2C-E Trip report

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion phatass
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
I had allready had a lot of experience with psychadelics 2C-I, 2C-B, LSD, 2C-T-7, shrooms, ketamine... but when i first time i tried this drug (2C-E) i litterally fell in love...

i started by doing approx 20mg line, i also had some mephedrone and bk-MDMA, my friends had some coke and hash, so i do as allways, i take 20mg of 2C-E (i like to trip heavy)... and a 150mg line of mephedrone, and a couple of lines of bk-MDMA probably about 200mg, i was mad pumped.

I decided tha this was special and felt an urge to share, so i went to my friends appartment, and racked up lines of everything for everyone for free, (probably, 40mg of 2C-E, half a G of mephedrone in lines and same wih the bk-mdma).. some try the 2C-E, and BLAM, like a screw driver in the nose, then the hallucinations started (for them) mine had started earlier)

The 2C-E hallucinations are actually more visual than i expected, slightly like LSD or shrooms, but less deformaton and more colourfull and the edges would glow with different colors, like waves of colors would eminate from objects and people, like good vibes, then i would get neutral vibes from various people even just walking down the road on 2C-E and some very negative frightening vibes from some, like dark collors eminating from them, at least thats what my brain was making of the whole thing.

2C-E also makes me very content with most things around me, its slightly introspective (less than LSD), but there was definately more euphoria, like a small dose of MDMA... I didn't think of my problems and was care free.

However the night where i did the 2C-E coke/hash/mephedrone/ and methylone, on of my friends stayed blocked, like something was looping in his head, he's not used to psychs, and i feel kindof bad for offering to him cause he was drunk too, i stayed for a while with my friends then me another friend who hadn't dropped and my friend who was bad tripping went outside, and he was driving me crazy, became a bit violent, so i left him with one of his best mates...

Now the half hour walk back to my place was indeed very interesting, i felt very connected to nature, i could see like lines connecting the grass together, (happened to me on LSD my friend said i was seeing the "energy" of nature), this was quite amazing.

When i got home i took some valiums and meprobamate to chill out from the mephedrone which had my teeth grinding, it helped, i also ook another line of 2C-E.. coninued tripping, listening to music and making sure everyone was being nice in BDD

Apart from 1G of 2C-I this was the first time i'd tripped since new years so i did go over the top, finished my gram in 12 days, and "moved" about 150mg also gave away about 100mg... i just couldn't help it.. IM, sniffing, oral, plugging, were all great allthough i'm not a big fan of plugging it does hurt less than sniffing or IM...

The close eye visuals are pretty amazing too, when i would close my eyes i would see graffiti everywhere, letters, or when i was clubbing i would close my eyes and see mad symetrical forms forming, lots of colors, as for OEV's when i looked llong at an object (starring) it would morph into different shapes (at high doses)

I also went to a Drum n Bass party on MDMA, xtc pills tested positive for MDMA and 2C-E, and it synergised very nicely, we MC'ed with some friends, and chatted to loads of people at the party, it was nice coz you could smoke joints... niiice...

Alltogether a wonderfull drug, i enjoyed more than the other 2C's, and recommend 3 thumbs up to all out there who love psychadelics, hope you enjoyed the read, (i'm not very good at writting TR's)

PEACE! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
et Zut .
tu peux faire la meme en francais STP ? ^^
(une quiche en anglais moi :oops: )
lol^^t serieu mr oogie... ofet bigup pour ton statut de modo... moi jsuis passé modo sur Bluelight :wink:
You get any of the 'body orgasms'? :D
Pfew, don't know what to say. Combining psychedelics with coke, valium and all that other stuff... Sounds like sooner or later you or one of your friends is going to get hurt, physically or psychologically. :cry:
phatass a dit:
^^nope can't say i did... care to explain further?

It's hard to explain on something like a 25mg plugged dose if you can ignore the body load you get and ultimate euphoric feeling throughout your body, I've discussed this with many other people and we all agreed that the only thing that comes close to explaining it is, 'body orgasms'.\

One of those feelings that is really just indescribable.
^^ didn't really get that, a bit when i IM'ed but the bodyload is so present at first when plugged, im'ed or sniffed that i only get the real euphoria 10 minutes in...
Personally I couldn't mix mephedrone with anything.. the body rush (and heart rate) from it just by itself is already almost too intense for me, as is the head trip.

I've heard that of all the 2C's, 2CE is by far the most 'psychedelic'. I tried a small dose a month or so ago and have to say I was quite impressed, even at a threshold dose, the sensory crossover was extraordinary. It's in a completely different league than 2CI. Maybe sometime later this winter I'll try revisiting 2CE.

As far as the 'full body orgasms' go, that's happened to me on about 11mg of 2CI.. (and once on LSD)
Has anybody dealt with a 2C-E supplier called EastCoastChems.com? I found them through eBay where they advertise their website. They have 100% feedback on eBay but what about the website? Anybody?
All I have to say is, LoL at buying drugs off eBay.
Even though there's practically no existing information about eastcoastchems.com on Google, I went ahead and placed an order with those guys two days ago after my previous post. So far they're at least communicating pretty fast. I'll let people know what happens. Keeping all fingers and extremities crossed for 20mg of 2C-E!
2C-E is marvellous !
Awesome! Yes, 2C-E is fucking fantastic! So I ordered from EastCoastChems.com and they actually came through! It took four days to get here. I got 20 mg's, and it's definitely very pure. The real deal. Needless to say, I had a very interesting day yesterday! Just thought I'd let everyone know.
Would you mind stopping your not-so-hidden, continuous advertissement stuffseeker ?

In 3 posts, you mentionned 3 times the same website.

Get away.