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Je m'inscris!

What I just Realized


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
I Am Controlling You.......... :shock:
oh (big) brother ...here we go again of course They know everything we do and write (they are soon gonna know what we think..they are studying the technology for reading thoughts)
and you know what i think? i think that they are actually using us
since we are pioneers of reading consciousness (i'm getting to a dangerous topic, i bet that if i write too much you all won't be hearing from me after this one (this was a way to save myself, so that they won't eliminate me cause i said they would)) besides anarchy i not possible unless we were an intelligent life form
aparently the only Intelligengence is behind governments well hidden and out of reach for common folk so they keep people starving in africa and commoners like us working without saying anything.
I'm on caffeine at the moment
i did the big mistake of drinking a cola


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
UTHTURN a dit:
I tripped the fuck out last night. Its crazy to read what I posted, Reminds me of how Mckenna said to smoke weed basically wait awhile and smoke till you think you've smoked to much. I differently did that last night. Thats the first time I really had a psychedelic non visual trip on weed. It was nuts. I almost wigged out. But I sat down and tried to move past the paranoia and find my center. And I did and it was easy . I didn't know I could get that high. I could visualize my third eye with ease. I purposely tried to do as little editing as possible. So u could really tell how in the moment I was.
This whole day I've had that feeling you have after a strong trip u know the "afterglow". I want to continue smoking like this. Even though at one point I said I was going to quit.
i managed to get this state on weed once, it's quite awesome isn't it? At least I loved it very much even though it was abit confusing.


21 Juil 2007
5 922

I know this state. I had it alot. Even without smoking weed. I think it's your mind trying to realize something but yourself resisiting against it or something like that. Anyway smoking weed until you think you smoked enough is nice! :D


10 Avr 2007
Dantediv86 a dit:
I Am Controlling You.......... :shock:
oh (big) brother ...here we go again of course They know everything we do and write (they are soon gonna know what we think..they are studying the technology for reading thoughts)
and you know what i think? i think that they are actually using us
since we are pioneers of reading consciousness (i'm getting to a dangerous topic, i bet that if i write too much you all won't be hearing from me after this one (this was a way to save myself, so that they won't eliminate me cause i said they would)) besides anarchy i not possible unless we were an intelligent life form
aparently the only Intelligengence is behind governments well hidden and out of reach for common folk so they keep people starving in africa and commoners like us working without saying anything.
I'm on caffeine at the moment
i did the big mistake of drinking a cola

not too far off, and not wanting to sound like a madman either.. neuro phycology is one of the most promenet studys in sciens of the early 21st century.. this backed with the inter human control of both governments and the religious factions are the two most dangerous things.

''think'' - about it.. you 'type' on your computer) whiles doing you make concies desisions of how you structure your sentances (1), then you read an articla once again thinking of the possible conciec and non concience desisions that a humane can make(the thoughts that are thought without the action of speaking aloud to your self, in your head(2), then theres the obvios responce that you have writen after the first form of ''brain reading''

in other words they could talor you mind to an advert then advertise it for you and fill every crieteria of your concience and non concience thought process.. hence being able to predice you thought movent and ability to neuro phycologically advertise and drive not only the emotive and sence positions of but the synaptic functions of detail.

not laser technology and more. you could say thay have actually changed light to electric materian delivered it in light form to the prospective parts of the synaptic brain maps....

i have a therory that i say scientology was a branch of religion created to not only experiment these studies but also a way of creating a religious boundry of information on sceince. for the intergration of the it sector to alline with major religious titles... mmm this not only proves that relegion is not only being falsified in the act but also rather hypocritical.

The only thing I can do is what I feel like I must. Complete Surrender to "God" My personal choice is Jesus

is this what 'YOU' think?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Been through that phase.

What actually happens is that your inner psychedelic life gets confronted with everything that went through your mind when you were not high on any substance. All this information is saved and you're getting it all over you at once by your next intake, even strongly with pot. You're in doubt and uncertainy about specific issues. And crosses your soul with hypersensitive waves.

When having frequent experiences, everything that happens and passes your consciousness when not high is easy to pick up when high the next time 'cause it's not much at once and the previous experiences are still in the short-term memory. Which gives a feeling of safety and a clear forthcoming path. Which is due to the time you had off, not the case at this moment. ;)

But believe me, the government does not have the psychedelic eyes which you have and where you observe the world with, and them.

Looking to politics, world leaders on TV and debates, proclamations while high always interrupted me, but now it's all relatively. :P


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Well there are some nice ideas around that can make you completely fucked up, but anyway it's just speculation i guess. So why make yourself mad?

If you really WERE being controlled in such manners by people that are insane and intelligent enough to do it, you'd rather not now it, because it would be done quite subtle. It could be done not subtle, but then maybe in such a way that it would be hard to get out of it.

I agree that it is already the case, but probably not the direct controlling of the brainwaves of your brain, but i think a lot of advantage of other people is taken of your decisionmaking and the controlling of your own decisionmaking. (example: commercials)

But think of this: If you were a brain in a tank you'd never have the possibilty to know the truth whether you are a brain in a tank by yourself.

greetings :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Well, thinking about this topic, would the government or controlling body benefit more from utilising some unknown super technology that can access our brain in order to create simulations which best suite the individual for financial transaction; OR, would it better suit them to mould society in a uniform fashion in which they can manipulate the commercial and material temptations by already creating the values themselves that drive the publics consumerism? Thus by doing so, the body of cliché middle aged white plutocrats can continue to mould the public’s views, opinions and actions by their iron fist of legislature and almost Gestapo like censorship and martial law.

People are in this way forced to think they require some larger more powerful body to rule over them in a non individual dictatorship which relies on regular electorate opportunities to either maintain or gain its power for another fixed term of unwanted centralised dictatorial power and vast public servitude. We don’t 'need' anyone to regulate the way we run our own lives, by doing this it is almost like some degree of self imposed slavery to an invisible and unjust desecration of the rights all sentient beings have a duty to and to uphold.

It is, as has been said, the ignorant, drone like members of the public who have become so ingrained in the fabric of the establishment fabricated 'reality' and servitude to the outdated, secular and oppressive system, that they neither know any alternative and are terrified of any change that would challenge the fundamentals of their Nome-culture based on the exploitation of resources and the fellow man; For no more than the appeasement of undescriptive laws based on some distant individual’s basis of what life and felt experience should entail.

Salvia's ban in Australia is a supreme example of this defilement of human rights. No one had even herd of salvia here before a non elected committee of ‘experts’ who don’t even understand the nature or even chemical structure of the compound saw fit to abolish its availability on a notion of just getting there first. They just jumped on another opportunity to regulate both our minds and bodies. No appeal can be achieved; one can be made, but they can choose weather or not they want to even look at it.

The best way to look at, process and absorb information is to take it as a suggestion, not ultimate and defined truth by which all matter must abide. No one can tell you how the world works, you can see high possibilities but nothing is absolute. Thus one cannot define the safe usage of anything by the observations made from external sources and imposed upon another. Assumptions can be made and hypothesis strengthened but an ultimate conclusion will never be made. How can one pinpoint the attributes of a constantly shifting maelstrom of reality to which we are all witness?
This is why, despite of any amount of observation, the outcome will never be precisely exact or the same as one observed previously. This is why no one has the right to make decisions or conclusions on your behalf, for the felt experience is crushed into a box of novelty and described meaning to which we as a race have become so attached. With this freedom in the place of the controls of our current system, it could be regulated quite easily by a system of 2 or less rules that govern everything. These would be, in my POV

1. Every person has a right to all facets of freedom
2. That the enactment of the first law does not come into conflict with the harm of another sentient being or their opportunity for freedom and happiness.

If I ever end up owning my own private island, you can all come and live with me by these simple guidelines, in ultimate harmony.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
Meduzz a dit:
UTHTURN a dit:
Even though at one point I said I was going to quit.

I find this the tricky part about weed.
If it's true that weed makes you see the true world ("opening your eyes"), then you should quit.

But i think the assumption you should quit is paranoid-induced.

I only think i should quit when i'm high :roll:
same here :roll:

today I thought similar (but not in such a paranoid manner..) things, triggered by thousands of security-checks on the way to the statue of liberty (also triggered some thinking. okay,not some, much thinking.).
for me, the statue of liberty is the sign for hypocrisy. LIBERTY! liberty means nothing here, though many people say so.
liberty.. in 15 states you get up to 6-7 years, if you get caught with ONE blotter of LSD, and you can be arrested for your whole life, because you owned a marijuana-plant (without probation, of course)! a year in jail costs per person 25.000$ dollars.
around 40-50% of the people in jail, are there because of drugs.

there are many things going wrong in the usa..
compare how much the government spends on military, war on drugs (aka the war on freedom), and schools and other social concerns.
last year, the pentagon simply got 11 billion $ more than usual.
last year, the state of texas spent 750 million $ on schools, compared to 1 billion $ for new jails (those stoners have to go somewhere)

as nobody has a feeling for such sums, here is a little calculation:
imagine you could get all the money you want, with one restriction: you have to initial every single dollar. let's assume you need one second per dollar.
you would make every 17 minutes 1000$, after 12 days non-stop effort you would be millionaire.
120 days - 10 million
1200 days 100 million
and after 31.7 YEARS you would have your first billion.
(count for 1000 years, and you are a concurrent for bill gates.)

I could write so much more... the health system for example is pretty sick too

IF a state ever becomes a total observation-state (couldn't find a better translation, I hope you know what I mean), then it will be the USA.

@threadstarter: if you think you are paranoid, take a look at your government..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
IF a state ever becomes a total observation-state (couldn't find a better translation, I hope you know what I mean), then it will be the USA.

I try not to think about it too often, it drains the energy right out of me.
Especially for an European, the steaming towards social economic collapse can be frustrating: Europe will sink in its wake too, but I cannot vote for a less idiot government.

When a New United States of America emerges after the Great Collapse of 2017, the constitution must have a 'Meta' chapter describing the rise and fall of several great civilizations including the Roman Empire, Nazi Germany and the old USA. In this chapter, there will be extensive analysis on the reasons why those empires collapsed.

Recurring aspects will be: 'critical social tension density', 'repression' and 'hostile acquisition of resources'.
This chapter acts to protect the newly formed state from autodestructing once again.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
The funny thing is that the (or one of the) root problem(s) is in the people themselves and not in the circumstances like for example resources (aka reasons for war). Therefore by analysing all the circumstances, there can't be found a solution. That's what many people do i think and make it therefore harder for themselves to find at least for themselves a solution and become easier frustrated and dominated/manipulated by other-thinking people.

In reality, though often it's not funny anymore, which explains the drain of energy many people here experience even when only THINKING about it.

If you changed your attitude towards it, it probably wouldn't do it (draining your energy), because for me it's different. It gives me energy. By changing the attitude i mean as well of course elaborating your own attitude towards stuff or especially to this.

My situation is of course different from yours, but what i think of it, it's similar and possible to make a comparison, because i feel similar to many of you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
I also share that politically based frustration; I can’t watch a session of parliament or even a currant affairs program without screaming at the TV and making fun of Australia’s various pig headed politicians; most of whom look like freakish genetic experiments.
The US probably engineered these assholes to rule over the southern hemisphere as they do the north, or something along those lines :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
it was the Bri'ish Intelligenz 'ho cre'a'ed 'em!

("rule britannia" ending theme in background)
RULE BRITANNIA!!!an' all that sort of stuff. -see you ne-e-e-xt year in pan-to-miiiiime!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
(that's how we ended the pantomime last year with the BATS (british amateur theatre society)) :lol: just the music mind you...not the punch line up there...