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Résultats de la recherche

  1. AyahuascaJourney

    The Use of Psychedelics as Medicine

    Our society has spent decades teaching us that drugs are bad. Many of the children of the 80's and 90's can vividly remember Nancy Regan telling us all to "Just Say No". But recently there has been an increased interest by the scientific community in the use of psychedelics for use as...
  2. AyahuascaJourney

    Understanding the Univers (I Reject The Society You Gave Me)

    Many of us, myself included, spent a good portion of our lives looking at the universe and trying to understand it from the perspective of others. We are taught by our parents and our society that there is a way that things are supposed to be done. So what do we do when the agenda of our...
  3. AyahuascaJourney

    How Can We Raise Our Consciousness

    Consciousness is defined as the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings, but how do we become conscious and aware? The idea of consciousness is not a passing stage in our world, people have been seeking ways to expand their consciousness for thousands of years.There are many ways...
  4. AyahuascaJourney

    My First Ayahuasca Experience

    I recently traveled to Iquitos to experience Ayahuasca, my first experience was incredibly intense. You can ready about my experiences at Ayahuasca Journey
  5. AyahuascaJourney

    Ayahuasca Journey - What is Reality

    Read my most recent musings on reality and my experiences with Ayahuasca Ayahuasca Journey I would appreciate any feedback, or reach out to me if you would like to be a guest author