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War on marijuana: a new record


Alpiniste Kundalini
28 Oct 2005
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- For the fourth year in a row, U.S. marijuana arrests set an all-time record in 2006, according to the just-released FBI Uniform Crime Reports. Marijuana arrests totaled 829,627, an increase from 786,545 in 2005. Similar to previous years, 738,916 or 89 percent were for possession, not sale or manufacture, and marijuana possession arrests again exceeded arrests for all violent crimes combined.

"The steady escalation of marijuana arrests is happening in direct defiance of public opinion," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C. "Voters in communities all over the country, from Denver to Seattle to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and Missoula County, Montana, have passed measures saying they don't want marijuana arrests to be a priority, yet marijuana arrests have set an all-time record for four years running. It appears that police are taking their cue from White House Drug Czar John Walters, who is obsessed with marijuana, rather than the public who pays their salaries.

"The bottom line is that we are wasting billions of dollars each year on a failed policy," Kampia continued. "Despite record arrests, marijuana use remains higher than it was 15 years ago, when arrests were less than half the present level, and marijuana is the number one cash crop in the U.S. Marijuana is scientifically proven to be far safer than alcohol, and it's time to start regulating marijuana the same way we regulate wine, beer and liquor."

From Hightimes


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
It's so lame to arrest the weed-smokers, because it's the easiest way for the police fill up their prisons (and their pockets). I'm disgusted with the American war on drugs. It's a dirty business and it doesn't even work. Just like the war in Iraq, the war on drugs is a waste of money and even more important, a waste of lives...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Its a wast of our money , but the people who are for it / causing it are making a profit out of it . Cause a war , send us to fight it , make us pay for the guns and bombs . But they make a profit selling them to us !!!


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
Hopefully, Amrican guys have created the TV serie 'Weeds" :) !
Do not lose hope, there are still clever people...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
But so few of them :(

I can't wait till the day pot becomes legal (I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen here, in the next 15 years. There was a study that was made by the sénat, and they came to the conclusion that it would be better if cannabis was legal :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I think that most of the serious studys that have ever been made have come to that conclusion but nothing has changed . And everyone with a brain has always thought that those studys would mean that it would become legal in the next few years ....... for the last 30 or 40 years !!!! Plus it isnt realy illegal , its just the ruling nazi clique that say it is , you cant make plants illegal , or stop people looking and finding god by using sacremental plants . Imagine the forces of evil ( = the governing political mafias , the police , the judges and prosecuters ) telling a plant that it is illegal and that it should imediatly cease to exist !!!! They would have about as much sucsess as they do trying to stop using "drugs" with their wich hunts against us .


21 Juil 2007
5 922
well once dogmatic laws are settled in peoples heads and attached to fear, for example marihuana which was said to be a killer drug and make people insane and make them go crazy and become dangerous people it is clear that it is difficult to remove these undifferentiated dogmatic beliefs from peoples minds.
The stupid thing is that laws don't really exist. I mean they only exist if you do what the laws tell you to do.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Laws have been fabricated to control the masses on another level other than the physical enforcement of them. They make people think that without control, the world will fall apart into anarchy; a term also fabricated to make the world believe that a controlling elite’s power over their bodies and minds is justified to keep them safe from themselves. This, even though the world is constantly in an uncontrolled turmoil that rips at the souls of the public constantly crying for a law and order that already supposedly exists yet does nothing other than to eject public outcry and to enforce further anguish and discontent amongst those who pay for their protection.
Anarchy is the world as it is now, a world without peace, justice or mercy, one in which those with the power continue to exploit anything that they can touch.

The overbear will only take action if their subjects are not doing what they want; then they are rebels, criminals, terrorists, invaders and enemies of the lowest evil with no conscious thought in their mind other than to destroy the pristine order of our ‘way of life’; they hate you and everyone you love and they must be silenced!

The dictators of ‘truth’ need for their servants to perpetuate both the open control of true freedom and the continued circulation of meaningless and destructive material wealth toward them in an indirect, non linear fashion which keeps the entire society blind from their chosen slavery for a pointless and worthless system based on nothing more than an ancient and malevolent greed. One which through the mass mind control juggernaut masquerading as the modern centres of knowledge, is imposed to the people as a direct trait of all human kind and is inherit in all from when they first draw breath; this is a lie, upon a seeming endless sea of others, which is fed to the people so as that they do not question the basis of this pointless voracity for a power that truly does not exist. They want, in fact beg for this, blind to the reality of what this is doing to themselves, their children and the earth itself.

People’s minds are poisoned with constant rhetoric from as early as possible so as that their concept of reality and worth is nothing more than becoming another drone within a hive of others with the soul pursuit of seeming personal freedom through extended wealth and ideas that only serve to perpetuate this. This is only helping to both ensure further generations of more mindless and labour-orientated individuals and a collective mindset which sees only that which is placed in front of it, look at the shiny things and ignore the men behind the curtain and the wars beyond your doorstep; they do not matter as long as you have a job which we give you and a family which will inherit your place once you are gone. We give you a means of life which now is the only means of living; when life should dictate the occupation rather than the occupation dictating the life.

Cannabis is an inane and beautiful victim of this, although it is so robust and hardy that it refuses to lay down and die, supported by those which love and some who respect this ancient plant, which is only a part of an infinite plethora of others which too have no voice for themselves other than the dogmatic and abusing approach of those who consume them blindly and without reason. This is perpetuated by the system itself to ensure that the fear for these misunderstood and sacred beings goes unhindered and any monopoly and control over their use, distribution, knowledge and cultivation of them is kept within the bounds of that elitist mindset of perceived safety and control of things which wont be allowed to be understood by those who regulate them.
To end this static state of cancerous obstinacy, is much like dismembering an ant hive; one cannot fight all of the ants by themselves, but once the queen is destroyed, the ants fall into disarray and require guidance that they, until this point, have known nothing other than. When they find that they themselves have the power to choose for themselves, and without the wisdom of those with true experience and unclouded logic to guide, not control them, they will kill each other off because all they have known is control.
Yet if we too follow this path and show the world of their plight and the heresy to life that has been committed, then we can free the hive and release the divinity and rulership inherit in all individuals of all races of this world, not only the human one which sees itself as the crux of a hidden eternal structure that itself is alive. We can truly be free and independent while living in a harmony only dreamt of by those who experience this power struggle between themselves on a daily basis. Yet this will only be achievable without further and accelerated self destruction (although not being a bad option considering the massive destruction we would unleash if left unchecked and blind) would be to educate and enlighten the people of earth that will listen and engage a new mindset of infinite possibility and respect rather than finite endeavour and personal gain.

Really, we are a macrocosm of cancer, and cancer itself is a microcosm of us. One which does not for fill their true purpose of unity and harmony between themselves and the larger whole becomes a plague, an unrelenting disease, much like cancer without a genetic code; we have strayed from true purpose and have so become a mere hindrance to the earth as an organism. This is how we will end unless we heal the grave wounds already inflicted on the information fuelling our existence, and with that, our co-existence with the earth itself.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Fucking hell Buff , and i thought you were just lurking around in the background at this time in the morning and realy you were writing a novel !!!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
As much as it may seem, I’m not compensating for anything with the size of my posts, lol! I’ve been finding it hard to put anything down in a thread unless it’s this big.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Aha !!! And i thought you were going for a nobel literary prize . And anyway who gives a shit how long your posts are , i dont , i think they are good . And i cant talk about long posts can i , mine get so long i have to go and have a sleep every time i write one .


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
That post, Buffachino, is what keeps me on the Internet.