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Addiction and Weed/Hash


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
Addiction is a neurological issue meaning that if one uses opiates constantly for a long period of time his opiate receptors will change and demand more of drug (like a type of hunger of the mind)

meaning the usage effects ones receptors to a point where like an enlarger stomach they crave more product and need more product to sustain function

this in super laymen terms is what causes physical addiction and cravings.

now its known and accepted that Opiates, cocaine and lets say tobacco have physical dependencies meaning they change a function in our mind that cause a cravings that cause tolerance, we are talking about something physical that causes changes in our neurotransmitters and in our reception of normal body drugs such as indigenous opiates.

then their is pot/hash/weed

considered social (mostly) to be a light non addictive drug

yet it works in similar ways to other drugs mentioned (thc even has light effect on the opiate receptors)and people use it every day and have wants for it and needs for it and cravings. these behaviors wouldn't occur unless something in our brain chemistry has changes. wants dont happen for no reason it all stems from our natural creation of certain drugs and our reception of them in our receptors.

i mean even hunger isint something that obvious the reason we eat is because an empty stomach triggers a want in our minds that connects between the lack of something and a certain action that obtains whats lacking

i hope im not being to general.

anyway waht sepperates thc from other metirials, why do people still have patterns of behaviour of addiction when it comes to thc.

why do we crave it

we dont need it to live we dont NEED it in our everday lifes but we still crave it. what brain reaction causes that need, that want

our we fooling our selves is thc just as addictive as anything else just in a different way. what makes thc more legitimate than other drugs.

i had a long argument about this with my therapist(a man whom i deeply respect intelectualy but he is biased againts drugs and weed in my opinion as if they have no legitimacy in this world)

he told me that in his 40 years of work he has met people that had heavy struggles to stop smocking hash even thought they wanted to stop people around them demanded it(and he recommended a rehab village a place you go to for 3 to 10 months!!!!)

he has met people who got very bad sexual problems from thc like problems with erections or periods(and medically its reasonable because of the fact that thc cells love to bond with our fat and genital area and they don't dissipate that quickly)

and he has met people that has psychotic episodes, eruptions of schizophrenia, and general mental problems like extreme panic attacks(obviously he has no hard evidence of cause and reaction but to him it seems obvious with has large experience that if it wasn't a main cause it was a main catalyst for it)

so i ask what do you think are we just in denial as pot smokers telling our selves that what we are doing is safe or are we abusers like any other drug user and we are fucking with our selves in order to let our habits live on


21 Juil 2007
5 922
you are probably right. :mrgreen: and the question you asked: probably both of it, but we are fucking ourselves with the knowledge that the drug we abuse (if we do) is relatively harmless compared to other shit that is out there. even alcohol is worse lol. if you were that addicted to alcohol like you could be to weed (only psychological or brain chemistry wise too ?) you would most likely be a braindead zombie.



Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
think of it

please think

sit down and ask your self, why do we use drugs?

for example.

why do you smoke, people answer me i want to reasons

i can say without a doubt i was a opiate addict for 3 years and after i stopped at age 20 i immediately and perpously started smoking hash to help with my craving to get high on a daily bases without fucking my life up or getting super depended like with opiates

and for 2 years it has worked for me

but without smoking i would be more energetic, more in tune with whats going on and i would have a better memory. i dont really get anything out of smoking its momenteraly fun and i like the lifestyle but it dosent really add anything to my life or day. i would function better without it no doubt

i do it for the reason i said i have a need to get fucked up a lot and out of all the drugs i tried(and i tried a ton of them)its the lesser of all evils.
but i cant deny that i would function better without it, and it adds nothing to my life.

so people i ask you why do you take drugs?

you can spew out feeling of self improvment and realization but when you really think of it you are mostly stoned and you cannot differ from a realization and an hallucination. if you want to better undertand your self go to a good therapist because you cannot discover your self by you self, you allways need an outside view since between you and your self you have no grasp in reality no proportion. you need a mirror to show you what you really are.

so give me your reasons why do you get high


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hey mate!!!

i think i lived thru a similar thing like you did. i stopped smoking some weeks ago for the reasons you are stating.

the initial reasons to get high got overwritten by some sort of """addiction""", catalysed by some sort of """abuse""".

needless to tell i was smoking A LOT (minimum 500 euro a month, ca. 10 euro a g) but i can't say i didn't enjoy none of it tho.

i can say however that having reached this point and been there for quite a while that it didn't help me anymore that much, actually the opposite became apparent in my life.

so i basically agree with you mate.... but i do think that used in moderation it can greatly enrichen your life, because i cannot deny that this herb has taught me a lot.

so what i am doing is to stop it for how long i think it is necessary and IF i should start again i would do it the better way without abuse. cuz the plant is sacred and to be treated with respect ..

no need to mess one self up with it's abuse. really no need....

thanks for reading and thanks for writing what you did too it kind of boosted my confidence in having done the right thing.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
Im drunk right now so i didnt bother to read properly lol.
Well, sometimes i think we are addicted to different kinds of drugs as a form of escapism.
THC addiction is real, but its not as hardcore.
I find it easy to quit smoking weed, my personal trick is to STOP IT.
Dont cut it down, dont do it less.
Just stop it and go with the flow.
Really, not even the last puff.
If you really want to smoke everyday, make sure your mental health is fit.
Make sure you have other activities, not just one but many.
So it doesnt become the only thing in your life.
Also, i'd like to add that smoking everyday is really boring.
But overall, its not THAT addictive.
And the majority doesnt smoke it every day, and dont need to.
But there are alot of people who do smoke alot, but I think it is ok.
As long the person is happy with life.
If not, i suggest you stop for a while.

To say its non addictive, isnt true by my opinion.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
Im drunk right now so i didnt bother to read properly lol.

Little oftopic, but because this line i remembered a dream from last night. I have never been drunk before, but in this dream, for the first time i started to drink like hell, with all my friends in front of me :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I think it really varies from person to person. When you're smoking to feel normal, that's a sign maybe it's too much. I don't know. I also know some major potheads who are kicking ass with their education/jobs, they work hard and are motivated.

Personally, I smoke it because I really enjoy it, because I'm seeking the effects it produces. When I smoke it too frequently, those effects go away, so it's a huge incentive not to abuse it. I also really enjoy periods of sobriety... i do tons of creative work and then celebrate with a few bowls now and then :) to give you an idea of my habits, I might go through just over a gram in a month by myself (but I smoke a LOT in one session, McKenna styles)

I would say THC is additive in the same way online video games or internet pr0n is addictive: it's so much fun that you might keep doing it to the point where it becomes the norm, then it's not really fun or special anymore. When it is all you have been doing for a while and you stop, you will have to find other things to fill your time.

The easiest way to not get addicted to video games or THC: have hobbies, have a life. THC is a wonderful place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

Now for me about physical addiction.. caffeine, I've been addicted to caffeine all my life. (But to paraphrase William Gibson, I enjoy that particular dependency)


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Mar 2009
People have addictive behaviour, it isn't the drugs that do it. I know people who smoke/vaporize daily and I don't think it is the way to go. It seems like these people are numbing themselves instead of opening up to the divine.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
^well said.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
I don't know anyone who vaporizes or smokes weed daily (except myself). And in these circles of relatives, friends, customers and colleagues there doesn't seem to be anyone interested in opening up to the divine. So in my life, there just aren't any examples that would confirm that statement.

Those who do seem to be opening up to the divine all smoke or vaporize cannabis regularly. Perhaps not daily, but certainly on a weekly basis, and doing a psychedelic every once in a while. The shaivites (followers of Shiva) and rastafarians ingest the herb on a daily basis and claim it brings them closer to God. There have been periods in my life where I felt the same way about it.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Déc 2008
Actually, I don't feel like daily vaporizing stops me from opening to the divine, I just think It would be better/more enlightening if I only used it every few days. Then again, I've never kept that routine up for long so I don't really know.

Praise God! :weedman:


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Mar 2009
I'm not saying it is impossible to use it daily and open up to the divine, I'm just speaking from experience and what I see around me with friends/acquantances. When it becomes a habit, even if it feels good, it looses its function. It is possible to use ritualistically, but when your awareness isn't at the smoking/vaporizing and how it affects you, it doesn't help you with anything.

In my experience, if I use it less, the experience is more rewarding and I don't feel bad if I don't smoke. If I use it between 3 and 7 days a week, it slowly becomes an obsession.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
st.bot.32 a dit:
Now for me about physical addiction.. caffeine, I've been addicted to caffeine all my life. (But to paraphrase William Gibson, I enjoy that particular dependency)

Same here, I drink between 6 and 8 cups a day and cannot abstain. I'll be 'addicted' for life. I get bored, get a different heart pulse without my daily intake of caffeine. And I like the euphoric enthusiasm and stimulation I get from it, but probably because I'm naturally an ecstastic individual, too.

I had smoked cannabis daily for about 2 years, it brought me to what I need to know about cannabis back in days. Perceiving the depth behind everything in the society, the daily life and the deeper characters in people, and of course, observing myself from someone else's angle. This course takes a long time before you realise that it's just an extended field of the mind which always had been there without the cannabis.

To me it wouldn't serve it's purpose anymore to do it daily, it'll turn out in repeatedly the same perception which has peaked throughout the years which have passed. Although I have my times when it's holiday etc.

I'm very fond of once every two weeks an oral ingestion, it works physically very pleasant that way. And it's divinity is great joyness and euphoria when listening to the right music.