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Je m'inscris!

weed tolarance


14 Déc 2005
Hey everyone, it has been a while since I visited this forum, but well; I'm back! :D
And I haven't been smoking for very long (few weeks) but I had a quick question: When I started smoking regularly which was like a week ago I smoked like once a day for about a week, I only needed like 3/4 of a bowl to get my really high, but just yesterday I smoked a whole bowl and practically felt nothing...then again it could've just been really bad weed.

How soon are you back on the old level? 48 hours... seems a little short to be back to being the old crazy addict :twisted:

Anyway, could this be because i'm building up a tolerance to weed already? Just to double check....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I don't think there is some sort of tolerance, cause everytime I use weed I got to use less to get to the same level. I don't know exactly how it is like with daily and/or heavy use, cause I only smoke once every few weeks. So there might be some sort of short term tolerance, although I did not hear about this earlier. Your experience of getting high for a couple of days in a row suggests that there is no tolerance whatsoever.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
There certainly is tolerance with weed. Easy to proof, dont smoke for a week and then do a full bowl, you will be blown away.

Terence Mckenna always said: 'the best way to do cannabis is in silent darkness, rarely and with massive doses'. (he was a daily smoker btw).

I saw this very clearly when a friend from France visited me a few years back. We went to a coffee shop with some friends and smoked a couple of joints. We (dthe dutch guys) where having interesting conversations while my friend from France was tripping out of his mind, going into the music etc... We looked at eachother and realized that is was soo long ago that any of us experienced this trippy state on cannabis.

Cannabis is a psychedelic when used rarely.

I'm a daily smoker myself as well and I do experience the tolerance. I had to quit smoking for six months when I moved to France (had to find a network there ) and O MY GOD, that first joint kicked in like crazy.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Fev 2006
1 028
French weed kicking in? that must be the first time i hear that lol ;)
i am also a daily smoker and there is a long-term tolerance for sure. i have been smoking for about 2 years daily and i smoke about twice as much now. Yet i have also heard of many users reporting they need less to get to the same effect.. it doesnt really make sense as they are the opposites. perhaps it differs from time to time and from person to person.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Déc 2005
1 264
I agree with the tolerance existing.

my friends and I sometimes look back at the time that after one joint you already were pretty stoned. now we need loads more. also there is a change in high. in the beginning we had a lot of laughkicks, now it is special if we have one, a real one. but on the other hand the high sometimes changes more in tripping, it's difficult to explain, but it changes, other that before. and only I and my psychonaut-brother have that. not the others who don't do all the other stuff.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Cannabis is a psychedelic when used rarely.

Totally true - having been a regular smoker for some years I quit and now smoke weed very rarely (like once a month at most).
I think am now more sensitive to weed than I was when I smoked my first joint years ago. I can't smoke more than say 2-3 small drags from a joint if I still want to go out - if I smoke more I go into a psychedelic rollercoaster and have to lie down in my bed.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
French weed kicking in? that must be the first time i hear that lol

Yes for sure, this was in the South, about 100km from the border with Andorra. This was grown in the garden of a gekraakte (squad?) farm. Really fat buds in those plants :)


Matrice périnatale
28 Nov 2005
im a big time smoker and i can assure you that in my world there is alot of tolerance...sounds funny but it isnt,
i smoke dayly, can't stay away from it, i call weed very addictive,
and me and all my friends notice it, when u smoke a joint after a period of being sober then u get real high, but if you smoke every day, then after a while you need more and more joints to feel stoned,
i had nights that i needed to smoke three joints without taking a break from smoking just to get high enough to goto sleep

i think its the same with everything...alcohol, humor, sports,
if you overdo it, something goes wrong

so i suggest u dont start smoking six to ten J's per day,
harms your health !

but....do we care..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Okay, there exists long term heavy use tolerance, but the original poster said he experienced it after a week. I reckon the tolerance wont come on that quickly.
On the other hand, if you use it once a month or so, you would experience no tolerance (in my experience and most other semi-regular users I know), but an increased sensitivity to the substance...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
for my experience it definitly has a tolerance thing going on
I notice that when Quiting for a month or 2 months and then smoke like 1 joint i'm waaay up high
and the months before after smoking 3 years each day in a row I smoked 3 joints or so for that
quiting for a while really gives u back that high u had when u first started smoking..
also a good example I find is; the fact that the Laughing part doesnt really occur much anymore when u smoke often
at first u would Laugh ur ass of over nothing and now that doesnt really happen anymore... u just get lame and tired or so
but quiting for a while, and then smoking under the right circumstances can get that back and u laugh so hard and much ... and then u think maaan Ì havnt experienced this in a looong while
also I completely agree on the psychedelic effects of cannabis...
actually me and some friends talked about that yesterday... about our psychedelic experiences with weed
u can really get some visuals when ur really stoned
try watching some white noize on tv for about 15 minutes .. I`ll bet u 15 euro u`'ll be getting some visuals that u normally do not see in that
but thats just 1 example not a very good one maybe cause the white noize allready triggers ur fantasie
but u can see stuff on the ceiling 2 and it does not just happen to people who used "real" psychedelics before

(btw, this is all from my experience but I think many can find urselfs in this)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Déc 2003
1 154
ProStoner a dit:
try watching some white noize on tv for about 15 minutes ..

Get your cam, keep on zooming in & out on the white noize and record this. Then watch it !!

On topic ; after smoking weed on a daily basis for 12 years now, I can tell you ; you get much higher when you quit for a while.

I don't think you will need to smoke more and more to get you high, I smoke 1 joint a day, with about 1 gram of weed in it, and I will get high every time I smoke the joint. When I smoke 2 or 3 joints, I don't feel like getting higher.

This, ofcourse, may be different for each person. It's my personal opinion.