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Résultats de la recherche

  1. perdeception

    Dramamine Trip - Why is my sitter in the hospital?

    I wanted to try a deliriant to investigate its effects myself, after reading about the fascinating effects it has, such as the very realistic visual and audible hallucinations (unlike "hallucinations" one may perceive on LSD or Psilocybin mushrooms). And also, I was really intrigued by the...
  2. perdeception

    Dramamine Trip - Why is my sitter in the hospital?

    Intro ----------- This is a true story about my second trip on Dimenhydrinate. My first trip I took eleven Dramamine pills (550 mg Dimenhydrinate), and I experienced a few fascinating visual hallucinations, and it was quite enjoyable. The trip that I am about to describe, was far from...
  3. perdeception

    Datura stramonium

    I am guessing Is it of the D.Stramonium species, if that's the case, you may want to consider the following: "An improved HPLC procedure showed that the alkaloid concentration in samples obtained from different parts of the United States varied by as much as 50%: 1.69-2.71 mg/g for atropine and...
  4. perdeception

    :!: WARNING: Vaporizing Salvia

    This is a report that I wrote up yesterday, an hour after having a very scary experience on Salvia. There is not a lot of information regarding vaporizing Salvia online, and I decided to try it out. I had a terrible experience with doing this, I am not sure if I was in any real danger, but I...