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Je m'inscris!

yet another story of morning glory


15 Juin 2005
Just like to share this, mkay?

first heavenly blue experience yesterday.
13 seeds taken over a period of 3 hours.
i took care to make this first very light.
so. i washed the seeds carefully several times, then ground them and soaked in about 50-60 degrees (celsius) water, let them stay there a while and then chew the little bits for a while.
this was all in all very mild but lovely thing. not a complete voyage with different stages, just blurred vision and mixing of colours in my room.
the time was from about 5 o'clock to 21. darkness brought nice forms and i can recommend the silence&solitude that the indians liked to occupy.
finally i was very relaxed and some of my fatigue of the day was lifted, went to bed and here i am at work the next day still feeling fine, and even a bit getting the brightness.. it's 10.30 and i'm definetely trying another one soon. cheers-


15 Juin 2005
the 2nd one.

43 mg's

- a bit more higher, more smiles, really good, still

i dunno what more to say. i guess it depends on the mood can you take them outside and in the sunshine or something like that

but i will definetely keep taking them in solitude, then if i feel like it, i can go outside..

my friend said my face was quiite red at the evening.


15 Juin 2005
3rd one.
52 seeds. nice how one can control the latitude of the effects by just adding few seeds. got some glittering flashies afterwards, but not too much to really bother, its quite nice especially when on holidays
still not a real trip but nice for those at least who want to think in new ways the old things, especially since on suchh low doses (relatively) there barely is any hallucination stuff that would cause distraction

going, going, gone ...


24 Juin 2005
nice to hear that. I just ordered myself 20 grams and i´m excited. Im al little confused, cause you said, that you just ate 13 seeds, i heard that you should take more than 100 to feel something. Had you anybody looking for you, while you were tripping? Was that needfull?


15 Juin 2005
well that 13 dose was my very first & i am quite sensitive to all substances, so maybe that explains something.
i just took that much because i read from a describtion of old indian rituals where that 13 was common.
not that it did much or would do now that i have taken couple of stronger tries.

i had a sitter on the third time, but i guess it depends.
like with many hallusinogenics it is recommended that you have a sitter. but can't really say if one particularly -needs- it on low mg doses. also mentioned on those indian rituals was that mg is often taken in solitude and silence.
(source: plants of the gods - Hofmann et al.)


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
nice, i tried HBWR seeds which didn't work, today im going
for morning glory, the first time. i guess i will just
swallow the whole pack, that is 20 gramms. all those weird
seeds seem to refuse giving me what i want so this time i
wanna make sure. :drum:


10 Déc 2005
aynama a dit:
Just like to share this, mkay?

first heavenly blue experience yesterday.
13 seeds taken over a period of 3 hours.
i took care to make this first very light.
so. i washed the seeds carefully several times, then ground them and soaked in about 50-60 degrees (celsius) water, let them stay there a while and then chew the little bits for a while.
this was all in all very mild but lovely thing. not a complete voyage with different stages, just blurred vision and mixing of colours in my room.
the time was from about 5 o'clock to 21. darkness brought nice forms and i can recommend the silence&solitude that the indians liked to occupy.
finally i was very relaxed and some of my fatigue of the day was lifted, went to bed and here i am at work the next day still feeling fine, and even a bit getting the brightness.. it's 10.30 and i'm definetely trying another one soon. cheers-

Why did you even bother to prepare 13 seeds? U just get the threshold effects.. pretty lame.. if even that. But that's just my opinion :) First time i did morning glory i ingested about 120 seeds.. I've done morning glory several times.. I've had a few very visual and intense trips.. one time i did like 350-400 seeds but i didn't enjoy the trip so much.. and it wasn't so visual :/ it was really disappointed. I'm gonna try hawaiian baby woodrose someday now. I forgot to mension that i've had really good experiences with morning glory combined with some weed :P If i remember correctly it was blueberry..it really boosted the trip


Alpiniste Kundalini
17 Avr 2004
Yes, LSA is so nice :) It is very relaxing and still quite psychedelic, too. The trip lasts surprisingly long, much longer than mushrooms. The nauseousness is a pity, though.


Elfe Mécanique
8 Déc 2005
Yes, you really hear a lot of people who got really sick with LSA seeds(Morning glory and woodrose seeds).

Can it be that it is because the seeds are threated with chemicals? So if you wash them really good, you have less chance to get this naussea?


Alpiniste Kundalini
17 Avr 2004
No, you get sick from certain toxines in the seeds themselves, the so-called cyanide glucosides. I have the idea that the whole theory that seeds are treated only comes from the nausea that is normal to LSA seeds; I don't believe that people would deliberately put substances toxic to humans in their seeeds. It might be just an urban myth, but I'm not sure of that ofcourse. But yes, getting sick is quite normal when you eat LSA seeds. Only making an extract can avoid that.


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
JJJ a dit:
I don't believe that people would deliberately put substances toxic to humans in their seeeds. It might be just an urban myth, but I'm not sure of that ofcourse.

Very often seeds that are being sold by seed-retailers (for example your basic local garden-supply store) have been sprayed with pesticides and/or fungicides. If you do not rinse these seeds thorouglhy the chemicals also are ingested and can cause nausea or even something worst.

Seeds bought from psychotropic plant vendors are usually "clean" and safe for consumption as they are. But still, the chemicals in the husk of the seed will usually give you at least some degree of nausea, so extraction of LSA might be a good idea.


Alpiniste Kundalini
17 Avr 2004
Viaticus a dit:
Very often seeds that are being sold by seed-retailers (for example your basic local garden-supply store) have been sprayed with pesticides and/or fungicides. If you do not rinse these seeds thorouglhy the chemicals also are ingested and can cause nausea or even something worst.
Yes, sure, but I don't think that seeds that are known to be psychotropic are deliberately made poisonous. :)


16 Déc 2005
I took 100 and still didn't feel anything...I'll try more the next time and I hope it's going to work...


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
JJJ a dit:
Yes, sure, but I don't think that seeds that are known to be psychotropic are deliberately made poisonous. :)

No, I don't think so either. And in my opinion it would be very irresponsible to do so just to harm those who might want to explore their psychoactive qualities without a warning.


18 Août 2005
Yes, sure, but I don't think that seeds that are known to be psychotropic are deliberately made poisonous.

In America it’s true, the “treat


15 Juin 2005
i tried one online garden shop in finland, did not seem too poisonous. yet somehow i feel that they did not get me as high as ******* mg's... but I have read that they use some very strong pesticide chemicals in some garden shops.. so I wouldn't really recommend those on doses over 100 at least


They used to apply the fungicide Captan to some Morning Glory seeds - it should be a purplish powder only on the surface (it doesn't penetrate into the seed itself). If you can't see any purple powder, the seeds are untreated, whatever the warning on the packet about toxicity. Why worry about it in MGS when plenty of other products are (or were) Captan-contaminated?

Of course if you grow the plant even from those Captan-treated seeds, any seeds you produce will be fine to consume. Mostly, commercial garden MGS are fine, but get some proven seeds from an ethnobotanical source to grow your own and beautify your garden.

My tried-and-tested procedure is:

Take per person about 4 to 8 grams of Ipomoea violacea seeds (var Heavenly Blue or Flying Saucers).

Reduce to a very fine powder in an electric coffee-grinder. Place the powder in a dish and add roughly 1.5 times the volume of cold unchlorinated water. Stir, cover and leave for a few hours or overnight in a cool dark place. Check and stir regularly, reciting appropriate magical incantations. Add a bit more water if the mixture is too thick, though keep the liquid volume to a minimum. It should look purplish-black and slimy. Pour the concoction through a strainer and then through a piece of muslin cloth or cheesecloth or similar. It is now ready to use.

When drinking the mixture (which tastes OK - not as bad as some) it is hard to avoid the nausea and stomach cramps - though some people don't seem to get it. There are, however, two alternative methods to consider.

The active principle, LSA, can be absorbed through the skin (like acid); so strip off and cover yourself (or your partner) with the slimy black liquid.

Alternatively, you can do the liquid as an enema (hold it in for 15-30 minutes) - like that you don't have to taste it, it absorbs faster than through normal skin and doesn't make you sick. Sorry to say, it's the best method.

Morning Glory effects are really mellow, peaceful and colourful. It feels great, nice headspace, no headaches or side-effects (barring the nausea when drinking it). It lacks the "edginess" of acid. It's like going to visit your favourite aunt in her country cottage.


Matrice périnatale
25 Août 2005
I took between 200 - 250 seeds and still felt nothing, I was a little disappointed


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
Irie_I a dit:
I took between 200 - 250 seeds and still felt nothing, I was a little disappointed

How did you take them? Were they crushed or whole? And how long had it been since your last meal?

People react differently to psychoactive substances and there is a lot of variation between batches of seeds, so it's not that unusual that some might not get effects from the dose you mentioned.