What is a K-hole?

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I've never done Ketamine, I came pretty close a few weeks ago but my friends connection came through. I did see him while he was on it and all he can say was that it was the best time ever. This is the same friend who introduced me to LSD and DMT.

I've heard it was like a blackhole. That you are stuck inside of yourself and it is up to you to crawl out of it. That you are not in reality anymore and know of nothing that is going on around you.

Another friend of mine who has done it many times at clubs said one time he snorted a whole jar of it, and then went out to buy his girl a jar and ended up forgetting all about her and dancing for the rest of the night. At the end of the night he was told that really he exited the boot and stood there for 3 hours without moving. His friend, my ex, told me a khole is less like a blackhole and more like that experience, you think you're doing shit, but you're really not.

I'm pretty interested in trying Ketamine but a k-hole is a pretty scary thought for me at the moment, esp. with all this information that isn't really adding up. I suppose you can do K without doing enough to go into a hole, but I've also been told that without the hole you might as well not do it, because as enjoyable as it is nothing is like a k-hole. Idk, if it's more like my friends experience I guess that's cool. But if it's more like a black hole that I have to gather mental strength to find myself out of it - that is very terrifying. Can you get stuck in it? What is Ketamine like?

It's pretty expensive, around $50 - 75 a jar and besides the fact I like to be well informed before trying anything, that also seems quite a bit to be spending on something that's going to rape my conscious.
I've only heard first hand of one k-hole experience, he said it was just a complete out of body experience, and you just swim through the sky. Sounds very interesting indeed.
It's when all the external sensory is shut down.

There's much less awareness than on pure DMT and a total absence of the body. And what remains is a tiny amount of awareness with an endless universe that does not look infinite, but expands for evermore when you assume you're about to see the end. The universe can be ancient or high-tech, both or nor of these. Ket is everything what it's not, it's nothing but everything as well. It drops you out with limited enlightment by the way.

It's for sure not the most blown away experience but it always stays in your mind somehow, it's the whole mystery and YOUstory which makes a return exciting. For some, there's something egocentric about Ketamine because it does only involve you. Like Ket has been made for you.

As for the K-hole, it's really hard to give a definition since it's excessively personal. But when it's about to become onset (IM few minutes, snorting 15, swallowing starting in about 30 mins) you'll have a strong 'drunk' feeling and robot like movements. Your vision will become extremly dizzy like you're under water with open eyes. You feel you've used a fatal dose of whiskey, opiod or other downer. Your breath dissapears (not for real), your vision too and you'll feel as you're a plastic bag filled with blood, or just an object with no point.

Soon you'll be wraped through a very small eye or tunnel rapidly, from here on you might have the impression that you're in your veins or a specific body part. Shortly after, you will 'drown' and there's nothing for a short while. No awareness at all.

What happens after it's up to the fate. You can be anything, everywhere, with anything and everyone. It's hard to remember when you woke up, once you've opened your eyes your vision is still extremly disorientated but within a few minutes it's about to become pretty normal again. Just keeping laying down for a while.

The weirdest part of all is, that I remembered what exactly happenend from the beginning till the end, about 2 months later. The day after I realised almost nothing.

I was a sheet at my office-desk and my collegeaus were all present, I accepted with no resistance that I was this sheet. But had compassion with this sheet for never seeing life. Which I was myself, but I didn't cared about myself, only for this lifeless sheet.

While I lied down in a tomb under my own garden I could see my parents, they were in love dancing and kissing, holding hands. They appearantly remained childless and never got to know me.

This was kinda extreme, but by no meaning unpleasant. Though I cried after about this because I didn't seemed important to them. But therefore, I never existed. Only I did. :?
Well, for me, in the deepest parts of disassociation, I do not know anything about myself other that I exist. I don't have a name, nothing is connected to anything. I am just awareness in the universe.

Lower doses, depending on setting, can either be just a party drug or can help you have pretty crazy visions and go into the astral plane.

I do feel that I've grown a messiah-complex. It may or may not have to do with my use of the drug. I haven't used in over a month.
Rymmen a dit:
I do feel that I've grown a messiah-complex.


I once snorted a low dose of K and it was very very odd and weird but somehow pleasant.

And after reading that post by brugmansia I can't wait to get ahold of some of that weird stuff again :)

this time, K-hole dose of course. 8)
Haha wow. Thanks all, it does seem that the experience will vary from person to person but after reading Brugmansia's reply K is definitely on the list. I think if I just go into it with an open mind in a comfortable setting this should be something quite amazing.
mindfukked a dit:
Haha wow. Thanks all, it does seem that the experience will vary from person to person but after reading Brugmansia's reply K is definitely on the list. I think if I just go into it with an open mind in a comfortable setting this should be something quite amazing.[/quoteIf you're going for a K-Hole, setting doesn't mean much beyond what happens to your physical body. An open mind would definitely help take you to the limits of disassociation. I find the universe of disassociation at the very least more accessible in its infinity than the psychedelic one.
Alright, I'll plan a trip to the K-Hole then, this looks much more interesting than what I first thought.

I have a couple of questions :

Is it ok for a reasonably experienced psychonaut to aim for a K-Hole dose for the first trip (with a tripsitter, of course) ?

What's the lethal dose ? What are the specifics risks of the K-Hole dose ?

Thanks :D
Tiax a dit:
Alright, I'll plan a trip to the K-Hole then, this looks much more interesting than what I first thought.

I have a couple of questions :

Is it ok for a reasonably experienced psychonaut to aim for a K-Hole dose for the first trip (with a tripsitter, of course) ?

What's the lethal dose ? What are the specifics risks of the K-Hole dose ?

Thanks :D
I wouldn't aim straight for K-Hole on the first time because it's something new.

A K-Hole dose is at 2 mg/kg. I'd aim for half that first time, though. If you overestimate, you should only suffer anesthesia, but measuring dosages usually isn't a problem with K since it's still a pharmaceutical.

EDIT: 2 mg/kg IM, that is.
never heared of the k-hole before though ive taken a lot of little doses. first time i tried it i opened a gel cap(dont know mgs) and snorted it in two lines. had no prior education except FREAKBROTHERS story. i must have od'd cos i fell backwards like sack of potatoes. i thaught-oh, im dead- and found myself floating in an orange infinate void. still thaught i was dead cos i couldnt see my body or feel anything though i was totaly at ease. then these guys floated up on all sides and started talking about me in a language i couldnt uderstand. it was the kind of noise the big bird things in Journey to the center of the earth made. excpt these guys had hooded robes on with psylocin blue magical writing scrolling around sleeves and hems.then i woke up with a sore head and my flatmates had buggered off. was that the K-hole. ive done little lines since and only had mild psychadelic effects although it makes me very Qi concious which is its main attraction :?:
On a radio show, Dr. Shulgin talked about Ketamine being addictive, as well as very bad in terms of long term effects (memory loss, drop in reasoning ability and perception). He talked about how very educated people whom he personally knew had succumbed to Ketamine addiction.. he emphasized that they were very intelligent, and had never been addicted to anything before, and had tried many different substances. Ketamine did them in.

So be careful!
vajrakana a dit:
On a radio show, Dr. Shulgin talked about Ketamine being addictive, as well as very bad in terms of long term effects (memory loss, drop in reasoning ability and perception). He talked about how very educated people whom he personally knew had succumbed to Ketamine addiction.. he emphasized that they were very intelligent, and had never been addicted to anything before, and had tried many different substances. Ketamine did them in.

So be careful!

its certainly very more-ish. its also very easy to take, dose and tolerate as psychadelics go. a friend of mine was at least psychologicaly adicted to it and was doing it every day. whats more he was injecting it. he only stopped because he could no longer tell the difference between the k and consensus reality. he has been changed by the experience, though in no way damaged
"In no way damaged" ... ?

You sure? Shulgin based his perceptions on various tests he did with them, and he is a stellar expert.. if not THE expert to trust in these matters.

He even says that Ketamine is one of the only psychedelic substances of which he is aware that causes actual addiction, and verified permanent damage (anecdotally, of course.. but he is loathe to warn people away from substances)
i dont think hes broken in any way. hes still highly intelligent and functions well,runs his business etc. ive done more damage on speed, over a longer period but hes a lot less f8cked up than me(and all the voices in my head say im fine). there are exceptions to most rules though
what is the k-hole?

if you have to ask you will never know

not something that can be described
what is the k-hole?

if you have to ask you will never know

not something that can be described
what happened in the k-hole. i blacked out completely. all i remember is waking up and coming back to reality, when i woke up it was like the radio was extremely muted like it was on loud but sounded really distant and quiet. i have no recollection of what happened. my friend said i was just sitting there quietly.

the times before that with lower doses were just fun and strange.

i also know people who were addicted. I never touched it again after blacking out and seeing people addicted to it.
Blacking out on K is a mental disconnection, the heart and breath capacity isn't suppressed.

Add 2 CB to a K-hole and you can transfer a lot more memories from the K-world, to the real world.

Nevertheless you can have treasures within the pyramid, but have to leave most of them there. The drift to return physiologically may occur and ketamine turns out into psychedelic heroin. It may become the Frankenstein molecule.

Mister Turner has written some great literature on these subjects, he suffered with a heavy addiction himself.
Whatever happens in a K-hole, stays in a K-hole.