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Contenu récent par ACE101

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    Psychedelic visuals

    very awsome video! Great Job!
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    does anyone smoke salvia with glasspipe?

    Glass pipe is ok.. It's very harsh without any water filteration though. Do it close to a sink just incase :puke: Oh, and you must use a torch lighter!!!
  3. A

    Salvia with vaporizer or waterpipe?

    I'll vaporize it tomorrow night (maybe tonight if this party is a flop) and I'll let you know what happens.. Hopefully it won't be a waste. :toomuch:
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    Xtc ride with a friend

    You also have to understand that I am in the United States. Ecstacy is very expensive over here. 1 pill will cost you about $20US. I can only dream about the day when I go over seas and try PURE MDMA!!! It makes me giddy thinking about it. oh, pure MDMA will run about $40 a pill. You...
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    Sex on ectacy is better. It's just amazingly out of this world. I suggest everyone do it!
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    Xtc ride with a friend

    You have to understand that Ecstacy and MDMA are 2 different things. Ecstacy is made from MDMA or MDA but is combined with other drugs. Most common are Caffeine, Ephedrine, LSD, Ketamine, Speed, DXM, and Methamphetamine. as a general reference you can normally get an idea of it's contents by...
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    ayahuasca - preparing the trip

    I can't wait for the next trip report. I hope it works for you the 2nd time.
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    Music for mushrooms trip

    Le_Botanologiste, Is that a "Jake the Pimp" avatar?
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    wild lettuce

    You can put flavored Thai on your weed. Just a little bit sweetens the flavor and make the weed burn slower. Choclate Thai rocks.
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    Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

    I'm not sure what trace amounts are but you ingest 3-4 seed for a good trip.
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    growing the kit

    Mold is like AIDS to shrooms. Once you got it, you can't get rid of it. And it will spread throughout your entire cake. If I were you I'd cut out the mold ASAP and try to save them. Most likley it's already too late. :frown: That makes me sad. :dead:
  12. A

    Salvia with vaporizer or waterpipe?

    A vaporizor will not work because it cannot reach the critical tempature to release the Salvia_A. You need a torch lighter and a waterbong to get the full effects.
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    My first trip. In detail.

    You cannot over does but if you just keep smoking it, eventually you'll pass out. I've seen 2 of my freinds do that. Funny as hell.
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    Music for mushrooms trip

    Serously, the screams could be scarry on your trip. I wouldn't recomend porn but sex is reccomended. :) It really cool, it almost feels like you and your partner become 1 person. It gets hard to identify what body part is your and your partners. Highly reccomended.
  15. A

    which mushies to use?

    oxia... Just an FYI. If your trip is not strong enough, you cannot take more mushrooms to intensify it. It will have no effect. What you can do it drink a tall glass of orange juice and that will hieghten the experience (usually doubles it). :blobber: