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Résultats de la recherche

  1. I

    Dollars n sense.

    This is an honest question so anyone feel free to share thoughts and opinions on the subject. What do you think about the U.S. Dollar/Economy and it's direction?.. I have no opinion or agenda yet on the subject. I'm sure we are all aware of all the conflicting info out there though.
  2. I

    Which clocks are right?

  3. I

    Grow up = strive to survive?

    Does being an adult mean you have to strive to survive? If everyone was supplied with the bare essentials of survival for no other reason than being a citizen of the country that provides them would their be much for them to complain about? To elaborate, if every man woman and child born...
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    life through out the universe evolved from the same being

    That's why there is no body of matter in the cosmos that does not have a soul Our souls are the very literal core of our being. It is where our energy of life gravitates to in the center of our minds. It's like the lone black hole in the center of our conscious perspective. Pulling in...
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    Journey to the sun

    The Closer and closer we travel to the sun the more and more we would be coming in contact with every possible element in the atmosphere of our solar system. By discovering each element in the disseminations of the suns energies and analyzing how every combination of every element react to one...
  6. I

    Filthy rich..

    The wealthiest people in the world have OCD because they are so perfectionate. They notice every last detail down to the particle. Every out of place or non parallel hair on someones head. Every thread in someones garment within their vicinity is scanned for the slightest imperfection as a...
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    Empathize and be more than an animal

    Shed your conscious perspective. Your ego. Your upbringing. Your thirst. Your hunger. Your wants and needs. Only then are you able to see things from different perspectives and truly understand them. It works both ways. Shed your bias. Neutralize your own thinking like a civilized being. Or...
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    Light is produced every time universes come apart and heat is also a byproduct. When universes come back together darkness and cold are the byproduct. This is true on a macro level And on an atomic level. On an atomic level, sub atom sub atomic particles move so fast that we never even know...
  9. I

    Billionaires and World War Two?..

    Did the early 20th century billionaires of the world, after seeing what WW1 did for Industry and production. Come up with a plan to fund the Nazi party and provide a mad man with the desire, the means and supplies with which to start WW2? What happened after WW2 ended...
  10. I

    Viruses are as old as the universe itself 

    Aliens are the rulers of the micro universe that want to destroy us because of our mass consumption of elements in and in an attempt at an act of conservation of the macro universe. By eliminating the beings that have thrived in the macro verse they will have ensured the optimum preservation of...
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    Our reality is the barrier between us and the next universe. When we travel faster than the light of our conscious universe our bodies become energy effectively killing us and in turn transporting us to the next universe and life. The afterlife is the next life. Our nextlives are our afterlives...
  12. I

    Your thought on two statements and 2 questions...

    The affects of "drugs" are like the joy you feel when doing something you would want to do indefinitely without having to do anything else for the rest of eternity. When something occurs in the imagination of anything in the universe with an imagination. It becomes reality in different...