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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Malaeus

    Plan to monitor all internet use

    Communications firms are being asked to record all internet contacts between people as part of a modernisation in UK police surveillance tactics. The home secretary scrapped plans for a database but wants details to be held and organised for security services. The new system would track all...
  2. Malaeus

    Pill to block release of brain chemicals linked to pleasure.

    With anti-addiction pill, 'no urge, no craving' * Story Highlights * New generation of anti-addiction drugs effective, some experts say * Drugs seem to block release of brain chemicals linked to pleasure, excitement * Established rehab programs slow to adopt the use of...
  3. Malaeus

    Applying for jobless benefits? Here, pee in a cup. (CNN)

    (CNN) -- If Craig Blair gets his way, anyone filing for unemployment or food stamps must show that they are drug-free. He's a state lawmaker in West Virginia who has introduced a bill to require random drug testing for benefits and lays out his case on a Web site called notwithmytaxdollars.com...
  4. Malaeus

    HELP! (friend has become immune to weed, not joking)

    my fiancee has just recently become immune, yes i said IMMUNE, to the effects of marijuana. regardless of quality and quantity. she has not been smoking weed for very long, about 10 months or so now, and no more than about 2grams at a time at best. i can not figure any issues or medical...
  5. Malaeus


    i just got a call from a friend of mine, and he is telling me there is this crystalline substance available called a "DMTzer" i googled this term and anything similar and have come up with nothing. if anyone of you guys have heard of anything like this. please let me know. i am assuming that it...
  6. Malaeus

    just a grow theory, feedback greatly appreciated.

    well, first off i have this theory. i dont know if anyone has done it before or if it would even work however. lets say you manage to extract 5-10 grams of pure DMT, then put this DMT in solution (distilled water or something of the sort) and watered your growing pot plants with it. would the...
  7. Malaeus

    Using sound frequencies to induce DMT like natural "tri

    i have just come across some infomation by word of mouth, that one can use certain frequencies of sound to resonate inside your brain etc. and it causes the pineal gland to excrete DMT in large quantities. has anyone experienced or heard of anything on this topic?