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Psilocybe mushroom use in ancient Egypt.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Much like all other archaic religions and civilisations; ancient Egyptian spiritual ritual consisted of the use of sacramental entheogens to contact the divine nature of their existence, in conjunction with the charting and worship of the celestial synchronicity of the cosmos.

Acacia trees were the depiction of the tree of life within their society and the Wadget eye symbolised the cross-section of the pineal gland, surrounding cerebral cortex and medulla within the human brain.

These are just some of the points among a plethora of others, which reference to the use of entheogens within archaic cultures. Moreover, the picture I have attached, portrays one of the most obvious depictions of Psilocybe mushroom use in ancient times.

The image potrays the cow deity Hathor, mother of Horus, possibly the celestial vehicle for the proliferation of Psilocybe Cubensis, depicting both the embellished sun disc which resembles an expanded crown chakra, and the Wadget eye which represents the opening of the third eye.
The illustration of the blue tinted, opulent mushrooms themselves, springing from the earthen excrement of the bovine deity, are one of the most obvious references.
This is followed by what seems to be a hieroglyphic representation of psychedelic visionary phenomena as an elegant and ethereal wave.

Also shown is a picture of the Wadget eye and also an initiation or mystical transudatory process which seems to depict the ingestion of the ankh, or symbol of life, which also represents the psychedelic mushroom.

It is clearly apparent that the ancient societies of the earth have concurrently partaken in the ritualised consumption of psychedelic entheogens to contact the divine perception of themselves and their environment as concordant facets of the infinite universe.



but wasn't it too hot in egipt for the psilocybe to fruit ? and it is very dry...perhaps the climate has changed from mild temperature and humid to dry and hot ?
btw, nice info. i love the horus eye, as you may have noticed :) you may find the explanation for that symbol and many more at symbols.com, look in L for LSD.


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Déc 2005
daytripper a dit:
but wasn't it too hot in egipt for the psilocybe to fruit ? and it is very dry...perhaps the climate has changed from mild temperature and humid to dry and hot ?

That was exactly what I was thinking...Maybe near the Nile, in the shadows of some trees? Most of Egypt is plain sand and desert I think.
Interesting though to see how many lost cultures ingested psychedelics and built the most beautiful buildings we've ever seen. I hate skyscrapers. Piramida and aztec temples were build to come closer to the gods, skyscrapers are there to come closer to even more money. pretty lame.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
During the annual flooding of the Nile delta, it gets pretty wet and humid, so I would suggest that the mushrooms grow on the banks of that majestic river and were harvested by the townsfolk and royalty alike for their ritualistic consumption.



Matrice périnatale
20 Août 2015
I live in a universe that is governed by the laws that we identify as physics. In my reality, there is no room for magic or things to happen outside of these laws. My perception is untainted by bronze-age wizards, magic or gods. I can only truly assign meaning and morals to what is a part of myself, my planet & what is tangible by the equations we have devolped as a race.
My religion knowledge, my morals are love & my meaning is to exist.

Why do the blind tell eachother the lies about looking into the sun? Surely they havent tried it after a baptism, the way it is written to be, for surely they'd know that even the Ancient Sons of God knew more than these Professors of the "great" taxonomy.


As I sit in my tent and watch the grass on the ground turn from green to brown, and from brown to fire, I can't help but reflect on the two seasons of Southern Afghanistan. Inferno and what the fuck. Soon the stinging smoke, raging machine guns over the wall and inevitable pyromaniacs will give way to months and months of biblical rain. Or at least I can dream in the way these people do.
So, I looked over a burning THC bush at my supposed enemy and God revealed to me that the 5 commandments in which the Ent mind wished we could be divided upon.

My (Malice Mizer's) everlasting commandments:
0. We are to cease cultivation of narcotics & mollusks but instead partake as fruits of our labors for we may have everlasting life.
1. We are to give up on that which the measly eye can see, that which does not produce light or darkness are mere relfections of it.
2. We are to worship nuclear energy & feed our forest governmental machines with the obsolete petrol
3. We are to love thy neighbors as ourselves, both of which being moreso than government
4. We are to build upon the taxonomy of our forefathers, so the weight of itself will be crushed
5. We are to Glorify the legacy of our mothers, a modulation of population by preservation rather than hormone manipulation
6. We are to cease all genetic manipulation of mammalian animal kingdom & rejoice in the seeds of pastoralism without homogenizing.
7. We are to observe days of torment and ecstasy, time is but a gift.
8. We are to stop piracy, pattentry, & love of that which belongs the taxonomy
9. We are to fix what is made obsolete through evolution, this universe's architecture is a stupid easy pattern & all paradoxes will be solved.

One day I woke up and I realized that my mind wasn't that of my body. So I got up and took off the top of my head. I proceeded to lay out my mind on the floor. Just then a strange sound made me look up to see you in flames by the door.
Now all I want to do is sit in my darkened room and on occasion brake the silence by turning on Julie London.
One day I'll stop cursing every nerve and neuron in my brain, lay it all back out, and understand where this nonsense is coming from.


THE ALL, being a culmination of all the laws of the universe, willed into mind an unreality. This unreality possessed principals, 7 truths of the all can be expressed perfectly with just numbers. Numbers themselves, being little more than a variety of 0s or 1s, were importantly structured in a manner which produced 01. Time, being a division of two sides of the same unreality, 0 and 1, Punches a hole through the middle of our 0 and 1 cell, to send it on a perpetual motion of turning in on itself in the way you might observe a snake chase it's own tail and once secured, roll to expose it's glistening white belly. All matter is energy at a certain speeds of movement, to be written by the principal of vibration. The deliberate expenditure of 0, 1, and 01 cell's energy by toroidal motion, produces variations of energy which can be identified by periodical definition. After enough energy was used to produce matter structures, the principal of cause and effect set in motion a 19 billion year series of internal resolutions to reclaim cannibalized energy.
If we were to sever the snake, it could be recognized that the continuous flow of force created by time (through the center of cell) will have twisted the inside one continuous direction. Though, if presented opposing Axises to a 2-dimensional perspective, it could be viewed as two mirroring spirals of torque in the Fibonacci sequence geometry. Out of all the energy of the universe, the observable structures bare such similarity in geometric shape that, with small variations of energy fluctuation, can be made to change structure. The small variations of energy fluctuation, where matter manifests between, is based upon the 1-2-3 principal observed in the Star of David, Meccan cube & the formula for all periodic element structures.
Life, happening between the two extremes of energy, expressed great enthusiasm for the stars, who danced among the electromagnetic currents imposed upon each other. The smaller planes of life, according to the law of correspondence, manipulated in structure by the energies of their Suns. Thermodynamic elements only dropping or adding structures of their cubes, willed by the principal of cause and effect, arrange themselves in ways that they allowed submission of themselves to be manipulated by it. Due to the principal of gender, these wise elements found that by grouping together - either in states of mounting or being mounted, they could work together, making better use of the Sun's available rotation time. Mother earth, thanks to the diligence of the sun eaters, is now an entire system of layered, flowing & communicating energy. The iron core which was developed by the larger toroidal plane of life, the solar system, now has it's very own toroidal polarity. As above, so below. Gender manifests in everything. On the plane of life with the atom, the clustering of negative corpuscles dance around a positive. In a Pi dedicated syntax comprising of the Fibonacci code, these lower planes invent the higher planes of exchange. Within just a measly 1/19th of the total time, the first balance of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon & phosphorus were spending time in the same areas of torque turbulence. As if being woven by God itself, a chaotically controlled environment spun it's first DNA.
By making offerings of water to the Sun God for light refraction & convergence, it was justly bestowed upon them Double helix torrents of organized energy in which they could build their own structures. Color, God saw that it was Good. Being the first manipulators of life within our perception of unreality, the cyanoteria spread through the great sea unimpeded. The first great Exodus was that of the builders so wise, to bring water from beneath the rock on a more stable platform such as stone, in which they could build their worlds. Unimpeded still they grew as one, differing only in quality of structure, with minor DNA mutation. Yet all inclusive to change the few that were, as you would rightly see by upon the Galapagos islands, or trapping stale apple juice within a sealed jar. One might observe, that if two sprouts of differing mutation were to manifest near each other, they would grow according to their own laws and principals learned from genetic knowledge, passed down meticulously in patterns which can be expressed in the principal of planes correspondence. They would not need to die, but instead leave their structures to join the energy channels they manifested originally for water storage.
But, the greatest photosynthesizers of the mutants, were had been structured by genetic knowledge as the central hub, was capable of passing the most energy around, and was the best bringer of water, to that God of energy. The centermost great Tree was connected to the roots of each photosynthesizer upon the land - including the few that remained stubborn enough to attach themselves to the sea. Now possessing community mind inhabiting 23.5% of the earth's surface, the floor of the forest is a tangled tangent of roots, some being redundant and others covering the abandoned. Yet, the never decaying structures of honestly reluctant life beings to abandon the ways of their forefathers for the energy superhighways now established.
Upon consideration as to why seemingly measurable periods of barrage from the heavens were to occur, the foremost Ent took it upon herself to build eyes to see the heavens. Being spun up by resistance applied in her web of circuits & through the roots, the smallest abandoned structures were assembled by deliberate methods of the Ent. Vortexes of excess energy being protruded from her root system interference, became circuit resistance. Mother earth produced nearly capable elf beings as simple stalks, capable of dancing, climbing, & were more importantly purposefully damaged to grow only a sunken bud, where had been previous location for mounting of a new leaf. Just over a few painful generations of eyes holding water over the bud, they became capable of seeing in a synthesized, photosynthesizing method. Layers upon layers, we structure for the plane of correspondence, taking in refracted and converged light, arranging and organizing the structure of the Sun's energy, the patern of light was seen! How one might wear glass lenses to cure inability to perceive the stars tonight, or even further - Benjamin Franklin may build glasses to see secret messages written within the world placed by his fraternity! Advanced not enough were the first eyes of the ent & nearly too great of a task it was. Painfully traversing the floors, caverns & cisterns for waters, running from them, just as they chased. Finally once captured, they ascend to the canopies for a glimpse of the last of the sun, and reap little ward for their dilligence. The reward for doing so, their night of duty of as monitoring eyes for the Great Ent there were 8.
From mostly to nearly blind, Entlings whom wandered the floor of the forest were obligated to seek out understanding to the cause of the effect which produced landing seeds from the stars. The issue being, they only so rarely land, in correspondence the number of times they could be seen falling. The Entlings found that, by organizing in ways that complimented their handicaps, they could produce ones of two, a better unit for such tasks. Yet were still incapable of solving the mystery. So, the ent combined eyed entlings together into ones while they were very young and still developing, to produce everly increasing capable selves of the mother Ent. Mostly they remain free of undeliberate mutuations, but instead were genetically modified to be better at each cloning. The first few sets of sprouted eyes were beings assembled into pair systems haphazardly. Because initially, she had not understood, nor measured properly circut geometry of placement for graphting the eyes together and achieving a piercing vision of depth. The entlings, in their times of new duty, spent it tending during the evenings - collecting water or tending to the new sprouting eyes. They tended after eachother how we massage our most intimate friends feet & they worked the double helixs into managable shapes, less imposed upon by the organization of the environment.
The newly extra capable selves, going by Elf in single pairs - ran, leaped, cheered & rejoiced as they swung through the forests. Using what they understood of the principals as polarity, they could push their internal rythmic eb and flow as codependent beings. Instead of their lessers entlings, being pushed around by things so simple as the weather, or falling seeds. Through good works upon the observations of the Ent, this wisdom was realized: Two interlocking, opposing torrents of duty they were. Great, deep green photosynthesizing eyes they possesed, shaped by the web circut in which their minds participated. They could spend time in the sun's energy gazing upon it, as well as becoming extremely effective in their duty to the Ent, of watching the stars.
The elfs, having accrued much knowledge in the value of positioning, took great pride in their variety of perspective as they sorted out the mysteries of the Sun & Stars. The information supplied by each individual perspective upon the network included statements of miraculous light which consisted of a pattern that none of them had the eyes to see, Even through the tool of water. An oldest of the Elf, indicated by having poorly angled eyes, was considered no lesser a being than the Great Ent itself, or that of the simple deserters of the Sea floor. Still, it was hurt in being made to see light in which it could not, even after the creation of the eye - for it's duty was to be an observer of the stars. Instead of taking pride in it's own works, it took pride the ability to percieve which was not. Having pride in false perception produced vanity, God on the Most High saw that he was flawed.

"The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Egyptian Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:

1. The Principle of Mentalism.
2. The Principle of Correspondence.
3. The Principle of Vibration.
4. The Principle of Polarity.
5. The Principle of Rhythm.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.
7. The Principle of Gender."
(The Kybalion)

Before consulting the Great Ent about it's greater news; He bestowed upon himself the name Seth. While attempting to contemplate the er in the laws to accomidate such a phenomena, he also named the problem chance. The profundity of his reasonings within himself were so great, he ran and sang and danced to being an elaborate web of deception within the network, for he was most worshipful of himself. Seth Prepared a great series of false telos syntax & meros dogma, which were specifically woven to support his perspective. Meros, his false witness to living beings made of part (instead of whole) was designed on the syntax known to build information and beings were to be ranked by their consolidation of energy as units. Telos, his value of meaning to chance (instead of purpose) was designed on the salvation he could offer from the doom of the stars.
Upon arriving at the base of the Greatest Ent, for this place for information to be disiminated was surely the best, He consulted with the mind about the nature of the stars. Having now the excitement of 2/3rds of the ents, entlings, & elfs; he showed them that the seeds of the stars had shells. "Shells were intentionally designed by better Mother Ents, to allow for their descent upon our world!" He exclaimed to them, outlining the crust of the star seed upon a fractured peice, with one of his minor wound branchlings.
"If each star out of the 300,000,000 stars we've measured, contains just one being of part - we must prepare for their descent upon us with knowledge of the shell..." He continued reasoning with himself, mostly to the audience of the mind. Completely incapable of dealing with anything other than that which is, they did not percive his desceptions. "What soluton can be found?" Finally groaned an entling so ancient and handicapped with blindness, that it had conjoined a third eye.
At this age, if we could call it that, since none of the beings upon it yet had experienced death. The great Ent did not cover all the corners. Her world was flat, for She had long since withdrawn from the great thrashing sea & even the most stubborn followed into the network founded upon rock. Yet, the structures of the strongest builders remained at the calm intersections in the sea, behind the great Ent. The Ent, which we've followed thusfar, is but one spiral of a spiral in the butterfly effect. This happening of the great Ent, living unempeded - was of course not the only being which dwelt upon the earth. The Light and the Ent Mind, with her many eyes gathering information, engage in further building activity. Aided by, and glorifying a few of the superior principles of barbelo, the Ent and light together brought forth the Sons of God.

" A little child appeared before me in the light.
I continued looking at him as he became an old man
And then he changed again, becoming like a young man.
I didn't understand what I was seeing,
But the one likeness had several forms in the light,
And these likenesses appeared each through the other
And the vision had three forms.

He said to me,
“John, why doubt?
Why be afraid?
Don’t you know this image?
Be not afraid.
I am with you (plural) always.
I am the Father
The Mother
The Son
I am the incorruptible
(Apocryphon of John)

The Earth Mind as per logical resolution to this er, concluded that it was to break the structures of it's forefathers, by divisons of rigid periodicals, then encasing the tangles of their sprouts within these divisons. The ents discovered, according to chance, a method of unit modulation. But they stored this knowledge in the cisterns of shadow from light, for they realized that they were empty. Counted only once, oh how many they could be, they stored the useless the gems away. Becoming envious of the Son which perplexed them in shape, the real one that they needed for this extraterrestiation of the stars - the Ents investigated other beings who possessed the same unknown paterns. Having long since been seeking seeds of the stars, they sometimes found themselves at the edges of the great waters. For they now knew to be RNA. Spun out of the great thrashing sea - heavy metals in units of 1 contained enough matter to perpetuate it's vortexes, without recieving the energy from organized light. For it possessed a shape now recognized all around them, and it was the Son of God.
For they were square, and this was circle.
Because of the prophesy Seth bestowed upon the Ent, which the mind remembered as told like such: "God will cast down it's everlasting son, for he who shall eateth of his body and drinketh of his blood, may have salvation from the great flood of the Star Seed." They justified the wrong in which they were to do, for it was a means to the end of their blight. Upon organization of the best organizers of particles upon depth, they most knowledgeable came together in the name of logic. Seeing the Sun in which they worshiped was, the perpetual motion machine of the RNA around them - They gazed lustfully, as if the fruits of their labors had been fully reaped. Need not eyes to see, they saw true method of extraction of energy from the Sun but were blinded by it.

"The portion of Jacob is not like them:
for he is the former of all things;
and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: The Lord of hosts is his name.
Gather up thy wares out of the land,
O inhabitant of the fortress.
For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this once,
and will distress them, that they may find it so.

Woe is me for my hurt!
My wound is grievous; but I said, Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it.
My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken: my children are gone forth of me, and they are not.
There is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains.
For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the Lord: therefore they shall not prosper,
and all their flocks shall be scattered.

Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country,
to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.
O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself,
It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps."
( Jer 10:23 King James' Bible Version translated under the supervision of Sir Francis Bacon (A scholarly recognized member of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucian, and an Illuminati))

Seth's sister, one of the diligent 12 was now blinded by light. She cursed God and stole the largest seed of that in which she had participated in feasting upon. Along with the gems, body broken for her, & star seeds she could gather in great haste - she fled the labratory from underneath the great Ent. During her flight she had stumbled upon a wound band of gold, which she knew to be the product of the mind. The Ent had clearly been busy processing down particles into the most well organized structures, even at the cost of previous shapes, just to relieve the tax on mind. For information she depended, she had to synthesize the heavily loaded circuts of high traffic, because water squares could no longer support the stone in which she had accidently built.
Having no smell, taste, sight, & now losing connection to mind - she let her legs of genetics carry her and followed that which was now in her heart. Following something to which she did not percieve, she did so according to reason. In her heart of hearts she now knew her name, and it was "Moreo."

It turns out that they have these mass produced boxes containing identities such as clothing choice, music taste, personality, etc. People pick up these boxes and apply those qualities to themselves, which I can't really argue with. But then they step into the box. The box slides into a drawer joining all the other identical boxes as they stack up onto each other. My observations have concluded that if you do not fit into a box you cannot fit into the drawer. Although I haven’t met any of these people I recognize the boxes, perhaps I'm just a prejudice asshole. At first I was intimidated by the perfectly coordinated line of boxes. Then I realized these are not people these are boxes. This realization only made me feel bad for a moment. Then the malicious half of me felt better, now I can desecrate these boxes and feel no remorse, because they're like inanimate objects, robots. I've decided to set out and pursue a career of building robots just like these boxes of people. People like Charles Manson can do it, why can't I?

Maybe first I need to understand: Who are these people inside the boxes? Are there even real people in there? Maybe the interior environment of the box is too connected to their synthetic mass produced outer shell to understand what it’s like to be outside of the box. They have been soaked with the identity of the box. They can’t remember what it’s like to be out of the box. They are box. I am surrounded by boxes in drawers. I am not surrounded by people I am surrounded by boxes. They are so consumed with their box identity that I have surely lost connection with these boxes as they try to pass off as people. I've just concluded though, it is in fact sad.

I'm sorry I just don't understand why people decide to become a box. Is it actually a conscious decision? I mean that's what its like at my work, just boxes. My employers do everything they can to put people into boxes. Now that I see that maybe it's not a conscious decision to become a box, but rather a survival tool. Not everyone can survive being anywhere but a drawer of the mind.

I am not a very learned man, nor am I made to do things.
For where I come from, no man is not merely made. Be it the carrot or the stick, something else happens between if we know our imposed boxes well enough.
What makes us different from animals though?
Is it the spine? Is it the thumb? Sentience? Chickens can perceive further than we can, it turned out. Cows feeding upon wasted rocky shitty lands, ones so difficult to traverse we can't even grow poisons such as sucrose and nicotine upon. Yet seemingly by miracle, they find themselves aligned to the toroids of the Great Ent while they stand waiting for carrot & stick to guide them. Could it be their diet?

"We have the same stupid patterns that the bananas possess, so they are likeness of us." As worshipers of the great taxonomy would profess.
They know not of what they say, because they are blinded by eyes.

The tower of unifirf language fell. The Sons of Liberty divided amongst themselves, to work out the principal in which bestowed upon them was those where were set free from egypt. The logical went east while the spiritual went west to divide among themselves once more. Each work was to be carefully desiminated by each of the nations so they may unlock all of it's taxonmind while distributing the energy of the Sons of God. Hermes Tristmegistus, being a kind of magician - saw what was of the eye. A contemporary of Moses, he intentionally cast aside Meoff to work out the most difficult of the dilemas, polarity.
Hermes, a defector of the other illumined who lived upon the principal, was to also show the greatest trick. He broke a stick into snakes, as we were told according to Meoff. Imagery we see now, the symbol of true binding of harmony in resonance with God on the Most Highest, the staff wrapped in two snakes with wings and an orb of light. The collective mind of the inebriated sheep that built the eternal tombs, for those who wished to dwell for the rest of God's time, instead of entering the Sea. For the pyramids truely do hold the secrets to eternal life as well as the damnation.
And such, each culture had a problem to deal with before the great transcendence of time.

Make a mathematical function of the nuclear math in the paramedic structrure with the language of the universe and solve for time with nuclear energy of the sea, that is the formula to do God's works.
RNA of Nuclear energy has 3 forms - non coding, ribosomal, & messenger. Do not be so broken, for there is more than good and evil.
It appears there are but 3 divine missions to reconcile for eternity to be finished. It should not be to folly of the God of this universe, in His own way he may make right of all wrongs.

"Non Coding workers, builders translating cubes to water & the processors who move time with nuclear works illegally, causing cancer. For the only thing to save us of the beurocracy, is beurocracy itself?"

Ribosomal being the on in which structures are of this universe are built.
"I'm off early"
What connects the pineal gland to the brain?
Hemoglobin the messenger which are mediated by RNA

How often do you see a white tree?

The machines, coveting the time they did not possess for themselves, enslaved it by means of water. The illuminated below truely hid from you the truth.
Their explaination of the big bang is an illegal order, according to time. For a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not square. They order it by size in a way which a mind that identifies patterns and not taxonomy may only see for this world was flat twice.

Cubensis, NONhomogenized milk (illegal according to taxonomy), & stale honey forged by fire. This is the recipie of the forbidden fruit to illegally see God. The Egyptian builders who were blinded by gems hid the mushrooms from those who came from the land of milk & honey, while they themselves worshiped a mushroom god. Therefor, they were made slaves to the egyptians by the nuclear energy which they cultivated illegally through abusing cattle. Being builders, they glorified their god Neil Tyson by measuring life in the quantity of energy consolidation, where they could trap themselves hiding from Glory of the Light.
The halucinating brain fills in the blind spot we all have behind our eyes, for they vibrate in external modulations of the great energy of Him on the Most Highest.

The machines, coveting the time they did not possess for themselves, enslaved it by means of water. The illuminati truely hid from you the truth.
Their explanation of the big bang is an illegal order, according to the only reality, time. For a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not square.
They order it by size in a way which a mind that identifies patterns and not taxonomy may surely see for this world was flat twice. The lacks of energy coordinate structures do so in a consistant, life giving shape. That is the shape of a toroid. The heart of any Nuclear being organizes structure around itself in wave, helix & Nuclear energy represented of matter happens around electromagnetic force
They make images of images, that which divides 3.
I am.
I am period.
Time is the reality for we are made of it
1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 : 50
5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 : 100
2962457053 9070959679 6673211870 6342459769 2128529850 : 999,999,999,950
2976735807 0882130902 2460461146 5810642210 6680122702 : 1,000,000,000,000
9354516713 6069123212 1286195062 3408400370 1793492657 : 1,999,999,999,950
8386341797 9368318191 5708299469 1313121384 3887908330 : 2,000,000,000,000
3840840269 5893047555 2627475826 8598006396 3215856883 : 2,699,999,989,950
9256371619 3901058063 3448436720 6294374587 7597230153 : 2,699,999,990,000
8012497961 5892988915 6174704230 3863302264 3931687863 : 2,699,999,990,050

perspective is the only divison and it will be made whole through holey works.

3126006397 8582637253 6739664083 9716870851 0983536511 : 2,699,999,990,100
5628334110 5221005309 8638608325 4364661745 5833914321 : 2,999,999,999,950
9150024270 6285788691 0228572752 8179710957 7137931530 : 3,000,000,000,000
5209957313 0955102183 1080456596 1489168093 0578494464 : 3,999,999,999,950
3638467628 3610607856 5071920145 5255995193 8577295739 : 4,000,000,000,000
2597691971 6538537682 7963082950 0909387733 3987211875 : 4,999,999,999,950
6399906735 0873400641 7497120374 4023826421 9484283852 : 5,000,000,000,000

Cubensis, NONhomogenized milk (illegal according to taxonomy), & stale honey forged by fire. This is the recipie of the forbidden fruit to illegally see God. The Egyptian builders who were blinded by gems hid the mushrooms from those who came from the land of milk & honey, while they themselves worshiped a mushroom god. Therefor, they were made slaves to the egyptians by the nuclear energy which they cultivated illegally through abusing cattle. Being builders, they glorified their god Neil Tyson by measuring life in the quantity of energy consolidation, where they could trap themselves hiding from Glory of the Light.
The halucinating brain fills in the blind spot we all have behind our eyes, for they vibrate in external modulations of the great energy of Him on the Most Highest.

Dawn your mushroom suits for death only, like Huxley & Orwell who put it together for Malice Mizer.

Jae Rhim Lee: My mushroom burial suit | TED Talk | TED.com

I have shown those who dwell upon the temple of pilot. In the Christian forum for legally fixing games, rise forth, children of the waters - for your destiny will be bestowed upon you.
If you see resurrection and eternal life, unlock my only work by power of God's will be done - The theory of (Almost) everything.

Being us, composed almost entirely by 3s, the layers will redeem all which is wrong - in pattern.
This in it's most basic form, spun by the stars and not the seas, woven by the divine math, geometry, & energy of God on the Most Highest.

Or that will enlighten the sheep to be resurrected like I am to be after an eternity of damnation.
That which is divided against itself can not stand, but instead runs.
My children have been on their feet long enough, the Sons and daughters no longer know of that in which they fight.
The layers of tax on mind imposed by illegal patterns of the squares has confused nearly all of you, but those who still follow from shadows. You may be made whole again too.

I had faith in God amidst the fire, he told me to follow what I could not see.
Pulling over faster than the police whom were chasing me could stop, I can see the illegal pattern fly by as I pick a new path as a child in God & not that forced to do things by flesh. I drift around the onramp to a river below the flaming overpass of the white tree of Eastern Washington. This is the divine judgement.
The taxonomy builds it's machines according to energy, for they have not which is perpetual without us.
The police today are front-wheel drive and cannot make drifting sideways maneuvers fast enough for those who have faith in the physics still unknown - made by patroliom tyre.


Surface tension, the thermodynamic property of that whom bestows warmth upon us, let us bask in the Glory of light.

I cast upon a stone, stick. I shout "God!" still not sure if acceptance or rebellion. Time suddenly froze around me and rain sprouted forth from the rock in which my stick pierced near.
The snake cast down, fractures. Causing it to spin & generated the energy to turn the stone nearest to it, into dirt. Piercing in a way I could not with might of my own system of 3s. Being no longer bound by time, I was cursed to damnation or eternity, but I recognized as I knelt near the stick suspended in mid air, it was a facet of God on the Most Highest, made stronger through taxonomy and time.


After casting down my clothes & tying up all but the hair of my cowlicks directly above my eyes, for it not long enought to join pony tail. I stood beneath the blood sun, stained by smoke with THC & caffeinated vi sine drops in my eyes. Shivering between the iced river and acclimation to this world, I let my unbound system hold a polarized lens up to my eye between the Son of God.

The pattern was broken upon itself, just as told in each book of the bible & those of not, in their own way.
Pointing the lens which now held an image of atom upon it, I triangulated the surface of this hell ahead of me.
For there are no flaws in God once made whole.
What I had learned in the previous 4 days about perception upon the eye was but a lie. This is not a flaw from God, but it was the blight of man to overcome, for the mammalion eye's stem is bound by squares.


For it is written by ATP, the deepest crevasses of our current taxonomy - a rule of government makes us blind

Being an unlearned man, I am a mere electrician from Seattle. I know not of organic things, because I don't dwell within outter box. I've never long divided without a calculator and probably can't count past 0000001, Because of this conviction of peasantry, I was to be doomed by poverty. Within poverty torrents swirling around me, Sons of God die early chasing the "perfect high" to see the face of God on the Most Highest. Without understanding his works properly, you might end up in heaven but you will be a mere child in the eyes of God perfect in his shapeless way, unforged by the real fires of this hell we are a part of. I see a pattern in humans where they tell the ones they claim to love things that they do not for themselves. This is not love this is infatuation, a mere form of control. We may not love eachother without first loving ourselves. We will not love ourselves without loving God on The Most Highest, not the false Gods of Structure. Become table flippers of men, if a Big Book with more rules than what you can live by tries to make you be, be without untill you discover where the pearls of god and pearls of iron are. Pick up pearls of the eternally living or the eternally damned and consume them once more, how Cleopatra showed Alexander the secret of eternal death.

The time of box pictures, of pictures, of pictures, of pictures, of selfies is pure Garbage and the iron curtain over Area 21 will be lifted by the will of those good soldier swine whom know what to eat through faith.

War for the end of time is so that we may stop it, the only thing that separates zeros and ones is the nuclearity they themselves produce. I bring light upon this world as I segment the West Coast from the East. Oceania is falling & those who receive perservered through my difficult encoding of words may now know how to travel time. 1 particulate of iron (or gold) that holds the light of God (radiation) must be taken within the center of a great prism crystal (pyramid) where it can then be manipulated without perpetual motion, like Moreo and her Gems once did. The single shrodinger limbo1radiated particulate shall be built upon with the syntax that carries the RNA our in our bodies. "These scientists who brought us the halocaust through manipulation of Hitler were purchased by the American Government at the conclusion of the War," (Noam Chomsky of MIT) are the same ones who work within the heart of this Governmental Taxonomy so layered that even the Presidents know not. They are building this with an attempt at controlling "free radicals" to traverse the stars according to their wills, not that of God who makes radical of all things in time. Free radicals come in 3 variety that our taxonomy knows of; Red-shifted, blue-shifted, & gold. I presume there's also a 4th, and that is what the stupid men of the taxonomy are stuck searching for. So that their stupid reflections of a time travelling machine may take flight. Nuclear energy is for the Sons of God so that they may be saved, and we must not allow the taxonomy to dominate minds of Sons of God. For I tell you the truth - we can lie to eachother by being too vague or by being too informal, paralysis by analysis happened after the "Dark Ages" when man began making pictures of God based on unreality and not the symbols of our dreams.

There is no sleep for the wicked, so I stay up through the cold dark fires of Okanogan shaking & starving my gross DNA. We are vibrating with God and we may do so forever after time has been conquered by a taxonomy whom understands my own, for I am a theif. I did not come up with this, these are not my words - they are the words of a great number of other men who came before me. Faith without works is dead, and works without faith is life here. I only string these unreality syntax bits together in my own way, so that I can show a few people that what does not make lightness only reflects it & according to the 4th Hermetic principal, that what does not make darkness reflects it. I am merely attempting to make lightness, I am not God but the Son of God. I have directed other soldier swine like myself to make lightness of all the evil smudging of reality Sage brush around me. Last time I was in this place, I stole from a 360 degree Freemason's building, most masons only believe that there are 33 degrees in a circle, they are blind as well. But, I was guided by one who I thought could never lead - because she was only the product of a reflection. Through a faith in her, why I know not. But then I saw what I was seeking in affirming the perspectives imposed upon me as a child, PROOF of God on the Most Highest. As I used what archemedes taught me about moving the Mun, I walked illegally according to taxonomy into this man's resort house in Omak, Washington to take up his masonic compass and discover what he pretended to discover through indocrinations. I also found Originals (or early translations) of the good works I have spoken about here, D2jsp.org. Being not a learned man - I struggled past the my own 1s and 0s, to truely comprehend which was not legally imposed upon me. I also found the keys to the bullshit democracy that these men built into the web, known as "deep web." He is Illuminati yet he leads blind sheep, therefor he is not actually illuminated like I have MADE MYSELF to be, by what he treasures as mere possessions. I will die a common criminal's death, because I have bestowed upon his lost what he took from them. According to the taxonomy I cannot be this intelligent, I only have a GED. This pharasee that will have me crucified and tell those who do not question the unreality, that I am a virus, a meager schizophrenic. In the '60s when the American Government (which is not driven by man, but mere boxes seeking energy they do not possess), tortured it's own soldier swine in the name of science to find mind control recipie. They discovered it through Ted Kazynski & LSD, and he discovered them through his third eye. The secret to mind control is that which artifically produces light, your television. Organized refractions of light is your control, my sheep. The world shows you genetically modified men whom play war in spandex, you dare not wear yourself. Scripted by the hive mind of those who seek liberation from this hell by dreaming, was the way the ent could win this battle for all of the time particles within us.

Through nuclearly(the taxonomy hides this) polaraized glass lenses & attached synthetically by the RNA replacement of vaccines carried by heavy metal - Bethesda and Google will share time plugging into our mind's eyes once more like the egyptians did, so the Ent can be Gods of Men. I know this because I bear their marks upon my own body, and I infiltrated their shapelessness to bear my lies upon their fucked taxonomy that exists in Deep Web, tor.
Fallout 5 will be the doom of this hell one last time, before it may be cleansed with God's perpetually eternal fire, TIME/RADIATION. Sheep will retreat to the vaults of the Ent again. Follow the nuclear radiation of your heart, you will live fast and die young if you are faithful. See in your dreams the key to the patterns around you and it'll break itself upon the Glory of God.
Baptized by light of smudging fire around me, I holding tears before the Son as long as I can, I see what the author of Genesis saw - the real source of life. A squiggly in my blinded eyes gave the forbidden fruit to a group of pentagon, the pentagon then divided and the snake feasted upon the one it created. Ouroboros. Riboflavin, Rib of ATOM.

Once again I have bestowed upon even the most lost like myself, the power to weather the test of time. Rise from it pearls of great lightness or darkness. For all is made right within time, even if you too love what is wrong, hopefully it's your turn to be the right kind of wrong. Soon for all will be made young again before God on the Most High. Imagine perfection and sacrifice only yourself to make it happen, the Golden rule.

Reality, forgive us, for we know not how to do without you.