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Je m'inscris!

What would be good for me?


Matrice périnatale
16 Mar 2005
Allright. So let's start. I, as many other human beings, like to get wasted, or atleast to some kind of deeper state of mind, every now and then. But there's a little problems that I have.

As you see, alcohol is a definite no-no for me. Its effects aren't good for me, I don't like te taste and I think there's alcoholism in my genes (dad's both parents). So that's not an option.

I also dislike supporting drug mafia, so any illegal substances are out of that list. Growing marijuana isn't an option as I still live with my mom and I wouldn't like to involve her in possible law relations...

For my "perfect drug", I want at least some of these effects:
- Calming
- Maybe something that helps me to sleep
- A little mind expanding
- Not much bad side effects
- Not too addictive

I have tried LSA via Hawaiian Baby woodrose seeds and had one good trip of four or five tryings. Effect was great, if you don't count the side-effects (nausea, vomiting etc). So I have had enough of that particular product.

I happen to have 300 Morning glory seeds and I was thinking of trying those later this week. So from one thing to another, what you consider the best way of taking them? With HBWR:s I have something called fobia or atleast even thinking of its taste makes me sick. I have tried to eat tem as quick as possible and often with ice-cream, but that way they don't seem to cause any good or bad effects. Blah.

Hope you understood at least something of my text. My English is, I think, a bit rusty nowadays...


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Mar 2005
Well you could try kratom. I don't know if its mind expanding but I think it checks most other options on that list. You could try growing papaver somniferum but I guess that would be to addicting(and becomes illegal as soon as you start harvesting, legal to grow though). Ofcourse for mind expanding stuff you could try mushrooms. All ordable of this site ofcourse :p

If you look around on Erowid you might find something you like. Good luck :)

PS: Your English is pretty good actualy ;)


26 Juin 2005
Weed describes your best drug! Maybe youd like opiates but those are pretty adictive so...

I think you should let go of the thought about sponsering mafia that way you'll get acces to some more drugs. Think you'll like lsd and shrooms tooo.

Its best to crush your seeds and let them stand in a glas of water overnight then filter and drink. Maybe add a few drops of lemon juice.


Matrice périnatale
16 Mar 2005
Well you could try kratom.

Ahh! Kratom is on its way to my home from Holland... Can't wait to try it. Reviews from that product are quite good, so perhaps this would be "the one"..

Amanita muscaria is, or so I have read, on it's best next month, so I guess I'll try that also when I get those to my hands. They grow widely in my country so getting it wouldn't be a problem.

Bigger problem might be my country's (Finland) _very_ strict laws that make impossible to order amanitas, salvia divinorum etc might-be-potent nature's goods via internet... Funny though, easiest way to get most of the illegal shrooms is to go to the forests that we have a lot of and look for..


Matrice périnatale
9 Jan 2005
Näin heti alkuun tulee mieleen Kratom. Antaa mukavan rauhalliset fiilikset, verrattavissa kodeiiniin. Aine on ehkä hiukan hintavaa mutta onpahan ainakin laillista :cool:, pulverilla mielestäni paras hinta/laatu suhde. Itse olen käyttänyt Kratomia 10g kertadousseilla mutta joillekkin riittää 5geetäkin hyvin. Henkilökohtainen mielipiteeni Kratomista on että ihan mukava aine vaikka arki-illan "piristykseksi", mutta hinta on mielestäni liian kova. Ottaen huomioon että samalla rahalla saa paljon kivempiakin juttuja esim: LSA:ta tai yage aineksia :smirk:.
Mutta se on vain minun mielipide. Minulla on kuosailussa paljon kokeneita ystäviä jotka rankkaavat Kratomin ykkös päihteeksi. Eli yksilöllistä.

Minulla on sama LSA:n syömis fobia kuin sinulla. Eli pelkkä sen maun ajateleminenkin nostaa laatan kurkkuun. Itse käytän aina HBWR siemeniä ja niillä olen havainnut hyväksi tavaksi siementen murskaamisen ja juoman avulla huikalla nielemisen. Morning glory siementen kanssa tämä ei oikein toimi sillä niitä joutuu vetää niin maan perkeleesti, eikä se murskaaminenkaan ole mikään helppo homma sillä siemenet ovat niin pieniä. Morning gloryn kanssa kanattaa varmaan soveltaa ekstrakti menetelmiä joita löytää netistä.

Antteksi sekavasta tekstistä mutta olen nyt vähän kiireessä. Kiva muuten nähä muitakin suomalaisia täällä :alc:

Ainiin.. Joitain LSA ekstrakti ohjeita löytyy suomeksi osoitteesta www.psyvault.tk Laitat vaan hakusanaksi LSA ekstrakti. On muuten muutenkin erittäin hyödyllinen sivu. :jump: Tervetuloa keskustelemaan!(olettaen ettet sivusta vielä tiedä)


31 Mar 2005
Näin heti alkuun tulee mieleen Kratom. Antaa mukavan rauhalliset fiilikset, verrattavissa kodeiiniin. Aine on ehkä hiukan hintavaa mutta onpahan ainakin laillista :cool:, pulverilla mielestäni paras hinta/laatu suhde. Itse olen käyttänyt Kratomia 10g kertadousseilla mutta joillekkin riittää 5geetäkin hyvin. Henkilökohtainen mielipiteeni Kratomista on että ihan mukava aine vaikka arki-illan "piristykseksi", mutta hinta on mielestäni liian kova. Ottaen huomioon että samalla rahalla saa paljon kivempiakin juttuja esim: LSA:ta tai yage aineksia :smirk:.
Mutta se on vain minun mielipide. Minulla on kuosailussa paljon kokeneita ystäviä jotka rankkaavat Kratomin ykkös päihteeksi. Eli yksilöllistä.

Minulla on sama LSA:n syömis fobia kuin sinulla. Eli pelkkä sen maun ajateleminenkin nostaa laatan kurkkuun. Itse käytän aina HBWR siemeniä ja niillä olen havainnut hyväksi tavaksi siementen murskaamisen ja juoman avulla huikalla nielemisen. Morning glory siementen kanssa tämä ei oikein toimi sillä niitä joutuu vetää niin maan perkeleesti, eikä se murskaaminenkaan ole mikään helppo homma sillä siemenet ovat niin pieniä. Morning gloryn kanssa kanattaa varmaan soveltaa ekstrakti menetelmiä joita löytää netistä.

Antteksi sekavasta tekstistä mutta olen nyt vähän kiireessä. Kiva muuten nähä muitakin suomalaisia täällä :alc:

Ainiin.. Joitain LSA ekstrakti ohjeita löytyy suomeksi osoitteesta www.psyvault.tk Laitat vaan hakusanaksi LSA ekstrakti. On muuten muutenkin erittäin hyödyllinen sivu. :jump: Tervetuloa keskustelemaan!(olettaen ettet sivusta vielä tiedä)

Please write in English, so the rest of the people can read it to ;)


24 Juin 2005
Kratom and weed, thats what i would recommend you. I have some morning glory seeds in my pocket right now, and believe it or not, i like the taste! Or at least it doesnt tastes horriable.
I tried 5 seeds yesterday, just to see how i react on them, and nothing happened, they tasted good (just like sunflower seeds) and my stomach was allright.


15 Juin 2005
one way is to ask your trusted friends about that your "wonder drug" and if they know any, every country has its own laws and weird attractions, i think.

space cakes is my suggestion, made of home grown ganja.

but to get that crimesupport-free maybe indica variety it takes quite an effort and chance and all that...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
I also think you should smoke weed or hasj. Spacecake is always hard to dose, you could easily overdose and have a really strong trip. If you smoke a joint, you can dose is easily yourself.

Maybe you can try weedtea ?


3 Oct 2005
I would try a moderate dose of DXM.I know what your saying DXM????? People dont give it a chance Ive never experienced many side effects, deffinently mind expanding, not very addictive if you limit yourself to every few weeks, you deffinently wont be supporting any illegal drug mafias, At a moderate dose you will surelely be relaxed with sudden euphoric rushes gonig through your body, well its deffinently not gonna help you sleep.....but everythingelse fits :D


Matrice périnatale
30 Sept 2005
If you buy illegal drugs, you aren't necessarily supporting any drug mafias. I know plenty of local small-time chemists and growers. Don't be fooled by those commercials telling you your money is buying flying lessons and AK-47's for terrorists. Or supporting U.S. drug cartels.

Unless you don't want to break the law, which I can respect.


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
Yesterday evening i had my first experience with dmx. It was one of my best ever. I've tried mushrooms and all sorts btw. Took 200 mg at first and 3 hours later 100 extra.
It's different :grin: I felt at peace. It feels like you are in a dream. If you know lucid dreams you will recognize the feeling. Waves of reality and thoughts.
I liked the real feeling it gives. I was able to write, think and feel incredible things. Almost paranormal things. I remember writing and not being the one who writes :p
Feeling electric, hearing and feeling beings far away.

Today i feel completely perfect! Take small amounts at first and know for sure you are capable of feeling different kinds of reality.

My vision was almost normal all the time, unlike mdma mushrooms etc. Difficult to focus but i reached the 3rd level i believe. No sweat, no pains, only muscle pain the day after for some reason.

Just try if you feel like, grtz


3 Oct 2005
doubt you reached 3rd platue at 200 mg. then redosing 100mg. but maybe..... next time try about 500-600 mg. deff. fun stuff. Corbin :roller:


Elfe Mécanique
29 Juil 2005
...Blablabla...I know plenty of local small-time chemists and growers...Blablabla...

The problem with that is that most of the small-time chemists just make stuff for their own and their friends... I don't think that he has any of those friends because he's telling he doesn't want to support drugmaffia and stuff...

If you go straight to a dealer on the streets you're supporting the drug maffia because most of them deal with really large quantities...

I would suggest some really strong hasj! It checks almost every point on the list


Matrice périnatale
30 Sept 2005
The problem with that is that most of the small-time chemists just make stuff for their own and their friends...

They're out there, you just gotta find them. The place that I've met the most chemists and growers that will deal in some-what large amounts is at raves. That's the perfect situation, lots of people, but all together, so no big networks of dealers and middle men. Most of them are good people too, at least where I'm from, they're more about a good product than making a bunch of profit. ..... blahblahblah


Elfe Mécanique
29 Juil 2005
I know they are good cause I know a couple too... I met them through my own experiments and they supplied me with stuff... (no not for drugs...) but I know them and they are cool... They try to make better products then the last one... Try to be better and diffirent then the other one... Trying to make it more pure each time...

But back on topic :p