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Je m'inscris!

A little bit of me

Trippin Spacer

Matrice périnatale
28 Juil 2013
Hi there, nice to meet you.

As this is the introduction section of the forum, I shall introduce myself i guess :)
But where do I begin? My name of course, is Robby. On the internet I usually go by 'Trippin Spacer', to keep a certain anonymity on the web.
A name is merely a label anyways :p
I'm from Belgium, a small country in between France, Holland and Germany. My apologies if my English is a bit rough here and there, my native language is Dutch actually...

Anyway, I came across this forum in the search for some answers. There are some questions that have been going through my mind for weeks, months actually. But let me start with how I got to these questions, so here's a little history of me.

In high school I was kind of the weird kid in class, somewhat of an outsider. I was an alternative geek who was interested in technology, the universe and its beautiful laws of physics. I got good grades and all, everything was fine. But somewhere along the ride I encountered cannabis. A lovely plant that kinda grew on me. Not only was it enjoyable, it also opened my mind.
Now, I'm not a fan of the stepping-stone theory, but there's some truth to it. As pot opened my mind to a new way of thinking, I came across magic mushrooms. That was around August 2009. Later on in college, around May 2011, I got to try acid a couple of times, but that stayed with just a couple of times.
But the mushrooms on the other hand, really got my interest. Over the past 3-4 years I've been using them every few months. I enjoyed the effects of the mushies, colors were beautiful, music was beautiful, i had lots of happy sensations, and so on. But what I now realize is that every time I did these, I became increasingly 'one with the universe'. And one night, late 2012, I had a magical trip that would throw my life around.
It felt like I left my body, like I left the physical dimension and crossed to a place of beauty, music, light and love. This was so real to me that I started getting deeper into the subject of entheogenic plants and their spiritual experiences. I learned a whole new way of thinking about myself, my surroundings, other people, and so on.

I hope I find answers to some of the questions I have. I believe that this might be a good place to start.

Love and Light people!


27 Juil 2013
Hi Robby,

nice Introduction. It was interesting to read that you had actually some spiritual experiences (I don`t mean religious) with mushrooms. I took `em once last year in December and it was absolutely great...it showed me so many things and I got answers to questions that obviously were deep inside my subconsciousness...it blew me away. I left my body for a couple of seconds, got scared and went back in....very strange feeling. Anyways....welcome and if you wanna chat about this, I`m totally in


Trippin Spacer

Matrice périnatale
28 Juil 2013
Thank you for your reply Stargazer, nice to meet you :)

Well, one of the reasons I joined a forum is to connect with people with whom I could share opinions and ideas. Since there aren't many people in my social environment that have experience in this subject.

Since I only had this one journey to beyond, and I don't remember too much detail of the trip, I'm stuck with many questions. It is like you described the leaving of one's physical body, be it just a couple of seconds or hours. I don't remember how long I was out (time didn't seem to be relevant during this experience). This felt like a sort of awakening to the universe and all its power, beauty and love.

Anyway, there are lots of ideas floating through my mind, and I still need to figure out what piece of the puzzle goes where, but I'm holding on to the fact that everything will work itself out eventually.
So in other words, I'm all ears for your ideas and philosophies on these subjects, open a different perspective on things if you will.

Love and light :)


27 Juil 2013
Yea Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming are two other things I am interested in. I am just reading a book about Astral Projection, you can do that without taking any helpers. Next time I`m on a higher conscious state, I will definitely project, then I know what to expect. I found out during my mushroom experience, that I can control it. I saw the actual frequency, like the wavelength...that looks so cool. Everything is energy, vibration, frequency. Somehow in that state we must be able to alter our vibrational state and tune into the other frequencies....by thought and volition. It works and is awesome. So next time I will leave my body. And yea again, I was out there in the universe, it showed me things, absolutely crazy. I looked at my hands and the human body somehow was just disgusting....I felt some sort of an arrogance towards the mortal human body. Man it was awesome. And I gotta agree with you, in that higher state of consciousness the concept of time has absolutely no value. It felt like I have been up there for an eternity. I`m just wondering, if mushrooms already let me have such deep insight.....what will Ayahuasca allow me to see? Crazy
What kind of thoughts are floating around in your head? I like to see a new perspective as well, there is so much to learn.



30 Mai 2013
Hi there first of all welcome to the community..up here you will definitely get the answers to your questions. Just have a great time here and i am hoping to see more of you at this forum.


Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
Hey Robby welcome to the forum.
Magic mushrooms can be powerful. I have a lot of experience with magic mushrooms myself, i can understand where you,re coming from.
Nice to see a new member. I am looking forward to you,re questions.
I am from the Netherlands myself so dutch is also my native language. I now have the username Finarfin before i was known as magickmumu.

Trippin Spacer

Matrice périnatale
28 Juil 2013
Thanks for the welcome guys :)

@Stargazer: I really liked how you described your trip to the skies. I felt exactly the same, it was awesome. I was in complete awe of the experience, unfortunately, at some point I think I got scared, cause that's the feeling that remained when i came down. Ever since, that fear has been holding me back on my trips. I know I need to overcome this fear, but it's going to take some time i guess. My search for knowledge of the shrooms was insatiable. I'm definitely not saying never, instead I believe in everything in its time, when I'm ready.

In despite of this obstacle, the experience was so beautiful that it really made me appreciate life in a whole other way. So recently I've started reading books, re-discovering how fun it is to actually hold and read a book. Currently I'm reading a book about Buddhism actually. I find it an interesting attitude towards life, that I try to apply in life. But it's hard fitting it in with work and all. Nevertheless, I'm going to follow through with it and carry on finding my way in life when I can.

I've also read a bit about astral projection and lucid dreaming, it seems really interesting and I would like to try it. Unfortunately, I work quite long hours so when I get home it's just sleep. But like the meditation, I'm not giving up and continuing pursuit of exploring this new realm.

@Finarfin: Looking forward to some of your views as well, maybe you could shed some light for me then. Because even though I'm learning on Buddhism, i would like to know what it really is that I experienced so fiercely. Is it the soul? Is it God? Is it the Oneness of All that is? How does one connect with their Higher Self? The list goes on, and I've been breaking my head at these questions some times. But in my heart I feel there's more to it, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the whole package of information. There are so many ideas to explore, to learn, to adapt and adopt.

I must say this is all quite relieving for me, actually writing stuff down, connecting with others. So again thanks for the warm welcome.
Anyway, I'm actually leaving on a little vacation/retreat tomorrow, just to get some stress unloaded, recharge a bit, have some fun along the way and enjoy nature :)
So this will be me signing off, until next time!

Love and Light :)


27 Juil 2013
That is too bad, that you were left with the feeling of fear. In my case the whole experience lasted about 7 hours until I finally could sleep. What I forgot, it also showed me how everything is connected, it was looking like dots...and on what basis we are really making our important life changing decisions..I saw it and tried to explain it to my buddy, he couldn`t grasp it and told me to write it down....I just could not put in words, what I was shown. And something else I wanted to mention, human language can NOT describe the beauty of what I was shown, it`d fry our human little brains to know all the answers, we could not comprehend the knowledge. That was the strongest feeling, that I took back from my journey. In the end my brain got raped for almost two hours......by thoughts. I tried to sleep and just couldn`t....so many thoughts, stuff I would never think about....all smart stuff I could not come up with usually...and it all made so much sense. That explains another theory I believe in. QP again, thoughts are energy, not in our brain but out there within the cosmic consciousness. We just tune into them, and once that connection is open, it just keeps coming...never ending transmission of universal knowledge......it hurts. LOL.....that is how I would explain it in my humble mind.

Anyways, I started my spiritual journey almost 2 years ago actually with buddhism and books about it. I ain`t no buddhist but I think it comes the closest to what I believe, but I still want to keep my mind open for other things. We still don`t know nothing about what`s going on...and it will still take a long time for humanity to wake up...that is my outcome of the whole thing.
I could write so much more, but I think in the "Introduction" thread it probably wouldn`t be appropriate. If you want PM me or we just keep going here if you wish. Cause like it is for you, it feels damn good to talk to like minded people about it, people that understand.

thanks for reading :-)
