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what is your favorite anti-stress herb,drug,med,...


28 Nov 2006
this is a question i've been dealing with since years,
i'm a very anxcious person on the inside (while most people think im a super calm guy, NOT)

for years and years i've been smoking mariuana to calm down,
i've tried all sorts of anti-anxiety pills, sleeping pills, relaxation stuff,
ive experimented with thee, years ago i started testing herbal tranquilizers...
had pills against manic depression...

most stuff i used Or didnt work or just had nasty side effects,
all the chemical stuff the doctors gave me was the biggest crap,
weed takes away the hatred in me, only for a while,
when i'm on lsd i feel so free, so neutral, even happy...
but it'd be great if i could find something that works real hard but doesn't put you in a trip of 6 hours

so i wonder, what kindof things have you guys tried in your life to calm down, this can go from "just chilling" to "avoid a mental breakdown"

two pills of herbal GABA do have a calming effect
two pills of 5htp seem to do something...but nothing more...
making thee of mulhulu is relaxing...

but none of these things have convinced me like: WOW, thats it!

still searching...


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
You have many options , Kava is great , very calming effects first days , but after some days of use you will feel euphoric and with great well-being , even with small doses , because kava lactones will accumulating in your body ,but remember that kava NEVER work first time .
The best for relax for me , is a strong tea with Blue Lotus , but as Kava you need to drink several times to be able to feel the effects , I compares the sedative effects of Blue Lotus as a strong Kratom tea , but maybe even better to reduce your anxious state because is not addictive as kratom can be .
And Mulungu , i bought 30 grams , i tried it ,but no euphoric feelings , maybe well-being and is easy to relax and to clean your mind .
Or just mix all and have fun :wink:


Alpiniste Kundalini
28 Oct 2005
No herbs or medicals that i can recommend...just swimming, especially if there's an outdoor pool as well so you can watch the stars while drifting in the water :D

Have you found out what exactly makes you feel nervous or restless, is it a stressy job, studies, planning your life, appointments, social interaction or do you feel it has always been a part of you??
No offense, but i just think the deeper cause marks a difference and it could explain why so many remedies don't work for you.


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
Jakobien a dit:
No herbs or medicals that i can recommend...just swimming, especially if there's an outdoor pool as well so you can watch the stars while drifting in the water :D

Have you found out what exactly makes you feel nervous or restless, is it a stressy job, studies, planning your life, appointments, social interaction or do you feel it has always been a part of you??
No offense, but i just think the deeper cause marks a difference and it could explain why so many remedies don't work for you.

I agree with you Jakobien , even better if you find the reason that makes you feel bad ,like that you don't need more meds, but when we are depressed isn't easy to find the reasons , i ve found mines after 3 years hard depression and psicose with the help of some gods plants and with self introspection , now I only use this kind of herbs to have a nice time or to give me concentration to do some tracks


Hey amoak, does Blue Lotus tastes good ? I've been interested by this stuff for quite a long time, maybe I'll order a few for Christmas !


29 Août 2005
i also am very anxcius and nervous person on the inside although if you would know me irl you would think im realy calm.

i have tried GABA, 5htp and phenibut wich doesnt help at all.
smoking weed only makes me more nervous and paranoid so i decided to quit smoking after 7 years.

ive been doing some research about Kava and found out its been made illegal in a few countrys because it can cause severe liver toxicity, including liver failure in some people.

but i would still like to trie it does anyone know from wich site i can order it from ??


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
Tiax a dit:
Hey amoak, does Blue Lotus tastes good ? I've been interested by this stuff for quite a long time, maybe I'll order a few for Christmas !

More or less . The taste is better than kratom but it don't taste like beer, but is easy to drink.
But the effects are great , I've order many times , but as Kava and Opium you never feel the euphoric effects the first time , only if you do a very strong tea , but after some teas , it will become stronger as kratom , I can compare as a strong kratom tea or a poppy pods tea , but with lotus you don't become addict as poppy tea . Mixed with Nucifera extract , and some alcohol is even better, it's a perfect tea to a boring day at home.


28 Nov 2006
already thought about kava but never tried it, i will one day!
and blue lotus sounds interesting too,
i don't mind waiting a few days or weeks to feel an effect,

a response to jacobien: i've always been this way,
seen lots of shit in my life, suffered from chronic depressions that really destroyed parts of my life,
the situation i live in now is getting better every few months, but i'm really working on it, believe me or not but last month i started feeling again, feeling in general, something i didnt have for.....years....maybe six... sounds impossible cause i did feel hate,pain,misery, sometimes love,
but never ever had a positive feeling, something good, a smile, after a while i started believing that there IS no such thing as happiness, that u can't feel it and i didn't believe that others could feel it too

but things are changing, my mind is really opening and its been closed for years, i feel better and better eventough a part of me is still insane and very unstable

im not looking for fun, im trying to fix myself, for normally i cant go lay down in a swimming pool and stare at the stars since i'd feel terrible and 'd rather hurt myself then to watch the sky...

i tested lots of thees, my mother makes me something every morning, "against depression", but i can't recall the name now (bad memory),
sometimes i make myself some mulhulu or skullcap thee,

but its like if there is a fire in me burning, some herbal stuff can reduce the feeling and make me more calm....some things just dont change anything

the thing that had the uttermost impact on me (in my entire life) was lsd (or morning glory+hawaian woodrose), since i stepped in the psychedelic world E V E R Y T H I N G started to change here!!

the worst thing you can say to me is: go get some professional help,
been there, done that...biggest problem is that they dont believe the things i think and feel...or dont seem to/dont want to.....they make me feel alot worse

i'm expecting results from 5htp, but since 1 or 2 pills dont do much i'll take like 4 one day, maybe this evening or so, to see what it does,

its not necessary to experiment every day of course but i want to find a good working "tool" to relax for when i lose my mind, most of the time im fine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but sometimes the devil comes and visit me


...curious about kava,,,,,but is that the red powder you have to chew?


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2005
..curious about kava,,,,,but is that the red powder you have to chew?

Nope, that's betel(nut) I guess.
Kava powder/extract is usually yellowish.

My favourite combo is
1.5g 15*Kratom extract plus Druids Fanatasy pills (contains some LSA).
(or Kratom plus a weak dose of shrooms, eg 0.5-1g dried cubensis)
I cant stay the taste of Kratom without puking anymore, so I put the Kratom poweder into pills.

Thats very strong though.
It's a - lay down in bed and enjoy it for 5-10 hours, feeling better for several days afterwards" experience (for me).

regards, tl


Alpiniste Kundalini
28 Oct 2005
Great that you can share this with us, i don't want to sound like Dr. Phil but you know.

I'm sorry not to be able to advise you on the relaxation herbs :roll: it's not my speciality, so to say... I have only experienced some stress and it could be treated with yoga, acupuncture, change of lifestyle, those kind of things :D

I know kavakava worked for many...but where to get it at this time :paranoid:


Lightbody meditation can be the answer.

I know the things on this site may sound a bit "floaty", but this will bring the control of your life, being and mind right back to you.

But it can be expensive, although not as expensive as trancedental meditation...


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
Jakobien a dit:
I know kavakava worked for many...but where to get it at this time :paranoid:

is so easy to find kava online , many online shops still have kava ,extract ,roots , etc


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
My belives is if you have hard enough anexiety,depression that you need to seek pro. help and take some low strenght benzo with SSRI or excelenting good herbal medicine is made from Hyperici herba extr. sicc., Hypericum perforatum L.) standard with 0,2% hipericina. This you can find in herbal stores in pills form.It is SSRI plant but with only minor sideeffects like some similar drugs(Prozac,Paxil).Kava or Kratom are not tested in long term treatment, they are used in psydelic rituals maybe once in mounth.And Kratom is opioid agonist and cause addiction.


22 Nov 2006
In america Kava Kava extract is available in about any health food store. even walmart. :twisted:

I don't know if it is in europe.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
i'm expecting results from 5htp, but since 1 or 2 pills dont do much i'll take like 4 one day, maybe this evening or so, to see what it does,

5htp is supposed to be taken during at least 2 weeks to feel any effect.


Does anyone already tried this (legal) herb blend named "Spice an eight" from biosmoke ?


Serious, you don't need any substances.

I was thinking about the topic name, what is my favorite thing to relax.
And my favorite thing to relax is still meditation.
It's relaxing, but also energising, it's not unhealthy and it gives you an intense sense of being and feeling like you're the luckiest person on the planet and puts you full of energy that you can openly exchange with other people.

If your anxiety is in your mind, you need to fix it with your mind, not with drugs/psychedelics...


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
i would agree with anyone that mentioned meditation, breathing, yoga, personally wicca has saved my life. but if you have no interest in these things,

take about 6 valerian root pills, 4 5htp pills and 4 pharma kava pills, maybe alternate the valerian with dwarf skullcap, blue lotus is really nice too, wormwood will put you down but tastes more bitter than anything i've ever drunk.

if you like the feeling you get from lsd, you could try to find sleepy grass which contains lsa, i've never tried it but have heard nothing but good stuff about it. also i've tried a 50\50 mix of mj and damiana leaf, this seems to add more clairity to the mj buzz. and finally on an off chance you could try to find indian warrior the loveleaf garden has it for really cheap, i haven't tried this either but i damn sure will soon.

i hope some of this is useful, depression that can be masked from the outside is the most dangerous kind.


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
something i forgot to add, DO NOT for any reason mix 5 htp with any other ssri, dxm, anything thing that increases seretonin, this will cause seretonin syndrome. really nasty stuff.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Oct 2006
ok space all that is easier said than done. I too have anxiety i've had it all my life. I don't like to take synthetic drugs so i have not been treating it. Meditation is almost impossible i try to do it all the time but it has only worked like one time a couple years ago I had to meditate for almost an hour then finally i was able to have that brief moment of calm(it was nice!) but it has not worked since. My mind just races and i can never reach calm i've tried breathing exercises and tapes
but nothing seems to help. Weed is about the only thing that helps. If it gets really bad i have to take a xanex. My advice is to go see a doctor and get some meds and save them for when it gets bad. I would not take anything everyday like they tell you. If meditation works then do that. Reading helps me sometimes. TV is bad and can cause you anxiety to get worse. I hate the people that like to tell you its all in your mind like it is supposed to easier to get rid of because it is in your mind. If it a real disorder(like i know i have) you wil not just make it go away with wishful thinking and it is foolish to say so


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
UTHTURN yes all is easier said than done, but is it really harder to try than it is to live with this shit? i myself am no stranger to the psych ward, but after five years of trying and trying and trying i no longer go to any dr. for meds, i fight everyday, some are worse than others, but i'd rather be forcing change on myself than living like i was before.