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  1. Adder

    medical complications with salvia

    I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV :) but my opinion is that you probably won't have any trouble with the drugs interacting. Salvia seems to be very good about not reacting chemically with medications but it might aggravate the underlying condition. The four or five trips I've been on...
  2. Adder


    Pharmacist to a customer: I'm sorry we can't sell that drug anymore. It seems the side effects were entirely too pleasant. :lol: I've always found that joke to have quite a bit of truth in it. Same with marijuana. I saw a show a few weeks ago about MJ. It was a good show overall but it really...
  3. Adder

    avoid helicopter detection

    Avoiding helicopters is easy. Just get a big house with an in ground pool. Now get a tarp to cover it with an image of the pool on it. Put that over the empty pool and your growing operation under the tarp. Also as extra insurance you need a few hot girls to sunbathe topless on the beach next to...
  4. Adder

    Attention deficit

    PET (Positron Emission Tomography) tests have shown a reduced activity level in the brains of people with ADD-ADHD. The theory is that with reduced brain activity the patient is self stimulating to bring the brain to normal activity level. There is a difference in the brains of people with ADD...
  5. Adder

    Attention deficit

    Bless you for saying that. :D Have you read "Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perspective" by Thom Hartman? I don't find weed much help with memory either. Makes my memory a lot worse but it does help with sleep and turns off any racing thoughts so I can relax better. Without it I...
  6. Adder

    My trips into 3 different realms. Were yours similar?

    I've done Salvia 4 or 5 times. In all I seemed to end up in the same other "reality". The main thing I noticed was that the other reality was a lot more "clean" than ours like all the ills of our world didn't exist there. Once I even sensed other beings but I was reluctant to investigate them...
  7. Adder

    paranoia control?

    I tend to get paranoia right before the hunger kicks in. I've found that eating a small meal (not a large one) just before smoking helps keep the paranoia away. Also I've found that acknowledging the source of the paranoid feelings can make them less powerful. Whenever I start feeling paranoid I...
  8. Adder

    a life worth living....

    I'd start with a good kit for long distance hiking then work from there for some other stuff that is less common because most hikers don't need it. what is a good hunting tool A good throwing club is one.I've knocked over a lot of rabbits with a club. It takes some practice but once you learn...
  9. Adder

    Problem: Anxiety/Stress

    Back in my crazy days when weed was abundant and didn't cost an arm and a leg that happened to me a couple times during heavy use. I found that laying off for a long time helped. Eventually your associations will come back to the pleasant feelings.
  10. Adder

    Have you ever existed as..

    Same here I stay half in half out. Seems like a veil separating the two. A few times I was even able to feel the veil. One trip I "awoke" waving my arms around feeling it with my hands. Never can manage to get through it all the way. It kind of teases me like that. Same here with the smoked...
  11. Adder

    Favorite place to trip

    Looks like we both have similar tastes. I live in a rural area and have a nice comfortable spot outside where I can read and sit in the shade. That's my favorite spot. Our neighbors also have their own version of "hillbilly heaven" :lol: that's where I introduced them to some Salvia 20x...
  12. Adder

    Salvia to be on Dr. Phil in November

    I smell troll farts. Forget it. You'll never convince this idiot anything. People like this live in a government indoctrinated mindset that everything that isn't mandatory should be prohibited and anything someone else enjoys has to be either immoral or unhealthy and anything they do to anybody...
  13. Adder

    Obtaining hellucigens in pa us

    I don't think Salvia is illegal in PA. If not you can order it through the mail.
  14. Adder

    Problem: Anxiety/Stress

    I get that too sometimes when smoking weed. I've noticed that it's often on an empty stomach or when I really wasn't in the mood for weed at the time. Being a hallucinogen the effects of the substance is quite subjective. If for some reason your mind isn't in the right place the effects can be a...
  15. Adder

    A Salvia divinorum horror story

    I agree. Sounds like more than Salvia to me. Salvia metabolizes so quickly that there's no way it could last that long. She either had a mental disorder to begin with that the unintended dose of Salvia exacerbated or there was something else in that joint. The whole article looks more like a...
  16. Adder

    weird salvia experience. Will it stop?

    That's been exactly the experience I've had every time I've done Salvia. Like this life is a faded scene and I'm half in it and half in another life that is real alive and bright.
  17. Adder

    Have you ever existed as..

    One of the most common experiences I've had on Salvia was feeling like I was half in one dimension/plane/world and half in another. Like there's a thin veil between where we are now and another dimension/plane/world very similar to our own but brighter or more real. This has happened almost...
  18. Adder

    It must be fake.

    Probably is a joke. The goal is to cause exactly the anxiety that you felt. Reason: Hey, it's New Year's Eve and everyone is drunk, stoned and partying so, "Lets play this prank on a bunch of random folks". At least you get the interesting text messages on NYE. All I got was one to the wrong...
  19. Adder

    Salvia - common experiences? + trip report

    I see some things similar to my own experiences. The dislike of clothing is one but I think it's due to the extreme sensitivity to physical stimuli. The small pinches and rubbing of clothes are amplified. I find it much better when I wear as few clothes as possible. Still being a bit cool lately...
  20. Adder

    Superskunk Me

    Maybe not crying over hurting flowers but being sensitive to the life you must end for your own to exist. Being sensitive to the fact that to build a house you must cut down trees. To eat, something must die and to be respectful of that creature's death. I think that would be a world worth...