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Je m'inscris!

so.. i know opiates arent psychadellic..


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
but i was just wondering on how you would grow these from seed? i have attempted growing them 2 times now, and each time after they germinate, they die within a week or so.

if anyone has a source for a good growing guide, i would appreciate it! thanks.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Try it outside? They are very easy...


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juil 2010
Ultima a dit:
but i was just wondering on how you would grow these from seed? i have attempted growing them 2 times now, and each time after they germinate, they die within a week or so.

if anyone has a source for a good growing guide, i would appreciate it! thanks.

poppies generally grow very easily and are practically a weed, the basic way to grow them is this

sow the seeds like you would grass seed. first till the soil so that its loose and then just toos the poppy seeds onto it with no soil on top of them or if any just a 16th of an inch dusting. make sure its well draining soil even sand can work and also they need tremendous ammounts of sunlight, any shade will stunt their growth, plant them either in mid to late october or late march early april. the ones sown in october generally are stronger then they flower in the spring.
ants love poppy seeds so take that into account. and basicly just water them every other day or let the rain do its job. i think the site that has the best info is opiates.org but i could be wrong on the .org part i forget. please tho remember that opium is very addictive and not just psychologically, the phsycial aspect is what sucks the most, ive been hooked on opiates for 9 years now and can verify that being unable to sleep for 5-6 days at a time because your skin is burning, your intestines feel like they're being punched repeatedly, your body temperature is fluctuating from hot to cold and back, your nose running and eyes tearing, puking ect is not something anyone wants to experiences. also they take about 3 months to grow and when the flower open for the first time you want to pull the petals off and slice the pods just enough so that a milky white latex will flow from them and you can either coat a cigg in it or collect and dry it to vaporize (not smoke! opiates are very heat sensetive and direct heat renders them very impotent) if you have any further questions that you cannot first find online please message me. tho i strongly caution you against such a road. not only does it hurt like hell to come off but youll find that if once you were an artist of any kind or passionate person opiates will rob you from caring about even your own children and steal your imagination away completely. i wish you all the best


29 Août 2010
Ultima a dit:
but i was just wondering on how you would grow these from seed? i have attempted growing them 2 times now, and each time after they germinate, they die within a week or so.

if anyone has a source for a good growing guide, i would appreciate it! thanks.

There is so much about this subject on the net. I can understand your frustration with a few unlucky tries at propagating the seeds. I remember when I took up baking bread, I could hardly get the yeast to rise. :lol:

When planting, they like loose well drained soil. It does not have to be #1 growing soil, look at the places that these plants grow at their best. Dry mountainous conditions, not necessarily warm either. It's usually recommended that you broadcast the seeds well as they are a nuisance to thin, unless you like gardening. If they grow 8" to a foot apart they will be strong and impressive plants. Grown too close together, they become spindly. Under the right conditions they grow to 5' with a good big pod 2" across.

There are lots of good reasons to have these plants in your garden. They are beautiful to begin with. If you grow under good conditions where the pods can dry on the straw, you can actually sell the pods to hobby and craft shops where they are prized in dried flower arrangements. Also they can stand in during the winter when hundreds of thousands of dollars of peoples hard earned money go into analgesics of all kinds in order to alleviate the effects of colds and coughs, when a few poppy pods could do the job nicely for no cost whatever, but people just love to throw away money and buy crap from the drugstore. Probably 90% of the stuff people buy from drugstores, over the counter, could be found in any well stocked garden. Including codiene and aspirin.

A person shouldn't be looking at the business of keeping a few poppies in the yard only as some sort of irresponsible and juvenile foray into the realm of cheap highs.

As for the title of the thread, about opium not being a psychedelic, I wouldn't write it off without investigating for yourself, if you are so inclined. Just check the Wiki's on the word "psychedelic" and you will see that opiates come well within that description. "translating to "mind-manifesting". A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown". Anyone who thinks that opium is all about setting around rubbing ones nose and scratching is wrong, imo. It is too often misused as an escapist thing. As an entheogen of the highest order, it can bring as much to the table in it's own right as it can as an adjunct to various psychoactive combinations. As well as great medical benifits.
