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Résultats de la recherche

  1. madprossor

    Send your $10 to the TaxCannabis Campaign in California

    the website is http://www.taxcannabis2010.org/ and if you choose you can click on "Contribute". in the past i had my personal differences with some of the language in the TaxCannabis initiative, but good people like Richard Lee (the dude is crippled in a wheelchair and fears nothing) have...
  2. madprossor

    Summer of Love 42nd Anniversary MHRB Tek

    hi everybody, in celebration of the 42nd anniversary of the Summer of Love a MHRB tek which is slightly different from existing teks has been published on mycotopia- http://forums.mycotopia.net/botanicals- ... 3-stb.html what do y'all think?