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non standardized 20x exp


30 Mar 2008
I have nonstrd 20x I got from bouncing bear botanicals. This is my third encounter with it. First time I took about a third of a one hit bowl. It's been about 30 years since I did any kind of anything besides ocasional pot. It wasn't enough for acomplete lung hit but not knowing anything about how potant and everything I wanted to be careful. The feeling started coming on and oh yeah I remember this but not quite ready yet so I grabed my drum so I could stay grounded. there were no visuals but I got a definate feeling of warmth, friendlyness and welcome.The second time same amount everything got bright colorful a swirling to the left a slight sensation of melting and to my left I could just see their arms but a bunch of people waving saying hi come with us, then it all faded. The first two times were a few days apart. This last night was a little over a week since the last. This time last night I a one good full lung hit about 21:30, it's now 5:45. Please forginve my rambling, there is no way to truly describe what happened. It's kinda like when some ask's me what war or combat is like, you can't tell them. They have no referance point. Anyway I took my hit and there was no twenty seconds more like 3 and oh manDo you remember when Carlos Castenada lost his human form? When it was over I flashed on that but that wasn't um didn't quite fit. It was more like, are you familiar with the Hindu description of the night of Brahma and day of Brahma? Where the whole is in existence because he is dreaming and when he wakes up all existance ends, every grain of sand, bird flower, everything and then a new universe begins when he sleeps and dreams again. This is unlike anything I ever experienced before. It was not from the point of an observer like my other trips It was a real experience as real as getting up and making breakfast. I went thru the end of all existance not just the end of me or ego but all, everything total. Well here goes, before I took my hit I took off all my clothes found a comfortable lying down where could be totaly relaxed with no need of any muscle support then sat up just enough to tak emy hit. This it was one good full lung hit. Isat the pipe and lighter down pushed everything away from me lay dowh and bam!! No intro no gradual come on imediatley (I know spelling bad LOL) everything was flowing to this one point like when something goes down a funnel. and it wasn't a my world is disapearing it was and I fully understood it was everything EVERYTHING all existance and I was fully aware of it all as it was happening. I understood what was happening, Can you imagine what it fells like to understand that not just the world as you know it is ending everything is ending. So everything is flowing into nothingness and finally I'm the the last thing left and I'm like no and I was down to just my head left and I saw these two beings looking at me with a hell of a lot of compassion on their faces and the we're sorry but you have to go it's over. And right I flashed on is this what it's like for other creatures when we take a breath and there univers ends and nothing. By nothing I don't mean a blackness I mean nothing. I don't know how to describe it, Man I'm sweating again. Then I was aware of a me but I was on my hands and knees climbing out of dark greay kinda sticky something and all around me was this dark grey and although all I could see was this dark grey I could sense two beings just on the other side of the grey and then I remembered that I had just experienced the end of all, everything and I'm coming back into existance, it's being created and I just started laughing my ass off and I heard on of the beaings say "Well this one's coming into the world laughing." Then my room slowly faded into view and I was on my hands knees just like i was as I was coming out of the grey matter soaked in sweat. First thing I did was dump my salvia because I ddn't ever want to feel that again then i dried off and went to sleep cause I was feeling a little nauseous. I'm gong to go salvage my salvia though now hat I've had somethng sleep I just hope next time is a little different. I've always had a very high tolerance since this has reverse tolerance and wonder if the opposite is true for me and instead of loosing sensitivty more than normal I'm gaining mor than normal. Whatever time will tell I'm definately cutting my dose next time. I don't have a sitter or anyone who could be one. I was told the shamanic path lonley one but it is my path. Hope I meet the friendly people on the other side next time so have someone to talk to. Well I guess I'll stop here and go salvage my salvia. Thank you for this forem.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
hey there fellow salvianaut
apparently we got something in common
it actually tok me half a hit last saturday to go into a Giorgio DeChirico painting
and i was dumb enough to mix up my 20x with the 5x (i.e. i thought i was smoking 5x when indeed i was doing the 20x)
the thing is i don't remember getting into the painting, i wasn't even aware of myself until ater.
i was sitting and my bong fell on the floor and broke and coverd my trousers in bongwater and the floor with water and burnt salvia
luckily i was alone in the dorm that night
however i understand your feelings as i felt the exact same way.
however next time i'll make sure what power the salvia has, i'll be sittin' and i'll ty to get a sitter.cause i myself am following the lonely path of self explored shamanism.

oh it comes to mind a funny experience i got

the day before the salvia monster hit i received the cuttings and they were a bit sick due to delays in delivery. so what i did was give them water and (not too much) light but i was seing that they were not very convinced...so i tried talking to them...wasn't working eithe they didn't understand norwegian and or english or i wasn't addressing them in the proper way. so i smoked some of the 20x salvia i had gotten with their delivery
and i started chanting and praying and focussing my vital energy towards them .
i dunno what happened. but i could see my enregy flowing from my body to the plants.and 5 minutes later i could see with my eyes the plants reinvigorating ...i could see like a fastforward in time that their leaves were opening and their stalks were straightening
i swear i cried in happiness and the thought still overwhelms me with emotions and i get tears....
it is indeed a devine ally and it is a great one for healers
a bit off topic but i needed to take it out


30 Mar 2008
Greetings Dante, Thank you for replying. I have experienced loss of self before but was totally unprepared to experience the end of all creation. But I'm glad it happened because now instead of it being something I just understood intellectually from reading ancient texts and from teachers I have actually experienced it for myself. What a wonderful wonderful gift. Your smoking 20 when you thought 5 reminds me I need to remember the more powdered the leaves get the more there is in the same volume. I'm really happy about your plant. I wish the whole world could understand how everything has a spirt and we can communicate with it and it with us if we approach with an open and sincere heart. I hope she is with you for a long long time. I am so grateful I have been allowed to discover her. Sure wish I could take a plant with me. This June I am going to go live in the wilderness and focus completely on my spiritual development. I've spent years preparing for this but it means I'm not going to have a warm room to bring her into when it gets cold.
Happy journeying my friend.