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What are the 5 drugs you dislike most


Matrice périnatale
1 Sept 2009
1. Nutmeg (worst experience ever, plus the taste is unbearable, I can't be around the stuff at all)
2. Salvia (taste's like shit, too expensive, too short, made me unbelievably sweaty)
3. Cigarettes (don't do shit except makes your mouth taste like an ash tray)
4. Alcohol (I'd much rather be high than wasted any day)
5. DXM (used to love it, can't do it anymore, taste is horid, plus LSD is much Much MUCH better 8)

LSA is pretty lame too, but I wouldn't put it on my dislike list.


Glandeuse pinéale
23 Sept 2009
1.Alcohol~ I hate the feel of spinning. i cant sleep when the world around me is spinning when i close my eyes
2.Marijuana- Makes you very lazy and also causes social withdraw and self doubt
3.Coffee- a drug is anything that alters your perception of reality and yes coffe is a drug just more socially exceptable, i dont liek it bc when im trying to quit i get mad headaches when i dont have my joe... and coffee withdraw is bad... maybe not as much as crack or anything but yea..
4.Salvia- omg where o begin it trips me to hard didnt like it
5. hydrocodone


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Avr 2009
this is tough but ill try this honestly
2.ket-seductive yet dangerous molecule due to egocentrism and reality altering realizations
3.unflushed/shitty dope for obvious reasons such as falling asleep random places while snacking.
1.jib-shuddering at the thought of getting into reasons for this
4. LSA-paranoia
5. Mushrooms-weird blood pressure in later hours of trip leads to unfun
thats my list kinda late but thats from swim's experience


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009

1) Crack
2) Meth
3) DXM
4) Meth again
5) Heroin


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Pharmaceutical Opiates (Including Heroin)- Just know I couldn't handle that kind of a mind-chemical fuckup.
Coke/Crack- Same as above.
Nicotine- Just shitty.
Alcohol- Sometimes ok, but I get really disconnected from reality in ways I don't like sometimes.
Meth- Same as the others really.

I don't really like anything addictive or pharmaceutical/synthetic (I will give LSD and MDMA a chance or two though). Also dislike the feeling of deliriants, I used to have delirious trips when I got sick and always hated that feeling. Tried Dimenhydrinate a few times since and it's only good when I'm REALLY bored or out of weed for a long time. I just gotta have a supply of natural stuff to keep myself away from that pharmaceutical/synthetic shit. I think that stuff is always way harder on your body.

Natural psychedelics always deserve more chances in my mind. I'm too sensitive for potentially addictive substances :roll:


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
1. Alcohol (other than a last resort come down agent, this is a terrible substance.)

2. Nicotine (purely a social conceit to me, does nothing for me at all as far as I can tell. Yes I have had bong rip filled with tobacco experiences, but those unpleasant instances I only ever use it around people who are smokers because all they wanna do is stand around and smoke.

3. Xanax and related drugs (No high, foolish behavior, no memory afterwards = awful drug. Seen it destroy peoples minds and also seen it get people raped. No thanks)

4. DXM (Had lots of fun, but led to very bad depression and other drug addictions)

6. Crack Cocaine (I love cocaine, and I think coca leaf should be a legal substance just like qat, but Crack is just too quick for the side effects. Too intense followed by a comedown that turns you into a carpet combing asshole.)

haven't tried meth ever, but i don't like the amphetamine family very much either


12 Nov 2009
1.METH.....I personally will never try this because I hate it so much.

2.HERION.....Opium sounds fun but I know it would be my downfall so I hate it.

3.CRACK/COCAINE.....Sounds like a fucking waste of a life do I even have to explain myself here, although coke wouldnt be so bad of a once in a blue moon thing.(Mainly just crack we are looking at here)

4.AMPHETAMINE.....Hate it had it in some XTC and it was terrible.(RED FERRARIS SUCK...BUT HAD ME ROLLING HARD)

5.MORNING GLORY SEEDS(LSA).....TERRIBLE nausea just not worth it.

6.SALVIA.....I dont sompletely hate Sally but she scares the hell out of me and makes my fell retarded mentally and physically.

But I love me some good ol fashioned Marijuana and Shrooms!!!! :rolleyes:


Matrice périnatale
14 Nov 2009
In no particular order
1. Ketamine (tried once and cant see why anyone would use a substance like this)
2. Booze
3. Cocaine
4. Crack
5. Nicotine
Ive done them all but number 4. The one that gave me trouble was nicotine go figure.

I am also going to include my list of substance that I hold very dear to my heart, in order
1. Mescaline
2. LSD
3. DMT
4. Psilocybin
5. 2ci


6 Jan 2008
I have only done like 5 different drugs, so I can't list that much :D.

But I don't like ketamine, it makes me feel like an idiot, and everything is so 'flat' and really just boring. I like mdma, but I have had some quite disgusting experiences with extasy pills that were of unknown quality and content. I used to dislike alcohol since I started taking psychedelics but my love for it is returning. A night at a bar getting drunk is just soooo much fun. Everything else in life is already dead serious, no matter how beautiful. At least in my life.


1. nutmeg - 2 days of horror.
2. benzydamine - horrible taste, very easy to vomit, huge dose needed to reach desired effects.
3. nicotine
4. heroin
5. meth


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
1. my least favorite drug is probably Hollywood pap.. makes anyone who dares to think outside the box look 'weird' thereby discouraging individual thinking. side effects: portrays/reinforces a strange delusional view of the world otherwise known as 'the American dream', childish concepts of good and evil, allowing the masses to be happily exploited by the rich and powerful
2. plastic pop music. now there's a quick fix drug. aaahhh. subconsciously manipulate me. make me feel good in the first 5 seconds. no thinking required. combines well with #1.
3. car culture. nothing against cars, everything against morons who need to sit in a metal box to feel empowered. worse than cocaine for the asshole factor. combines well with #2.
4. war culture. give me my smart bomb footage on FOX. i want to feel good about myself because.. we're killing monsters. because we're the good guys! yeah! combines with #1. and #2. in the form of propaganda
5. pseudoscience/fundamentalist religion. make me feel empowered. side effects: the confirmation bias feels good but renders one full of impotent information that tends to be useless in consensual reality. comedown may take several years if ever. combines well with #1 and #2 a.k.a. youtube.

yeah. today feels like monday.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
earthsfc a dit:
I am also going to include my list of substance that I hold very dear to my heart, in order
1. Mescaline
2. LSD
3. DMT
4. Psilocybin
5. 2ci

If you're a lass who hasn't tied the knot I fancy a date with you.


8 Déc 2009
Opiates (in the context of recreation)
Benzodiazepines (in the context of recreation or glib prescription)
Deliriants (outside of expert shamanic usage)


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Sept 2007
Caffeine! Ah. I calculated how much caffeine I actually drink (in coffees, various types) and I average somewhere between 1 and 2 grams of caffeine. That's a fair few coffees.

I tried giving it up once. *Shudder*.

That said, it does not make my list. I'm too dependant now!

Coke, Heroin, Meth and a whole list of other similar things I have not tried. Possibly alcohol if I can't fill in 5 more with anything else. I'm not a fan.

Strangely enough, LSA and datura have been fairly gentle with me though I really can't recommend datura and I plan on going there again.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Tobacco - No more, this is just pure poison.
Cocaine - Expensive and no fun.
XTC - I had fun with these, but i pushed the limits, never again.
Methamphetamine/Speed - Same, too much is too much, + the fact that it's trash.
Alcohol - I still drink alcohol, but never till i'm drunk anymore, it sucks.

LSD - Not when it's real acid, but you don't know anymore these days, they put too much nasty unreliable stuff on blotters.


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2007
Marijuana or anything created by mother nature. I did get a whole lota folks high on some nice, clean synthetic MDMA.HCl at the Further show on New Year's Eve. Phil Lesh and Bob Weir are something akin to rock Gods.


Elfe Mécanique
28 Août 2008
you dislike marijuana the most? I guess you must have misunderstood the question