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Pure extracted tar opium? Experience?


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Mai 2010
What is an opium experience like? Do you hallucinate, or feel numb, or what? Like what is it all about? I am thinking about trying it once, later on this summer because my dealer asked me if I was into that stuff, because he started selling it. I don't know the dosages or anything about it.. I know you can overdose on it, but I don't know how much your would have to smoke to die. I was once told to smoke 1/4 gram, my first time. I forget who told me that, or if it was reliable.. But also, can this shit be pink? This one day, this kid is like, "Oh look what I found in my moms car mannnnn.." And I had no fucking clue what it was, but it was this pink tar in a bag about the size of my hand.. I didn't smell it or nothing.. I forget that whole day pretty much, now that I am trying to think about it. But yeah he thought it was heroine? Maybe that is right? I honestly don't know.. Lol


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
fuck man you are all over the place...
I don't know - go try it.

..... semisarcasm aside, opium makes you feel like jello. Extreme jello, you feel like everything is awesome. You just feel awesome. It's not euphoria like exctasy, it is extreme relaxation, all of your body feels like its warm and cuddly.

I made a brew for my friends once. They said it may have been way too much - his throat started to close up and he couldn't move too much but aside from being a bit scared he said it was amazing.

For you, i recommend taking 25 grams of ayahuasca.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
I have heard similar, that it is like being wrapped snugly in a warm blanket- everything is good.

You have had experience with psychedelics before, you said, like mushrooms and DXM. I think you should take the next step if you feel ready. Find a sitter and take a 4-5 gram dose of mushrooms. I really think it will be beneficial to you, if you take the usual set and setting precautions. Don't think that 5 grams will be the same as 2, 5g and up is not in any way appropriate for parties or public places etc.

The best way to experience this powerful, maybe transformative trip is lying down on a bed in a dark room with your eyes closed. And meditate.


Alpiniste Kundalini
6 Juil 2010
hahaha ijesus, i like how when someone asks for help you always reccomend ayahuasca
lol awsome

i assume this is your way of saying do it for the right reasons


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
there's not much one could get out of opium, you'd get more out of alcohol. but heck, a good cup of opium tea sure is enjoyable. dreamy, warm, euphoric in a very relaxed sense, and a tendency for feeling sick when moving too fast or at all. I do it maybe once in three months, there sure is addiction potential to that stuff.

well, as others said, psychedelics will benefit you more than dulling opium.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Pretty repetitive, but dreamy, warm and very relaxing. However, high addiction possibilities, and really diminishing returns on repeat use.


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Mai 2010
I know that it is way more relazed, but that is what I like.. Lol I don't wanna just trip super hard all the time.... I like the relaxed groovy jelly feeling that you get from opiates.. So that is mainly why I want to try it, the only thing that is wrong with it when I look at pictures, is that it looks really gross.... But is the brew really foul? Or should smoke it? Which is better for my first time?


29 Août 2010
I recommend reading the Confessions of an English Opium Eater by Thomas de Quincy. It's not a big book and noone has ever said it better or with more authority.

The brew is not gross at all. A steeped tea with a cautious amount of the dried pod and upper stem tastes as good as any herbal tea and I often add a bag of herbal tea to make an even nicer drink out of it. So it's a pleasure to sip on a nice evening before going to bed. Especially in the winter. I've smoked the dried extract but it isn't my bag. I don't really like smoking anything all that much and besides, you are blowing 90% of it away. Up in smoke. :lol:

As for concerns about addiction, people become addicted to many things. Opium could never be considered the worse of the pick. Power, greed and violence stand out much stronger to my mind. If addiction is a concern then leave it alone. I'm happy brewing a pot less than three or four times a year. It's never bothered me in any way. Moderation in all things as they say. :D



Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Mai 2010
The brew is not gross at all. A steeped tea with a cautious amount of the dried pod and upper stem tastes as good as any herbal tea and I often add a bag of herbal tea to make an even nicer drink out of it. So it's a pleasure to sip on a nice evening before going to bed. Especially in the winter.
Do all poppy plants have opium? Or is it a certain strain of plant? I want to start growing them...... Well like a few plants for a brew every once in awhile and a little too sell to my close buddies if they like it.. But also, Whats a good recipe for a half gram? I'm buying a half gram later this week just too try it, and how much should I brew for my first time? and a recipe pleeassseeeeee :D

I've smoked the dried extract but it isn't my bag. I don't really like smoking anything all that much and besides, you are blowing 90% of it away. Up in smoke.

And is it really 90% Lol is there any way to make a weed brew? I hate having to cover the smell and if 90% is going away up in smoke.. No thanks.. Lol so yeah, weed tea recipe?? Lol rhymes. Sorry I'm stoned.


29 Août 2010
Nanosage a dit:
And is it really 90% Lol is there any way to make a weed brew? I hate having to cover the smell and if 90% is going away up in smoke.. No thanks.. Lol so yeah, weed tea recipe?? Lol rhymes. Sorry I'm stoned.

Tests done with nicotine or tobacco show numbers like that. Most smoke just goes in and out no matter how long you hold your breath. Like most drugs eaten, it gets into the digestive tract and you get increasingly higher as it is absorbed.

The original question was about tar opium but as we've drifted into poppy tea, I can only say that a couple of tablespoons of the ground upper stem and capsule from some good plants are enough for any non addicted person. I've mentioned elsewhere that the upper stem contains lots of latex. If you cut the bulbs while still green, the latex will pour out of the top of the stem. I don't think it's worthwhile allowing the pods to dry on the straw unless you are just after seeds. You risk losing potency through rain and sun once they go dry. Better to pick them a week after the petals drop. The seeds will be whitish but mature and will darken with time. The pods and straw can be cut up and dried, then run through a processor or grinder of some sort.
The usual recommendation is to add some lemon or other acidic juice to the tea as this helps in disolving some of the constintuents. Other than that, water itself is the primary solvent required so you can't go wrong with just making tea. It's a lazy kind of thing. Not the sort of space you want to be in all the time. It sticks with you too. You'll feel the effect for days, kind of drifty. Most of us wouldn't want to make a habit of it as it spoils the experience anyway.
