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WHY is cannabis a bad thing???


Matrice périnatale
19 Fev 2008
Hello. my names kris. id just like to say that there is no point at all of it being against the law. it serves thousands of different functions all good ones.

THE goverment (UK, USA, and other places where its illegal,)say it causes mental health problems. In the other countries however, that have it legalized, not very many people who smoke it have mental health problems. Actually there have been some cases where pot has HEALED mental health problems.

i know why... IT OPENS YOUR EYES TO REALITY! :weedman:

I have never smoked weed B4, but someone i know has and i hang round with him (the smoke gets me a little high anyway) and he says that the experience is beautiful... true, very true. :smoke:

cannabis= good
goverment= BAD


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I think everyone on the forum will agree, Cannabis is indeed a miracle herb. There is no reason why it should be illegal, from a health view. But since it opens your mind to reality and the corruption of our society, they make it illegal.

Why would our government want people to smoke something that would make them wake up? Instead they shove alochol down our throats, a drugs that is PERFECT for numbing the mind, and even better for the government to feed lies to.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
user_1919 a dit:
I think everyone on the forum will agree, Cannabis is indeed a miracle herb.

As a daily smoker for the last 14 years of my life I can and will say I do not agree. Smoking cannabis can be very dangerous if you smoke to much and start out to young. It can become a habit real easily, it can cost you a whole lot of money, make you lazy and ignorant for all kinds of things. I've stopped for 3 weeks now, and I noticed I do not have any mood swings any more and feel much more energetic. My girlfriend is really happy with it.

I won't say I will not smoke again ever, but I want to save smoking for special occasions so it will be fun to smoke and not a need.

You can say it heals mental problems, but it can also causes it. Just use it wisely and with respect !


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
The trick to being a chronic weed smoker (pun intended) is more or less pacing yourself every once in a while when you realize you've been smoking everyday for the past couple weeks or month or two or....year....just take a break for a few weeks if you wait a month all the thc will leave the fat molecules in your body and not only will your break refresh your body and mind the anticipation of once again hittin that sweetleaf will get you higher when your breaks over than youve ever been garunteed


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"make you lazy and ignorant for all kinds of things." - "You can say it heals mental problems, but it can also causes it."

Guns are not dangerous , guns dont harm people , people can use guns to hurt themselves . Cannabis didnt do that , you did it by abusing cannabis .

"I've stopped for 3 weeks now, and I noticed I do not have any mood swings any more and feel much more energetic."

That sounds like the problems you had because of abusing cannabis were not longterm .

"Just use it wisely and with respect !"

Exactly .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Yeah, on top of my post, you must use it wisely and with respect. I do agree that if it gets out of hand, than it is not the perfect drug. But if you use it moderatly and respect it, it is a very special herb, to me at least.

One thing that I hate is when people blame Cannabis for their actions and why everything is going wrong. It's not the Cannabis, its the user.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
You guys are absolutely right, but for some people it's very hard to use it wisely. I was 1 of them, but the last year I've started thinking about my daily (ab)using and decided to have a break.

For the future I will have more respect for my beloved lady !


24 Fev 2008
skimandala a dit:
Hello. my names kris. id just like to say that there is no point at all of it being against the law. it serves thousands of different functions all good ones.

THE goverment (UK, USA, and other places where its illegal,)say it causes mental health problems. In the other countries however, that have it legalized, not very many people who smoke it have mental health problems. Actually there have been some cases where pot has HEALED mental health problems.

i know why... IT OPENS YOUR EYES TO REALITY! :weedman:

I have never smoked weed B4, but someone i know has and i hang round with him (the smoke gets me a little high anyway) and he says that the experience is beautiful... true, very true. :smoke:

cannabis= good
goverment= BAD

I really wouldn't say it's THAT simple.

It's true though that cannabis, along with LSD and psilocybine were made illegal in the US mostly because of the hippies: "no drugs, no counterculture" - but saying that weed is only good for people, that it's a "miracle plant" and thinking that it opens our eyes to reality without admitting any possible problems caused by weed is just irresponsible.

It does impair your short term memory for a while, and it can be dangerous mentally, as can any hallucinogenic drug (yes, I know it's also a depressant, a stimulant and an antipsychotic). I think cannabis (CBD, THC and other chemicals) should be legal, but saying that it's "completely harmless" is just...wrong. It's safe, yes, but there are risks, as with all psychoactives.


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
skimandala a dit:
cannabis= good

You can abuse cannabis, watch isn't a good thing.
So cannabis can be bad.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
"It does impair your short term memory for a while, and it can be dangerous mentally, as can any hallucinogenic drug"

Everyone always says it impairs your short-term memory. I actually have the opposite reaction. I am able to study for about 2 hours for a large exam, and everything I read, get's stuck in my mind, and it won't leave. I go to bed still high, and I find myself unconcsiously repeating what I have studied, and cannot fall asleep because my mind is rushing. When I wake up in the morning, I feel refreshed and all the knowledge is with me. I honestly think it is the way that you look at it. If you truly believe that it impairs your short-term memory, than it will. This reality is what you make of it!

Marijuana also helps greatly with concentration. That is with 'smaller' doses. With a small dose of Marijuana, I can concentrate on my homework much better, and can also understand everything better. (I'm not a drop out student...going to university and have very complex courses)

"It's safe, yes, but there are risks, as with all psychoactives."

As is there with serotonin and dopamine. You have the risk of being a nulled idiot to the government and other orgaizations. You have the risk of walking infront of a car and getting hit, you have the risk of getting in a car accident, you have the risk of falling into this 'time loop' and believing that everything we see is real and that Jesus actually exists. As you can see there are risks with EVERYTHING that we do in life, and to point out all the negative effects of Marijuana is just dumb. Yeah to some people who abuse Marijuana they have 'short-term memory loss'. But there is also a lot of beauty from using Marijuana. It opens your mind up to a lot of things, and it can make you think in a whole different way, disattched from societys way of thinking. At least that is my point of view. I would like to thank Marijuana for opening my mind to this 'reality' and the corruption of this society. If it wasn't for Marijuana, I would still be thinking Jesus existed and if I didn't follow his 'wise' words I would end up in hell.

Thank you Marijuana, PEACE


24 Fev 2008
user_1919 a dit:
As is there with serotonin and dopamine. You have the risk of being a nulled idiot to the government and other orgaizations. You have the risk of walking infront of a car and getting hit, you have the risk of getting in a car accident, you have the risk of falling into this 'time loop' and believing that everything we see is real and that Jesus actually exists. As you can see there are risks with EVERYTHING that we do in life, and to point out all the negative effects of Marijuana is just dumb. Yeah to some people who abuse Marijuana they have 'short-term memory loss'. But there is also a lot of beauty from using Marijuana. It opens your mind up to a lot of things, and it can make you think in a whole different way, disattched from societys way of thinking. At least that is my point of view. I would like to thank Marijuana for opening my mind to this 'reality' and the corruption of this society. If it wasn't for Marijuana, I would still be thinking Jesus existed and if I didn't follow his 'wise' words I would end up in hell.

Hmm. Probably the short-term-memory loss depends on how much CBD, THC and other cannabinoids the weed contains. And on the person.

I'm not saying that cannabis doesn't have good effects, I'm not trying to demonize it. But if weed was legalized, do you think we should tell the kids in our schools that weed has no "bad" effects, and that it can be smoked as often as they like?

I think not. Of course responsible cannabis use hasn't got that much risks, but not everyone has the same great effects on it. Not everyone wants to smoke weed to "open their eyes to reality", it can be just for fun. "Reality is what you make of it", yes, to some extent. I wouldn't teach kids that if you believe strong enough that pot makes you smarter it will.

(I personally consider THC my favorite psychoactive. I love the psychedelic effects of some cannabis strains, most of my friends just panic because of them, some don't feel them at all.)

You can use the "everything in life has risks, to point out this and that is dumb" logic with ANY psychoactive. Yeah, cannabis has pretty low risks, but I think knowing them is better than thinking "nah, that's just bullshit, this is a herb given to man by GOD, it can never do any harm" or other such stoner propaganda ;). It's a psychoactive substance no matter how much we like it, and it DOES make your brain function in a way that it normally wouldn't.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
"Reality is what you make of it", yes, to some extent."

No litterally it is, what ever you want your reality to be, it will. We humans have litterally created a new reality, and have shut out everything else. You may not agree with me, but I believe this to be very true.

"But if weed was legalized, do you think we should tell the kids in our schools that weed has no "bad" effects, and that it can be smoked as often as they like? "

Not if they want to function properly in this society and way of living. This society does not promote the use of any psychoactive because all it does it dissolve culture bounderies. This made me thing of something my dad told me a few days ago. Why is there no such thing as lung cancer in the Amazon? Like in regard to the shamans and there tribe smoking tobacco very regularly? It is because they were never exposed to such a thing. As techonolgy advances, so does all the dieases that come with it. They are discovering a whole bunch of things that can go wrong. It is because they are creating it. This goes along side with "you create your own reality".

"It's a psychoactive substance no matter how much we like it, and it DOES make your brain function in a way that it normally wouldn't."

So you are assuming that this way that our brain functions is normal? I think it was Terence Mckenna that believed that N,N-DMT was once our 'operating' system. It was the neurotrasmitter in charge. When you look at such substances that society rejects, you have to take into account that they are comparing it to 'this' normal state. The only reason that we are here and concsious about what is going on, is because this is what we define as normal. To me, there is no normal, everything just is.

Anyways, I'm not trying to get you angry, I just like discussing these types of things. It opens everyones mind to stuff they have never thought of. So lets just try to keep things peaceful. :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Basic responsibility,

Moderation and respect, as in all things, is vital to healthy cannabis use.
Much of the emphasis for harm is in fact on the user, not the substance.
It is for the individual to gauge their own response to anything.
This is generally through experience, although good information does help.

Cannabis is indeed a miracle herb, with a vast range of uses, besides that of a psychoactive. But of course, people should be informed of all the faces of cannabis, use and abuse, in order for them to be safe and learn from the experience.

But I can say that as a substance, it has very little dangers, if any.
It is up to the individual to find where they stand with this great teacher.

And user_1919, i totaly agree with your last post.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
I see your point, Klaatu, but I think we can all agree that cannabis is indeed pretty harmless. I liked what buff said: emphasis on the user.


24 Fev 2008
Well, I mostly agree with the idea of subjectivity in "reality", but...

user_1919 a dit:
Not if they want to function properly in this society and way of living. This society does not promote the use of any psychoactive because all it does it dissolve culture bounderies. This made me thing of something my dad told me a few days ago. Why is there no such thing as lung cancer in the Amazon? Like in regard to the shamans and there tribe smoking tobacco very regularly? It is because they were never exposed to such a thing. As techonolgy advances, so does all the dieases that come with it. They are discovering a whole bunch of things that can go wrong. It is because they are creating it. This goes along side with "you create your own reality".

(I'm not really into this whole conspiracy theory about the society not wanting me to use psychoactive substances because they "open doors", I think people just generally don't understand them - they think LSD is the same as heroin. Of course there have been political reasons, but I don't think there has been a group of people with political power who've decided that mescaline is a big no-no because it dissolves cultural boundaries.)

But: how would a shaman in the Amazon know if he had a thing we now define as lung cancer inside his body or not, as it's pretty hard to detect without any modern medical equipment? Has there been any study on the causes of death of shamans of the Amazon?

I don't think we create sicknesses with technology, we just perceive things differently. Thunder used to be the "sound made by the two main gods, Ukko and Akka, having sex" in the Finnish mythology. Now we think it's electricity. Still, it happened then, and it happens now. I believe there is an "objective reality" to some extent.

About DMT: well, if it used to be our neurotransmitter in charge, it isn't any more. Of course there can be discussion wether "schizophrenia" is a "mental sickness" or a "state of mind", but your brain doesn't normally function the way it does on THC, does it?

But yeah, this is all pretty off-topic. Cannabis has very low risks, yes. Perhaps I was too strict. It's just that I've met so many young people (14-16 years old) who hear that "weed has no negative effects" and decide to smoke it daily. Their stupidity, yes.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
"(I'm not really into this whole conspiracy theory about the society not wanting me to use psychoactive substances because they "open doors", I think people just generally don't understand them - they think LSD is the same as heroin. Of course there have been political reasons, but I don't think there has been a group of people with political power who've decided that mescaline is a big no-no because it dissolves cultural boundaries.) "

Yes it's the people who have been feeding our society the lies about these 'drugs' fault. The reason people think LSD is the same as heroin is because that is what they are told, and they look no further. They take the governments word for it, and then call you crazy if you tell them that LSD is actually a very good drug and it opens your mind to many new things. That's the sad thing, they do ZERO research or experimenting with the substances, yet they know it's very bad, but have no clue why!

But about the mescaline thing; look at Peyote in the United States. It is very illegal, and even the Peyote Church who has legal rights to grow and use Peyote, got raided by the DEA, and all there peyotes siezed and i'm pretty sure almost all the peyotes died? San Pedro is legal in the USA, which I have no clue why, if Peyote is legal.

"But: how would a shaman in the Amazon know if he had a thing we now define as lung cancer inside his body or not, as it's pretty hard to detect without any modern medical equipment? Has there been any study on the causes of death of shamans of the Amazon? "

He wouldn't, that's the point. He has never been subjected to it, so he has no reason to believe that anything exists. 50 years from now when a new diease comes out, you will think back and ask yourself why you never had such a diease back in the day. Also as technology progesses, so does the environmental impact. All the technology that we humans are created, is impacting us in a negative way to a certain extent. Take Cancer for example; look how many ways you can get cancer now. They now say you can get it from freezing food in plastic containers, or talking on your cellphone. Don't forget these are all products that we humans have created, so essentially, we are creating a reality of new dieases.

"Thunder used to be the "sound made by the two main gods, Ukko and Akka, having sex" in the Finnish mythology. Now we think it's electricity. Still, it happened then, and it happens now. I believe there is an "objective reality" to some extent. "

Thunder is not a diease though. It is a natural part of the Earth's cycle. It has been here since to starting of the Earth. But some dieases like cancer were not existent 400 years ago. And I do not believe that there is a 'normal' reality that anything can we compared to. Everything that we see and precieve is culturally conditioned somehow, and even if you don't think so, unconciously it is. Every thought, every action, just everything is somehow wired in the way your culture operates. There is really no way to get around this other than deep psychedelic explorations or 50 years of meditation. It's your choice which route to take, but they will both lead you to the same place.

Well I do agree, we have got a little carried away with this, but oh well, great conversation, that's all that matter. Have a great day everyone!



24 Fev 2008
user_1919 a dit:
Thunder is not a diease though. It is a natural part of the Earth's cycle. It has been here since to starting of the Earth. But some dieases like cancer were not existent 400 years ago. And I do not believe that there is a 'normal' reality that anything can we compared to. Everything that we see and precieve is culturally conditioned somehow, and even if you don't think so, unconciously it is. Every thought, every action, just everything is somehow wired in the way your culture operates. There is really no way to get around this other than deep psychedelic explorations or 50 years of meditation. It's your choice which route to take, but they will both lead you to the same place.

I'm not thinking of a 'normal' reality, I'm talking of a cold, "objective" reality, that of course cannot be - perfectly, objectively - observed by human beings. There has to be something we can turn into a culturally conditioned reality. Something we can actually perceive. I'm not denying the fact that culture affects the way we look at anything, but I don't think we are all a bunch of hallucinations created by each other in a reality of nothingness. We might be, yes.

If I believe or don't believe in the existence of something like the Christian God, then yes: it might be "real" or "not real" to me, but not believing that I have AIDS or another STD right now doesn't make the possible disease disappear.

Talking about "naturality" is a bit misleading. There have always been diseases, they are just as "natural" as thunder or rain. Synthetic psilocybin is just as "natural" as the psilocybin found in mushrooms. Cancer is in some cases caused by radiation, rain is caused by water vapours etc. It doesn't matter if we think that raindrops are the tears of Jesus Christ, it still rains. New diseases are born not necessarily because of the acts of the western civilization. Bacteria and viruses don't think about culture.

As for the claim "there was no cancer 400 years ago":

Our oldest description of cancer (although the term cancer was not used) was discovered in Egypt and dates back to approximately 1600 B.C. The Edwin Smith Papyrus, or writing, describes 8 cases of tumors or ulcers of the breast that were treated by cauterization, with a tool called "the fire drill." The writing says about the disease, "There is no treatment."

From cancer.org. Also: Cancer on Wikipedia

Still, it might be that we are all just a bunch of brains connected to huge computers with millions of little wires. But still, no one seams to have been able to break the rules of reality (fly, shoot lightning bolts out of his/her ass). Or at least objectively. Perhaps someone is able to morph objects into others when on acid, gotta try that someday. I'm predicting that my phone won't be a purple snake when I wake up the next morning :S.

Culture isn't necessarily our enemy. Wouldn't a culture that values only meditation and psychedelics and hates money and "material things" be just as intolerant as a our culture now?

Well, I don't know what your idea of a utopia is, but I think that in a culture that lives in the forests and consumes psychedelics regularly someone would eventually say: "You know what guys? Screw this. I'm gonna invent..."the wheel". No, it doesn't expand your consciousness, but I can use it to make...a "bicycle". And I can move with it to other places. No, actually move with it physically. I'm sick and tired of meditating every day, I wanna own a bike. And you know, I really wanna have a cheese sandwhich." ;)

Actually this conversation isn't that off-topic after all. In the first post skimandala claims that cannabis is considered "bad" because it "opens our eyes to reality". We just stopped talking about cannabis in particular :)


Matrice périnatale
3 Mar 2008
wooo, well i heard once that its illegal becuase the gov. makes more money off of it this way.

but anyways im jumping on on the off topic here real fast :roll: im 16, i started smoking last 4/20 when i was 15 and i mean i dont smoke on a daily basis but my friend started to (i have his stash so he quits smoking for the past month actually) but i smoke maybe once every other week or once a week, but is 16 still a harmful age to smoke? i mean i dont wanna do any harm.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
to the one above me.... i recommend you smoking a lot and then see how it suits you... ;) just find out... if you feel bad just stop smoking and then observe yourself ... else just smoke so much as you feel pleasant with / you like ... when you feel you don't enjoy it anymore you could observe yourself or /and take a break from smoking... also it's beneficial to watch your mental processes or your thoughts in general as well as your emotions... and if you see that the effect you get from smokin weed is too bad or isn't bringing you any benefits...then think about it... :P but better just keep it like you say you do... smoking once in a week is a quite good quote... i can tell you if you start smoking more you might manage it quite well and still enjopy it alot but it's cool how you're doin it... ;) or simply vaporize it!! :P

i find the topic really intersting.... well yeah it's kind of stupidness-caused the situation that is there now... i mean not all people can be that stupid...they are just too lazy to use their brain so they could figure out that what they are being taught and what some people tell them is just PURE shit and is harmful if the information is spread in this way.... also some people think they can't know some-thing and they think this kind of person MUST now it and they MUST believe this person and there are other persons around too in "their perception of the world" that are SO untrustable but the funny thing is that often the people from the other side were the ones that brought the dogma that some sort of "other" people might be very unworthy to trust and they tell shit.... well yeah spreading lies... it's used a lot ... it's politics? is it? well... i dunno anymore .... how much can the truth be bent until it breaks?

the discussion about the extrema of the both sides of the anti-drug and pro-drug is kind of stupid in my view too... why not let everybody do what they want if it doesn't harm the other people and not only that ... it's good if used in the right way... so please.... start learning and start solving it up and spread good info.... everybody!!!!! now!!!!!!!!!!! :weedman: :mrgreen:

regarding diseases... it might be that they are like a self-protection-mechanism of the earth as a mega-organism to sort out weak/non-fitting/whatever elements???

peace! :weedman:


8 Avr 2008
PokeSmot a dit:
wooo, well i heard once that its illegal becuase the gov. makes more money off of it this way.

but anyways im jumping on on the off topic here real fast :roll: im 16, i started smoking last 4/20 when i was 15 and i mean i dont smoke on a daily basis but my friend started to (i have his stash so he quits smoking for the past month actually) but i smoke maybe once every other week or once a week, but is 16 still a harmful age to smoke? i mean i dont wanna do any harm.

The plant itself is not harmful. The only somewhat harmful thing is the smoke, but if you do it once a week, it shouldn't be a problem.