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A low dosage of mushrooms, using it like cannabis


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
Hi all,

I was wondering about using low doses of shrooms. I've only tripped on a low dose when I first used mushrooms, after that it was always >30 g fresh or >3 g dried.

Now after a few quite heavy trips I don't feel like flipping my whole world inside out again. Too much tripping is too much, too much fucking with my head, I'll go crazy ;)
So I think I'll do a low dose trip next time, and I was wondering if any of you purposely ingest a small amount of mushrooms sometimes to acquire a certain state of consciousness. You know, like a lot of hiphopproducers smoke marihuana just to get creative.

I wonder what kind of effect 7 g of fresh mushrooms would generate, for example. I think it would not be enough to obviously notice, but it should do something.

Anyway, if you have experience with low doses I'd love to hear. Also how much exactly you ingested. Tnx!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
lol*fan a dit:
Hi all,

I was wondering about using low doses of shrooms. I've only tripped on a low dose when I first used mushrooms, after that it was always >30 g fresh or >3 g dried.

Now after a few quite heavy trips I don't feel like flipping my whole world inside out again. Too much tripping is too much, too much fucking with my head, I'll go crazy ;)
So I think I'll do a low dose trip next time, and I was wondering if any of you purposely ingest a small amount of mushrooms sometimes to acquire a certain state of consciousness. You know, like a lot of hiphopproducers smoke marihuana just to get creative.

I wonder what kind of effect 7 g of fresh mushrooms would generate, for example. I think it would not be enough to obviously notice, but it should do something.

Anyway, if you have experience with low doses I'd love to hear. Also how much exactly you ingested. Tnx!
my first time was about 10-15gs fresh, slightly noticeable effects but not what I'm looking for in mushrooms. If you feel like "too much tripping is too much" maybe the shrooms are telling you something like: "you've had enough for a while, take a break". You could also try a low dose, but I think it will dissapoint you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Too little tripping = too much.

Lowest dose I ever had was about 20 grams. Twas nice &all, but just not the real deal.

My educated guess is that this works better with acid.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Agree with Forkbender, a low level acid dose can still be visual and a world that you get lost in if you are in the right setting and frame of mind.. all my low level mushie doses (1g or less, once 2 1/2 grams super weak) have been just a bit of a pleasant body buzz..

I bet eating a bit of cannabis (instead of smoking, different effect) is more along the lines of what you are thinking of..


21 Juil 2007
5 922
in my experience a low dose of shroom is like speed or maybe similar... it made me fit, active and relaxed... ;)



Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
I have quite a low tolerance to mushrooms so this might not work for you. But i've had great experiences on just one average-sized fresh shroom. For me it's just like ecstasy but with a little tinge of visual enhancement. Everything looks kind of like a painting, the dollhouse-effect it was called on Erowid. Everything just looks deeper I guess? But don't expect much more than a body high, cause for real visuals you need higher doses.

But low doses are great for meditation or to enhance creativity that's for sure, and you can concentrate a lot better without the visual distraction of higher dosages.



i underline all that verusdeus stated, because i also have a very low tolerance to psilocybin/psilocin. one medium shroom is enough to give me a real state of mind, spening hours looking at the texture of stuff, like concrete, flowers, laughing like a mad man, astonished by the beauty of everything and the happiness to be alive. one medium and one small to a person unaware or unexperienced with our tolerance is enough have a bad trip. always start with ridiculous low dosages, and build S-L-O-W-L-Y your way from there. sometimes, if you are unsure, do the same dosage as the last time. don't increase dosages with ABSOLUTE sure that you managed to understand all that you have learned and need more depth do the questions you might have.
being caught by suprise with a full-blown ego death when all you wanted was fun, still with a 10-12h acid trip, or a 6-8h shroom trip ahead of you is, at least if you are alone/with bad company, a very scary thing, and one can do ANYTHING to finish the experience, like jumping out of buildings/bridges...then, the story comes up in the news and then they write that the person thought it could fly. i never heard no one, never, thinking that in a trip one could fly physically, not the flying in OBE's or NDE's kind of way.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Too much tripping is too much, too much fucking with my head, I'll go crazy.
Do you have experience with MDMA?


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Too much tripping is too much, too much fucking with my head, I'll go crazy.
Do you have experience with MDMA?

No sir, not at all. However, I'm not looking for a certain effect but rather I'm curious to know what effects very low doses of mushrooms would have and what potential use it could serve.

Silv, I like how you say that maybe the mushrooms are telling me that I need to take a break with shroom usage. Interesting, I like to think it's just my good ol' ability to reason telling me that 8)

daytripper, good stuff, but I think with good set & setting no real bad things will happen when one turns out to have low tolerance and has a 'bad' trip. And a request on my behalf: could you please start sentences with a capital? It would make your posts a lot more readable.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Change intake of druggie (shrooms, Alica) stuff for some period of time.
I answer like that cause you have sad that your mind is slipping from sanity border. And time away from shroom will enhance next voyage! 8)
Use DXM, Man named Salvia :lol: , Ahuasca, various herbal mixes like ******* ones. I were couple of years in situation like yours, and shrooms made me highly anxious, depressed, wondering&playing with baby psychotic episode! You need something else. Believe me! My cure in that time were Peyote cacti. But also highly different world came in to the myna perceptive and "religiously" being. My advice to you. :) PEACE BRO 8) :)


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
Haha well, instead of switching to another drug, I just stay clean for a while (except for coffee, tea, and now and then some sensimilia); got no problem with that at all 8)

Regarding my sanity: since I quit my Japanese studies at the university last November, I've been taking a lot of time for myself, for self improvement etc. It's been a great time and not having any duties (I saved lutz of money in the past :)) it was no problem spending whole days pondering about what this reality is and if/how I can affect it. I got really into the idea of subjective reality, which in short says there is no separate reality outside you, you create everything. Next thing you know, I started to experience this when on shrooms and coming down was really heavy. I would be like: "WTF? What if this is indeed true?" And sometimes I would be walking outside (undrugged) and feel that I was just inside a dream, that if I'd wake up, I'd be beyond this reality, which would then prove to indeed be just a dream.

These things have all helped me greatly to improve myself, but at some point I realized that I needed to take it easy for a while, if not I might become so alienated from this world that it would seriously affect my ability to function in society.

BTW, my next trip has already been planned: an 8-week-stay in Japan. If that's not going to mess with my head... ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
OK, you figure out by-self what you need to do. Happy for you.
And bout reality? :?: Is reality something Constanta, hard, calculated, determined, role play movie, destiny, Higher Power or Gods plan??? :?:
Or we all together build perceptive construct of the material plane of existence or lightly say: world, Planet Earth? Is it maybe solid mather, made "SOLID-HARD" cause we feel it that way? Fist punch into wall produce pain sensation. But is it maybe that "sensation" only perceptive illusion made by believes implanted into our minds? Why we bleed? Feel pain? But look at fakirs, they can hang on hooks which are pierced through their flesh without bloody wounds and pain?! Or African shaman levitation? (I have seen movie, no gimmicks-tricks!) Are we blind so much? So extremely oriented in society like some Nazi fuck-ups from SS platoon?! Astral, Ethereal, Hells, Heavens, Shadow, Micro-cosmos and Macro-cosmos dimensions and much, much more realities of existence ARE HERE NOW AND WE ARE IN THEM! In some kind of being we are in all of them! But hard solid sanctuary of Planet Earth, predictions, smooth flow of our lives, continuous, Safe! We are feeling and tightly holding to this one, familiar "rock" :roll: Only to be happy?! Is that all? We see all that before! Birth, life, death., CAN? we leave all that at rest? And travel somewhere else? Please tell me? Have you invited such tone of suspicion that we aren't even alive? How can you, anyone tell me-He/She is truly alive? :?: 8) PEACE-LIGHT-BLESS :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
If you're looking for a substitute for cannabis the only substance that resemblances is a medium dose of GHB.

If you want to keep a mushrooms trip somewhere around the equal intensity of cannabis I'd have to say somewhere around 10 grams. Altered thoughts with nothing visual, but a treshold dose of shrooms is a bit daft. Same goes for acid.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
OK, you figure out by-self what you need to do. Happy for you.
And bout reality? :?: Is reality something Constanta, hard, calculated, determined, role play movie, destiny, Higher Power or Gods plan??? :?:
Or we all together build perceptive construct of the material plane of existence or lightly say: world, Planet Earth? Is it maybe solid mather, made "SOLID-HARD" cause we feel it that way? Fist punch into wall produce pain sensation. But is it maybe that "sensation" only perceptive illusion made by believes implanted into our minds? Why we bleed? Feel pain? But look at fakirs, they can hang on hooks which are pierced through their flesh without bloody wounds and pain?! Or African shaman levitation? (I have seen movie, no gimmicks-tricks!) Are we blind so much? So extremely oriented in society like some Nazi fuck-ups from SS platoon?! Astral, Ethereal, Hells, Heavens, Shadow, Micro-cosmos and Macro-cosmos dimensions and much, much more realities of existence ARE HERE NOW AND WE ARE IN THEM! In some kind of being we are in all of them! But hard solid sanctuary of Planet Earth, predictions, smooth flow of our lives, continuous, Safe! We are feeling and tightly holding to this one, familiar "rock" :roll: Only to be happy?! Is that all? We see all that before! Birth, life, death., CAN? we leave all that at rest? And travel somewhere else? Please tell me? Have you invited such tone of suspicion that we aren't even alive? How can you, anyone tell me-He/She is truly alive? :?: 8) PEACE-LIGHT-BLESS :)

Wow... now that's a stream of thoughts! And hard to follow because of your English. Anyway, as far as I know, you only exist within me, to help me reflect upon myself and learn from myself, hehe :P

But ehm... good questions. Keep thinking and you'll reach a conclusion someday that will satisfy you. My conclusion after a lot of tripping: it doesn't matter what is real, what you believe to be real or choose to be real is what matters.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
And sometimes I would be walking outside (undrugged) and feel that I was just inside a dream, that if I'd wake up, I'd be beyond this reality, which would then prove to indeed be just a dream.

Man... i've been feeling like that alllll my life ;) The matrix didn't take too well to me..


I know a lot of people who swear by threshold doses.. they like having a connection to the thought patterns of acid, etc, without being overwhelmed.. they tend to use it when say making art or something...

Not really for me either, I prefer the full experience or just not bother, but some do find low doses useful.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
ST.Boot.32 you are speaking truth. Threshold doses maybe are useful at beginning but after third one no new XP emerges out. Only agitation, bad thoughts or even depression can come out! Threshold is good only if you are not XP user or maybe highly allergic to many outside influences.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Exactly, after having tried it a couple times I found... It's not challenging, therefore I don't get anything out of it. And the annoyance of kind of bobbing up and down just below let's call it the "first plateau" without having it actually kick in.. really got on my nerves.

But yeah, to each their own, if it works for someone else, all the more power to them.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I used to get nice experiences in the past with a low dose (like 1g, 2g) and a bottle of wine or a sixpack of beer. It sometimes was a bit like being drunk for the first time in your life, only even funnier and a bit weirder. Othertimes it was a bit like ecstasy with a more psychedelic twist.

Really low doses of shrooms always made me fit, combined with alcohol that was nice, but not really worth it.

Nowadays I kind of hate smaller doses of shrooms. I tried again roughly 2g max. with some red wine like half a year ago - and it got on my nerves enourmously. It felt like I was getting every possible bad side effects from the shrooms without a positive one. I felt tired and ice-cold - just like the moment when you usually know "in the next few minutes the ride is going to begin". Only with the 2g it didn't begin. It didn't feel psychedelic at all, I was really pissed because it didn't work like in the years before I had taken bigger doses. But then I accepted it and realized it was just another way of the shrooms to tell me: "don't abuse us for recreational enjoyment. You're over that stage, we won't give you that anymore!"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
lol*fan a dit:
And a request on my behalf: could you please start sentences with a capital? It would make your posts a lot more readable.

lol is this a joke?


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
???????? a dit:
lol*fan a dit:
And a request on my behalf: could you please start sentences with a capital? It would make your posts a lot more readable.

lol is this a joke?[/quote:1nxhlmip]
I'm bloody serious mate. Capitals actually do serve a purpose for a lot of people, even though you might not be aware of that.