a list of herbs i want to try

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Matrice Périnatale
8) Ihave a list of herbs i want to try-out,but i'm not too sure if they are worth my time..i'm kooking for something maybe similar to canabis in effects(or close to it)..my list is: lousewort,indian warrior,blue lotus,skullcap,motherwort,yerba lena yesca,uva ursi,california,and prickly poppy,baybean,intoxicating mint,wild dagga,mugwort,and macha brava,0also called zornia lattiflora....any honest and unbiased opinions on these herbs would be greatly appreciated.. i could'nt get an opinion on other boards.
wild dagga is nice in combination with cannabis but on itself its weak, i always get calmer but it's a kind of boring calm i get.
do you mean catmint when you mean intoxicating mint?
it gives a special kind of chill but you only start to recognise it after smoking it a few times. haven't tried the tea yet, soon will.
it seems that indian warrior is very nice but i haven't tried some yet.
the thing with most herbals is that some people like it and some don't.
don't expect a very cannabis-like high or you may be dissapointed.
friends of mine who i offered some wild dagga or marihuanilla didn't feel anything, but that's because they expected a cannabis high. they look for the wrong "space".
it's a bit like salvia, you have to recognise the "space" and later, you'll find it with no problem

have fun
Meduzz is right. In my opinion most of the herbs I've tried give interesting results when mixed. Smoking solo doesn't seem worth it. Most of the herbs people say you have to smoke a lot of plant material to achieve results but they tend to be much harsher than weed.

If you try Wild Dagga (or Lion's Tail) try to buy only the flowers (Bright orange). They seem to be the best.

Blue Lotus I hear is well worth a try. Let us know what you think.
Yes, forget the term "cannabis like high".
It increases sales hence it wont die; sets wrong expectations.
Nothing is like cannabis except cannabis.

Comments about herbs of your list I've tried

Intoximating mint aint cat mint.
Tried intoximating mint once -> gave me no effects at all.
Not even the ligestest buzz.
Blue lotus is nice, but very expensive.
Very subtile, difficult to explain mild effects. Bad price/effect ratio.
Skullcap -> has some (mildly) relaxing properties.
Mugwort -> Similar to skullcap, relaxing; I prefer Wormwood.

I wouldn't call the effects of those herbs as "high"/psychoactive.
Enhanced well-being fitting better ...

Indian worrior -> on my "to try" list, heared a lot about it :-)
Kava is a plant whose effects I'd call a "high".
No a cannabis like high, a Kava high.

hth, lb
8) First, i want to thank those of you here for at least giving an answer...on SOME of these so-called forums all i hear is a lot fraidy-cat b.s. people so afraid of incriminating themselves,they hide behind cowardly acronyms such as swim, or my cat....what a bunch of chicken shits! i thought these forums were set-up to openly and honestly discuss herbs and their effects..marijuana is just as much an herb as any other,and its use and enjoyment should be openly discussed without any fear of reprisals..remember genisis1:19,, or as we used to say in the '60's...FIGHT THE POWER!!
that's cause you ain't bin readyn' ma' posts yung mane!
:P ........my CAT tryed some catnip and he likes it
LOL just kidding, i do have a cat (the animal!!!) though and he REALLY likes catnip....
However the Mugworth is nice i liked it, it's also cheap too!
i can't tell you of other things
i haven't tried them...
I tried Galangal though
(better than Nutmeg :\ ooooohhhhh shiver shiver i still wonder how i managed)
in my haste to type alll the info i wanted on my last post,i mistakenly mis-quoted the verse i wanted to post. it is genesis 1:29,not 19...oops..sorry about that folks!
please do remind me what it says i haven't been reading the Bible in a while...
Ive done skullcap, if you smoke a looooot of it you can actually have very mild hallucinations my friend and I thought we experienced heightened auditory sense and it is a very relaxing herb Wild dagga like Meduzz said is very nice in combination with some weed I also want to try blue lotus ive read a lot about it on erowid seems like an interesting experience
Dantediv86 a dit:
that's cause you ain't bin readyn' ma' posts yung mane!
:P ........my CAT tryed some catnip and he likes it
LOL just kidding, i do have a cat (the animal!!!) though and he REALLY likes catnip....

And when is he going to register ? Can't wait to see his trip report !
He's so stoned at the moment he won't be registering for a while... he's still chasing the MOUSE by the way :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
lion's tail or wild dagga isn't that much.
I had these plants and I smoked leaves and flowers, the high is a bit boring.. taste of the smoke is rather dull too..
Blue lotus on the other hand!
You should get your hands on it :)
I once mixed a extract of it with white wine and woo never been so high!!
I think most of the relaxing herbs have a potency and/or saturation point problem, when being used as an alternative for cannabis. I have tried about 5-10 different ones, both extracts and dried-but-further-unprocessed plant material. I have tried on empty stomach in the morning while sober, I have tried while high on thc and other psychedelics.

Most drugs seem to have a saturation point. The best example to explain this, that I can think of now, is the fact that mushrooms and LSD seem to reach a point of maximum intensity and otherworldlyness that ayahuasca can easily add some more to. Iboga goes even further out of the realms of ordinary consciousness and cannot be compared to the intensity ranges of the classic psychedelics. So at a certain dose, a drug reaches a saturation point and the intensity cannot be any higher. Just like taking more than 500 mcg of LSD does not give stronger effects in most people (I refer too LSD Psychotherapy by S. Grof, who talks about this saturation point as well).

In my mind the saturation point of many cannabis alternatives is a lot lower than thc, so this means by nature they already have a limit as to how high they can make you. But I haven't performed enough experiments or reading up to be entirely sure about this point, so criticism is more than welcome.

Add up to this the potency problem: You need to administer large amounts of plant material because of the low potency of the plants. Usually it is smoked. Most of the smoke you inhale is inactive, so it takes many draws, puffs and lungfulls to actually start feeling something. You can overcome this by using extracts. I have tried extracts of dagga and kratom and they were quite nice.

Anyway, I think high doses of vaporized cannabis or pure-smoked hash or cannabis is a lot more like very low doses of classic psychedelics than any of the catmint, passionflower, damiana, mulungu, mugwort, etc. herbs. Combinations of low doses of psychedelics with relaxing herbs like kratom might be interesting to research.

What also comes quite close to the relaxing properties of cannabis, in my experience, is ingesting 3-5 grams of kratom resin extract. Then again, some people report itching or increased energy levels on similar doses, so it's still a matter of trial and error in this respect.

There is, btw, a cannabis church, so you can, according to what they claim, legally use cannabis all over the world for spiritual, religious purposes when you become a member (see http://www.thc-ministry.org/). I talked with the guy who runs the Amsterdam office and he says they've won several cases in Holland and the US, preventing people from ending up with severe penalties for having a couple of joints (US) or for having 80 plants (Holland).
I've had a go with blue lotus, bought it on Iamshaman.com, Drank it in a tea I put about 1 1/2 tablespoons into a teabag boiled it on my stove in water for 10 min. I poured the water in a mug and left the teabag in. Felt calm and my brain was pretty fuzzy, felt a little dizzy, but it was good. Listened to some music and watched TV. Bought an ounce of the stuff so it'll last awhile. Next up is passion flower; already have it.
No safe herbs are similar to cannabis or even come near the strength of its effects . The herbs that do do something are dangerous . All of the herbs mentioned have been known to man for thousands of years and havent caused people to use them in any quantity anywhere at any time = most people dont think the effects , if ther are any effects , are worth the trouble . Humanity is a sort of democracy = the herbs that have been popular for thousands of years are the herbs that actualy do something that the most users think is worth dooing .
Well, Blue Lotus definitely not on par as cannibas, and I hope it didn't come off that I was trying to say that. I think blue lotus is mild sedative and can be used to relax, or to help with insomnia.
"and I hope it didn't come off that I was trying to say that"

No mate , it didnt , maybe i was a bit to snoty again . Sorry if anyone felt shot down . Its good to hear about everyones experiences . What i said wasnt aimed at anyone , i was just trying to put things in relationship .

"I think blue lotus is mild sedative and can be used to relax, or to help with insomnia."

Sounds like what i need at the moment to help me get a decent sleep .
Yeah, first I got a bit of a head buzz, but then I was really tired. I paid $14 for ounce, could be a cheap sleeping remedy. I know how bad it is when you can't sleep(once didn't sleep for 3 days, started to mildly hallucinate, not in a good way). I think passion flower is supposed to be a sedative too, albeit a weaker one. Paid $14 for 16 ounces.
"once didn't sleep for 3 days, started to mildly hallucinate, not in a good way"

Sounds like you had some real speed , and i know those speed hallucinations that come after three days , they are sneaky , gray and jumpy .