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Résultats de la recherche

  1. phalaris

    Woensdag 29 juli Psychonaut Meeting?

    Tof, het topic leeft nog :)
  2. phalaris

    Woensdag 29 juli Psychonaut Meeting?

    Zit er nog een nieuwe meeting aan te komen ?, en zo niet: Wordt het dan geen tijd voor een nieuwe meeting ? P.
  3. phalaris

    Laundry day

  4. phalaris

    12 Poisoned in Berlin Group Therapy, 2 Die

    This makes me sad.
  5. phalaris

    Need help for mushrooms identification

    They look like old amanitas muscarias or amanita pantherina that suffered from rain and animals. But no way to be sure from these photos. As they age the cap gets curved and spilts at the edge. Amanitas phantherina look quite similar to the muscarias, but when fresh they are more brownish. The...
  6. phalaris

    Are we going to make it?

    Tnx for this super reference by Dr. A. Albert Bartlett !
  7. phalaris

    Are we going to make it?

    Yes, those two are intimately connected. I am quite sure the species Homo-Sapiens will survive in one form of another in the long run. What I am not so sure about is what the population size will be. Try playing around with this simulator. You'll find that practically the full parameterspace...
  8. phalaris

    Oil replacement

    and I'll first adress your points, then add some of my own. - No one is paying me. In fact, I am very pro alternative energy sources or its devellopment. - A battery is not that great as energy carrier at all, the energy density of the best lithium batteries is less than 1/10th of liquid...
  9. phalaris

    Oil replacement

    In what way ? Fossil fuels are an energy carrier, as well as a energy source. The youtube movie does not show an alternative energy carrier, it shown an alternative way to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. The process only transforms the energy. The energy in the experiment still...
  10. phalaris

    Oil replacement

    I see a nice alternative to electrolysis However, the energy is not coming from the water, it is put into the system by the external radiofrequency beam. Nice though.
  11. phalaris

    Some pictures of my new plants that I like to share with you

    Yeah, it zooms down into the cellular structure of the peyotes. nice pics btw..
  12. phalaris

    word association part deux.

  13. phalaris

    word association part deux.

    See Clarke.
  14. phalaris

    Woensdag 29 juli Psychonaut Meeting?

    Was chill. Nu chill thuis. Grt, P.
  15. phalaris

    Dank - Subliminal message

    Ingenieur (ir.) in de chemische technologie. Ik ga eerst even totaal iets anders doen dan mijn vakgebied, als een soort vakantie-maar-dan-betaald. Op naar het echte leven ! :) P.
  16. phalaris

    Dank - Subliminal message

    Hallo mensen, Dank je wel voor de inspiratie, klankbord, vreugde, maar ook steun, dat ik hier gevonden heb. Ik was tot voor kort druk in de weer om mijn studie af te ronden; dat is de rede dat ik nauwelijk op het forum te vinden was. Dat is nu gelukkig allemaal achter de rug, ik ben nu Ir...
  17. phalaris

    Picture Association!

  18. phalaris

    Word Association!

  19. phalaris

    Picture Association!
