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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Luci

    Philosopher's stones growbox

    Hi I just received mt order thanks to ******* :) two philosopher's stones growboxes. I read the instructions and all but I still want know, from someone who actually grew them, if the 22-24 degrees temperatue is really that important. I mean if it sometime varies, like to 26, 27 degerrs, what...
  2. Luci

    Peruvian Toch

    And how much of the cactus should be in the soil? Once i.ve read that at least 2 - 3 centimeters must be in there. Is that true?
  3. Luci

    Peruvian Toch

    Hi I just received A peruvian torch , 8 cm, and I want to know what to do next. I've read several info on the internet, but I want to know from experienced growers. What kind of soil should I use, if I must mix it with anything else, do I need to put it straight in the soil for it to get roots...
  4. Luci

    Thank You *******

    I have Just received my order and I'm very plased with it. :P 8)
  5. Luci

    Philosofer's stones

    Ok thatks a lot and well.... another question. If I dry them what is the dosage I should take?
  6. Luci

    Philosofer's stones

    So.... I have a few questions related to them. The first is if I can dry them and if I do, how? The second, how long can I keep them [dried and fresh] and what's the best wat to store them? Any help is apreciated. :)
  7. Luci

    Cubensis Growbox

    Well thank you, I'll keep you all informed about the evolution of my growkit. 8)
  8. Luci

    Cubensis Growbox

    Ok... so I ordered and received :D :D this growbox from *******, and I have read the instructions and I did what they said. It has two days and my question is about water. Do I need to put more water or is it ok with what it's it's left after i got read of the surplus?