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what do we do


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482

the world is going crazy

can we start some kind of campaign - us? Psychonaut.com? Can we all band together and do some kind of anythiing that benefits [the world]?

something. Anything.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
biodegradable condoms.

a giant poetry collection.

a fund for drugs (lol)

i don't know.

i feel like I don't agree with half the world's bullshit and I want it changed

therefore I feel responsible

therefore I feel guilty if I don't do anything.

we need to do something.


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Déc 2011
You beg a question. Do we carry the weight of the world?

Should we feel responsible for the problems of the world?

Should it matter if we feel responsible or not?

How much good is enough good?

I think justice (in Socrates version of the word, aka harmony) should come from within and then one can provide a path out of Plato's cave. I believe that if we can find harmony within ourselves we can project it to others and help the world become a more harmonious place, one individual at a time.


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Août 2011
Transformations in consciousness are a pretty good start. Beyond that it largely depends where you live. Where I live (in a major Canadian city), the most basic important thing is food security. Learn how to grow food, and plant some vegetables. If you want to get really wild, do guerilla gardening: install vegetable gardens on public property in areas where the land is not currently being used very well, and which would benefit from it.

The other thing I've gotten into is street art. Chalk is cheap and fun... writing meaningful statements on random surfaces around the city in a medium that will wash off. Means that you don't need to be sure the statement will remain relevant into perpetuity, and people won't mind because it'll be gone in a week (probably).

Or... focus on a specific problem and innovate a solution to it, possibly by acting as a networking hub. I recently saw a TED talk where the speaker said that if you can't solve a given problem, ask "if not now, when? And if not me, who?" There are a lot of talented people out there who don't know what project they should do; point them at the right thing and it'll happen.

Also, to that end: develop a skill yourself. Learn chemistry, computer programming, architecture. Get yourself the skills so that you can contribute meaningfully to specific problems.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
bits of what is going through my mind these days:

* stop trying to control things, it only makes things worse. control is what brought us into this mess after all. the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.
* follow your heart wherever it leads you
* let nature back into yourself
* realize that the universe is not a lump of cold dead matter
* love [s:3ce3kuip]people[/s:3ce3kuip]
* live a life that makes sense in light of all the truths you are awakening to (C.Eisenstein)
* live a life you would expect others to life
* refuse to participate in anything humiliating (thanks, Gandhi)
* be the change you want to see in the world (again, Gandhi)
* don't spend too much time pursuing security - there is no such thing
* realize that life is a gift - treat is as such, live in the gift
* realize that everything is changing all the time - nothing is static (Buddha :) )

the inner always overcomes the outer. we can make the best systems for whatever it is, but if we don't change in the inner, nothing will change. as michael said, transformation of consciousness.
I'm often not very sure if we can change people departing from a willful decision to do so. I suspect the only thing we can do is to live life in a way that is inspiring to others, to share our peace, our harmony, our love and wisdom. but in order to do so we first need to be there ;) otherwise we can't share it..
we might do a campaign. I thought of writing meaningful things in public places, or printing flyers/stickers with meaningful things on them. I like that chalk idea. gonna get some of that stuff.
there is a "post-it poet" in vienna. he makes tons critical poems and puts them up to "pluck" in frequented areas. he became some kind of cultural heritage of vienna I suppose :D I like his stuff.

this meditation retreat that I took, people there worked (cooked, organized, cleaned etc.) essentially for free, as a service to people who want to meditate for 10 days. I think this is a wonderful thing to do. looking at how I changed, these people delivered an immense service to all of those who went there. so, volunteering for these things is a major thing one can do. certainly going to volunteer there once or more often.

you need not feel responsible for everything in the world. the weight will crush you and you won't be able to be a nexus of change at all. what one should feel responsible for, though, is the life one is leading. your own life is what you can change with the highest effect.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
ok yeah, i'd love to shake all of your hands, but besides the point of being the change you want to be and writing nice things in chalk (i prefer permanent) - we don't change anybody who isn't already going to change. We change our immediate friends, or they change us for the better, but those we don't have access to normally? they are the majority.


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Nov 2011
Try to unplug (don't watch tv facebooks and all that crap)
Read more .. Heal your soul

You'll get immune against surrounding distractions .., and lead by example :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
not only do we affect those close to us, but those close to us will "infect" those close to them, and those close to them and so on. it's memetics. it's the butterfly effect. not only that, but we also affect the "people on the fence", which is a large margin. now think of the butterfly effect added to these people as well, and eventually one ends up being able to touch a very large amount of people without needing to go out of their way at all really. :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
ophiuchus a dit:
not only do we affect those close to us, but those close to us will "infect" those close to them, and those close to them and so on. it's memetics. it's the butterfly effect. not only that, but we also affect the "people on the fence", which is a large margin. now think of the butterfly effect added to these people as well, and eventually one ends up being able to touch a very large amount of people without needing to go out of their way at all really. :wink:

It is true, but if this were enough, the 60's would have changed the world.


18 Jan 2012
We should develop legalish communities that work together, and dont use currency between eachother.
If enough people, with enough enthuseasim get together, they could achieve so much.
If you dont agree with how were living. Change the way you live. :)

Bring the error of our industrial ways to light, and reach out to as many people as you can.
Everyone is starting to feel how you feel.
What you will do matters. All you have is to do it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
IJesusChrist a dit:
It is true, but if this were enough, the 60's would have changed the world.
well in some way they did, didn't they? it was the first sign of a birth. I agree that they didn't change the world as much as they hoped to. some of them thought that in 5 to 10 years (from their time) money would be obsolete etc.
yes, many of the hippies went on to becoming dentists.. but some are still living on the margin of society. they did plant a seed that's slowly sprouting.
or so I choose to believe.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
we need to continually contest the boundaries of our society. The fringe of what we believe to be right must be pushed.

I just dont know the whens, hows and whys of going about it (without extreme punishment...)

I don't think getting rid of money is a good idea.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
we need not get rid of it, but it has to be transformed or replaced with something else. get rid of money as it is right now that is.

IJesusChrist a dit:
we need to continually contest the boundaries of our society. The fringe of what we believe to be right must be pushed.
I agree. I'm grappling with the hows too, though :lol: not going to university anymore was the first step... feels good.


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Déc 2011
If we can find away to end war and have constructive conflict then we can achieve anything. There are tons of people trying to be the right form of productive, but we're just not the majority.

If we can put away our egos and have cognitive conflict anything is possible (with time).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
might you have meant "revolutionized the world?" with your statement? i think that we could list some major changes for sure, but i agree that it hasn't caused a full-scale, long-term revolution, yet. these things take time, and if one looks at it from a pharmacological standpoint, i wouldn't want and lsd revolution any more than a prozac revolution, without long term studies of it's effects to the mind as well as overall health. 50 years and we now have a, perhaps small, yet nonetheless solid scientific base on which we may now hit the ground running in terms of studying it seriously (whereas before lsd was more of a "party drug"). people are starting to take this stuff seriously because it isn't going away, it's not being debunked, and it's message is clear.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
the war of lasting peace is a deadly war for the fiends... you know how it is... fiends disguise as sheep and as long as people don't wake up, shit will become worse and worse... :idea:
just don't let yourself be fooled by retarded and mean shit, please!!! open your eyes and see for yourself instead of others telling you what you see. try to use your own brain and listen to the intelligence that is in your heart, that is in the heart of every living being... we are in times where thought is a lot over- and underrated at the same time and very often
this means that it's all becoming more like a virtual reality, which of course can be good or bad... :wink: :arrow: :snakeman:

what is lacking is true feeling and true understanding.... and the reason for that is the control of fear that so much people are subjected and giving in to... the age of subliminal manipulation and mind control has come faster on us than we may have wished for... you know TV and all that shit... observe yourself and the people... you will see most people don't know approximately as much as they claim to, what they are really doing... so don't take the world, people or even yourself too seriously, when you i.e. get the feeling that its all becoming more and more a madness in a bad sense...

if you ask me, a lot of people or even most people don't know how to transform the negative energy that has accumulated in their being and therefore probably even have to suppress and project their shit on others and the "outer world" in general.
so what we maybe have to do is to learn more about energy and the transformation of it... because it's all energy... isn't it??

we need more real people and not so much fake shit... you know how much the white man has fucked up in that sense, also...
but not only in that sense... think about christians and nazis... basically what they did is that they went to using violence very fast, because they didn't know a better way of dealing with shit. a evidence of incapacity... which of course they couldn't admit... so that's how lies and manipulation took over the world... it's a lesson for the world and humanity, actually. like a stupidity test.
just don't believe bullshit lies ... connect with the people and together get back the power that belongs to you... :o :)

these days even dreams are used more and more against us...so watch out and do what you must do. be yourself and don't swallow the deception too often or so. don't repeat mistakes, but rather try to learn from them. like that mistakes become a positive catalyzer for evolution instead of a downfall.

be happy and grateful with what you have instead of unhappy and ungrateful with what you don't have. be yourself and don't even try to be someone else. control your mind instead of it controlling you. like that you can step by step achieve what you really want. do what you do wholeheartedly and try to do only stuff that you really like to do.
and just trust in god (yourself). :!: be authentic. :smirk: :retard: :-D

we need good programming and reprogramming of minds, because often it's too much stress and then the minds don't have the power/clarity/etc to do that on their own. if necessary we need "appropriate termination" of programs, too. because some programs are running wild and/or "not aware of what they are doing" or so and hence causing too much harm... i mean it can appear mean to reduce people and describe them as programs, but if you ask me and watch closely at least most of them are really only doing that to themselves.... sad story mostly... but that's what denying who you really are appears to lead to...
but then again lol... it probably may sound sick but it's like even that (being a program) can be good or bad ... hope you get my point lol...
here also a nature inspired idea... it's not so bad when individiual minds become sick/corrupted, but when it happens to the hive-mind/over-mind or so then you should worry for the civiliziation/species as a whole. but mind you, it's only my speculation..

it's all mathematics. cause and effect. :idea:

peace my fellow psychonauts :heart:

may the force be with you!!! :ninja: