADD-ADHD are strong, fuck you up in learning&memory thing use meds. Do not be afraid of Ritalin. But also be afraid if Doc describe you dextroamphetamine (Desoxyn) or methamphetamine (Aderall) cause you will use them more and more, and little fine addiction will emerge! This is why Ritalin is best chose. OK, it is like cocaine with 30% of acting power but stimulating effect will die after 30-40 days. But please do not try to snort or shoot that shit! It fuck you up instantly!
I am saying all this cause I also "drink" Ritalin. 40mg per day. Also if you do not find it helpful stop taking it. But if you have solution for your problem, why do you not try to solve it?

Any questions bout Ritaline, ask me, send PM.

Why is Ritalin so much different from Dextroamphetamine?
I heard that Dextroamphetamine is stronger than Ritalin, but it have less side effects and it lasts a bit longer.
Especially for the ones who are more suffering from hyperactivity in the mind, than Dextroamphetamine was a better choice...?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Dextro-Levo-Meth-Benz-...-amphetamines are highly addictive substances!
Ritaline doesn't have such big issue! And side effects are lighter then amphetamines. Also Ritalin is DAT (dopamine inhibitor transporter) with agonistic act on epinephrine receptors with secondary effect on serotonin receptors. What this means? Ritalin have 30% power of cocaine and 30% power of amphetamine. But amphetamine solo is only epinephrine and serotonin agonist with bunch of others side effects! I have never tried Adderall as pill but street speed yes. Ritalin is mother comparing with solo acting uppers!
Also with ADHD-ADD many other fuckups comes! My diagnosis is Cyclothymia with borderline syndrome with hypomanic-depressive bipolar disorder. Also drug general abuse F19.1 Now can you tell me is Ritaline good for me if it protect me from various SSRI, SNRI, TCA, Leponex-Zyprexa-Seroquel? ADD-ADHD comes often in big package of shits.
And in those shits, Ritalin is best choice! :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
HappyMind a dit:
Look, i start something, with 10000% effort, but the next day or next week my effort turned into -10000000% effort. And i quit with it.
I just can't help it, and i'm really tired of that.

Tomorrow i will start to try alternative ways, like meditation, now i have the time for it.

And the day after tomorrow you will have no motivation to do that? :wink:

Maybe you should do things that you *really* like, instead of going with the spur of the moment.


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
No, when it's lost, it's gone.

And than it's not that i don't like something anymore, but i need a new influence to get me interested again.


I like drawing, when i start something, i won't finish it, and i don't want to finish it, no matter what i do.
But if i get a new idea, i start drawing something else, and then i like it again, until... :wink:

And that's with everything now a days. Also with work.
It's pretty fucked up to work somewhere and that i don't like it anymore after less than a week.

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
Dextro-Levo-Meth-Benz-...-amphetamines are highly addictive substances!
Ritaline doesn't have such big issue! And side effects are lighter then amphetamines. Also Ritalin is DAT (dopamine inhibitor transporter) with agonistic act on epinephrine receptors with secondary effect on serotonin receptors. What this means? Ritalin have 30% power of cocaine and 30% power of amphetamine. But amphetamine solo is only epinephrine and serotonin agonist with bunch of others side effects! I have never tried Adderall as pill but street speed yes. Ritalin is mother comparing with solo acting uppers!

Keep in mind that dex-amph no street speed ;)
I'm also familiar with street speed, but not doing it anymore.
Street speed had also some positive effects on me. I was completely organized in my head, and i wanted to finish work what i didn't want to finish anymore (without speed). With unfinished work i reffer to the top of this reply ;)
BUT, it had also negative side-effects, indeed pretty addictive and it fucks your body and personality up.
But that's street speed, and no pure Dex-amph (5 mg a pill) what is from a legal laboratory.

Sources on the internet say something else about ritalin and dex-amph, they say dex is less resourced but it seem to have less side-effects.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I have never used Adderall drug, so I can't say which is better. But my life have become straighter after I start to use Ritaline. Straighter in wondering way. You are the one who is making this choice! If you wonder to high I suggest try meds, also you can always get off them. Choice is yours!


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
I know that, but i just seeking for more information and for experiences of others.
I tried other ways to help myself without medication, but it just won't work.

In a couple of months i take some conversations with doctors and psychiatries and maybe they have other solutions, then taking just medication, but i'm afraid that i'll need them.
Until then i'll keep trying various ways to help myself in a different way, without medication, and from time to time try some medication to experience it myself and to look if i can combine stuff or when i really need them.

For now, thanks to everybody who helped me with this!
I will be watching this topic closely and look it over and over again, from time to time.


17 Mar 2008
If you take the usual meds for ADHD and take them at recommended dosage there is little chance of addiction. Remember that these meds for ADHD are a replacement model not a saturation model. Sometimes you only need a tiny dose to get the effect you desire. You shouldn't be taking them for a "buzz".

In my personal experience I find it real easy to quit taking Ritalin for a while. I call this a "Ritalin vacation". This is one of the chief reasons I take Ritalin. It doesn't need to be taken all the time like other drugs such as Adderal and Straterra. I tried Strattera a while back and it is effective but you need to take it for a week or two before it works plus it gave me the worst dry mouth I've ever experienced and you must take it every day whether you need it or not.

Ritalin on the other hand I can take if I need it then skip a day or two if I don't need it and the next time I take it it will be as effective as it was the first time. Once I did try three 20mg Ritalin tablets and the effects were terrible. Small doses of Ritalin are relaxing to me but large doses makes me jumpy and well "hyper" which is the exact opposite of the reason for taking it in the first place so the potential for abuse of Ritalin for me is practically nil.


25 Mar 2008
i have adhd and take adderall xr 20 mgs. once a day. it helps me concentrate but i never take it i save it for uh... reasons.


25 Mar 2008
i dont usually take it i usually only take it if ineed energy., doesnt get me high but gives me energy and enables me to concentrate w/that energy


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Devo a dit:
i dont usually take it i usually only take it if indeed energy., doesn't get me high but gives me energy and enables me to concentrate w/that energy

You are Abusive user of uppers! I believe that you used Adderall for some time continuously and felt lowering and more lighter effects? And after you pause for some time effects are again sky high! Or this is only my principle!?


29 Avr 2008
After that i realized that a lot of people asked me if i had ADHD because of my behaviour, but i was always convinced that i haven't got ADHD.
That together with the fact that i'm reaction very different on ritalin / speed then others made very clear to me that i indeed probably have it.
When i look back on my life, i can link a lot of problems to ADHD, maybe even almost every problem. And that's not because i want to say, it's not my fault, but the fault of the ADHD, but because almost every problem is caused by my lack of concentration.

It sounds to me like you know.. It's the same way with me.
Know yourself.
I take an adderal when it's really critical that I focus, but that's not often. The only thing that I'd recommend for long term use at all for add would be modanifil.