Transhumanism, science, and the war on transhumanism disguised as other wars!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion SWIMchem5
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Elfe Mécanique
Hi. This is an introduction to transhumanism. PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism - YouTube
Even nature has plants to help us exceed human limitations. Since the beginning of time, people have always tried becoming better than what they thought possible, exceeding all limitations. Since the beginning of time, there were those who sought power and wealth and were successful only when they kept people at a limited level. From people destroying lives of tribes to surpressing anchient and modern cures alike. The europeans deeming nature lovers "uncivilized" to modern day wars on "terrorism" and "drugs" to attack chemists and psychopharmacologists. They were successful in banning nearly everything else that isn't ethyl alcohol, but never officially successful. There's a war on your mind and the elitists want to ban transhumanism and stopped hippies and other stuff only because they feared they would lose power. Even a hypothetical church of trek is somehow "terrosism" to them. There would be the next baby boomers soon and people weren't meant to eat antibiotic filled meat that's fed corn.
The goars of the transhumanist:
Super longevity
Super happiness and/or general well being
Super intelligence
Cures for many deadly diseases
The untimate goal of near indestructability.
The transhumanism food pyramid.
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To be continued.
There are psychedelics, research chemicals, and other things which enhance cognition, restructure the brain, and enhance well being safely. Other goals are fusing with technology and smart metal.
To be continued...
I get the impression you do not really understand what the meaning and goal of transhumanism is.
It,s meaning and goal is to transcend your humanism. the fact that you did not mention this makes me think you do not understand what you are talking about.

I don,t think the elite wants to ban transhumanism at all.
The elite i think are some of the biggest transhumanist you will find.
It are the billionaires who are pushing the transhumanism agenda.
search for elite and transhumanism and you will find a lot of information on this.

Personally i don,t like some of the aspects of the philosophy of transhumanism. I think people should try to be humanist first.
Try to become a human being, before becoming a transhuman being. My idea is that we are barely on the level of humans beings now.
What i mean is that we should stop talking about transcending our humanness as long as we have not developed our humanness to full potential.
We do not need to transcend being human, to become better. I think we can be better and still be human.
I don,t think that us becoming cyborgs is going to make us better beings. I don,t think that living longer will make us better beings. Transhumanism is becoming something beyond human. Becoming some different being does not automatically mean becoming a better being.
The philosophy of transhumanism is the idea that humans can be master of there own evolution using technology and science to do this.
Using genetic manipulation to do this for example. In my mind transhumanism is not that different from Nietzsche,s ubermensch.
In the past there was the idea of social Darwinism. They used eugenics to try to create an ubermensch. The eugenics programs created a lot of suffering, basically because eugenics was pro ubermensh (superhuman,transhuman, beyond human), but anti human.

Something i must ad is that Nietzsche,s idea of ubermensch was misunderstood by a lot of people.
There still is debate about the meaning is of Nietzsche,s original idea of the ubermensch.
I think his idea has to do with becoming a free thinking and rational individual that is not rules by his lower animal instincts (or something along those lines).

Another thing i must ad is that this subject is not simple black or white. There are many shades of transhumansim.
But for me personally i am more of a humanist and an individualist. At this moment i am human an not a cyborg, so i try to be the best human i can be.
Maybe someday we will be cyborgs. Maybe we will move to the stars or into cyberspace. Maybe we will transcend our humanness.
I don,t know, however i do think people are arrogant beings sometimes. Humans call themselves homo sapiens (wise man). If that isn,t arrogant i don,t know what is. And now they want to transcend even the level of wise:).

Why not start to live up to that name of wise man.

To come back to the elite.
I dont think the elite are against the goals you mentioned:

Super longevity
Super happiness and/or general well being
Super intelligence
Cures for many deadly diseases
The untimate goal of near indestructability

Why would they be against that? The elite wants to have these things you mentioned. Maybe they don,t want these things for everybody. However i am sure they do want these things (and more) for themselves.
Transhumanism is a form of utopian thinking in a way. It,s the creating of paradise by using technology.
It,s also the idea that technology will save humanity of itself.
The computer time ran out the last time, so it's a rough draft. Shoools can have better principals who care about the fundamental idea of respect. Many people get sucked into mind numbing media and often sell themselves short. However, when some of them are born with a flawed mind that cannot allow well being and less anxiety, modifications may help. I personally believe the human mind is capable of reaching super intelligence without computer chips. It's a matter of creating better schools with respect and love that encourages creativity and more radical forms of learning. The mind can hypothetically reach an intellectual singularity. With great power comes great responsibility. I guess it sucks to see the world almost in binary code(or process mostly in black and white). I see the greater knowledge, but I mostly process it like a computer processes it. I also believe 2C-x chemcals may display permanent mind enhancing properties at sub-psychedelic doses that are subtle at first, but slowly turns out to be exponential over time. How long until the change becomes noticeable enough at an NZT-like level, I have no idea. Probably in 60 years or more? The 2C-x family needs to be expanded and explored more, like how the racetams are being expanded and explored. Transhumanism is maybe not totally here yet, so it's good to be the best humans we can be.
Your idea of transhumanism is very different from other more traditional transhumanist.
There are many flavours of transhumanism.

I think that the idea that humans are capable of reaching super intelligence is a perfect example of the arrogance of the human species.
I am a individualist and i believe that we as individuals should try to be intelligent and be the best humans/individuals we can be.
Most forms of transhumanism is about humans becominng super intelligent and becoming god like. Humans as to master of the planet and of nature.
Personally i think this is arrogant. I see humans as part of nature and not as master of nature.
I think when it comes to this kind of transhumanism it would not hurt to be a little bit more humble.

Transhumanist can talk all they want about the future, in the end it,s all speculative. When a big rock hits the earth humans will be wiped out. And when this does not happen the sun will go super nova and all humans will evaporate.
Another thing to consider is that species transform from one form to another. The process of evolution.
Evolution is something that happens to all species. And we also have a personal (individual) evolution process, because nothing stays the same, everything is in a constant state of change.
In most cases normal evolution takes a lot of time. Human beings are not a very old species. In fact we have just emerged as a species. I think way may have a very long way to go before we transform into another form.
The idea of (most) transhumanist is that we take our transformation into our own hands using technology like genetic manipulation or nanotechnology for example. It,s the idea that we eventualy become so powerfull that humans will be like gods. I can imagine a space race that is very advanced. A race that for example does not even have a body. Maybe humans will someday become like this. However i think we are not even close to super intelligent.
I say first let,s become intelligent, before thinking about super intelligence.

How can you become super intelligent if humans are barley at the level of normal intelligence as we speak. It seems like a joke to me.
Hi! this night I saw a video of Luca Vullo/VRT, -and I immedialy though this thread!- (short-film that it has subtitles in english too, but I don't find it in the web), it talk about sparx, videogame that should help people with depression:

and an article from one our daily: Google Traduttore

I think we are allready almost cyborgs... we with mobilphone (or mechanical prosthetic arms) and our dog with their plates in the ears. philip k. dick!! or biopunk!!

and about the elite, I think to Kissinger (knight of malta jew court and german agent dvd), who says:
-to control the world is necessary to control the financial sector.
-to control all nations is necessary to control the energy.
-to control all nations is necessary to control the food resources.

we know it, the elite control us, information censorship knowledge energy -illegal cannabis... (Italy is really far away from legalization)- ;
if it doesn't so, why exist the masons?

we need to be curious and seek knowledge
Like the aliens for example. They were around far longer than us. I take it you see the post human as arrogant? Like has been said before, with great power comes great responsibility. It's not so much about genetics. Some genetic mutations for example causes intelligence, but causes more sensitivety, anxiety, lower confidence, and struggling with social interactions. If there was way to stop this mutation from happening, or a pill that could help ease the side effects of that random genetic mutation, why not? Humans think they aren't intelligent, but many of them get brainwashed by media instead of doing the best they can be as humans. Consistency is often more valuable than other traits and confidence is like a gem. We can't limit humanity to darwinistic evolution, but if humans ever advance their capacities beyond human levels, I agree with the notion that they must respect the rest of nature(such as forests, oceans, wild plants and animals, ect.). I just hate the general notion that if a gene tells you to be FUCKING DEPRESSED, you must obey that gene like a zombie. Overcoming certain genetic flaws sometimes takes more than willpower. It might take a novel modified psychedelic, like IndanylAminoPropane. It might take a novel research chemical to overcome the genetic trait of social and emotional inadequacy. I already mentioned in the post the suggestion of better schools that implement respect and getting rid of lousy principals instead of "zero tolerance policies" and killing off creativity. Even humanistic changes achievable now can make a difference for future generations. We are neither better nor worse, just different. Like snowflakes.
Voir la pièce jointe 13805
and so transhumanism is like biopunk?! this night I found this genre

SWIMchem5 a dit:
There are psychedelics, research chemicals, and other things which enhance cognition, restructure the brain, and enhance well being safely. Other goals are fusing with technology and smart metal.
To be continued...

yeah! with psychedelic the brain is restructured, and expanded to infinity and beyond (like said buzz :mrgreen:!)

Finarfin a dit:
The elite i think are some of the biggest transhumanist you will find.

certainly!!! ...but, they aren't very good, no?!

Finarfin a dit:
Something i must ad is that Nietzsche,s idea of ubermensch was misunderstood by a lot of people.
There still is debate about the meaning is of Nietzsche,s original idea of the ubermensch.
I think his idea has to do with becoming a free thinking and rational individual that is not rules by his lower animal instincts (or something along those lines).
e idea that technology will save humanity of itself.

great approach bro'!

SWIMchem5 a dit:
Like the aliens for example. They were around far longer than us

I don't know if this is OT,
but just yesterday I read and wrote in this treadh:
about these discs find in a cavern that told the story of an extraterrestrial spaceship landed badly in the mountainous area of Bayan-Kara-Ula (along the China-Tibet border) 12,000 years ago. cinesi.htm
aliens clashing in a Chinese mountain that failing to adjust their ships have settled there, suffering the angarie of various tribes are hiding in some caves. have a meter and a half tall with a great big head: ....

SWIMchem5 a dit:
Consistency is often more valuable than other traits and confidence is like a gem

great! like a gem
which can originate leaves, branches and flowers. beautiful image

I think religion is the main force that keeps cannabis illegal.
if you want to know what keeps people down, stop blaming the elite and start looking at the church.

The masons always get blamed for everything (without evidence).
However it,s not a conspiracy of the elite or the masons keeping humanity back. It,s the elite of the church. It,s (fundamentalist) religion that keeps humanity back.

The media may brainwash people. However the biggest brainwashing force in the world is religion.
Finarfin a dit:
I think religion is the main force that keeps cannabis illegal.
if you want to know what keeps people down, stop blaming the elite and start looking at the church.

The masons always get blamed for everything (without evidence).
However it,s not a conspiracy of the elite or the masons keeping humanity back. It,s the elite of the church. It,s (fundamentalist) religion that keeps humanity back.

The media may brainwash people. However the biggest brainwashing force in the world is religion.

lately I'm thinking to the men that are hiding behind religion, the clergy...

the company of Jesus -which is based in Vatican (...and in reality they don't care of theachings of Jesus, a shaman teacher) and sovranity city of london control the world,
and they are simply shits masonic (for the masons, masonic is an association and initiation of brotherhood based on ethical and moral which presents itself as ethical and moral pact between free people. A deal not to be understood as operability socio-political, but as a collective power, all affiliates of the association, to the fine-tuning of the highest in terms of humanity.)

masonics are CONSPIRACY

Now I give you an example: Berlusconi was a member of the Masonic lodge P2 that was discovered and disintegrated.
This lodge had a precise program. And Berlusconi has performed it point by point. And now Italy is in the shit.

yeah, the clergy has importance in legalization, but
Pierre DuPont, Jhon D. Rockfeller and Harry J. Anslinger (helped by William Randolf Hearst, newspapers owner) weren't men of church.
they were men industrial of exploitation of the energy petroleum of forest resources for paper and of artificial fibers for clothing.

we are sewer and rainbow of the Great Spirit. peace.
all the same that said by Kissinger o how-is-his name-.
all the same wich they have.
p2 said to control newspaper and a lot of tinghts. berlusconi do it. we have all the name that were in this p2.
and his boss don't is a locked cells. but in very big house. and some says he with "large venerable teacher" yet.

the lobbies.
I don't know if this were knowed or not in the past years.
all of we know it. and know what they do. or supponce it. doubts are in a favour that who want moneys.... and power only for their.

or ONU. I don't remember what someone says about this ONU...
maybe there a a lobby too that want moviola in a football match :grin:

...or maybe are exchange of favors

coelho talks about it in a story; one of the protagonist know a very lot of things, like to kill a man with the hands.
a special tecnic knowed during his a part of life, killer legal military-army.
and talk albout it...
I don't remember what "Coelho/protagonist" said, but I remember this expression.
in their present he his a rich-man
he do it to rewinner his ex-girlfriend...........


weaves the fabric of the plot, a model girl-beautilful ass girl said too. she think if she can become from model star -model nawpapers star whit not very lot of money...- to actress, she fuck with productor and main-protagonist.

shit-berlusca BUNGA BUNGA :mrgreen: .
I don't know if in england and in the rest of europe know that berlusconi continue to govern. he decayed with a parliamentary vote because justice would want he in the jail.
berlusconi now has a lot of nominees... I do not know if he is a nominee too

...continue to govern from out. and none said something because we have grillo e casaggio too, who do it from when his moviment borned, by the way 2 or 3 or 4 years old...
and in this moviment 5 stelle these boss can to choose some decision by theirs avatar from internet. their record in the moviment.

I don't know how are your politic men, in reality...
and I don't know if it is all a complot

(...I wrote very much :pidu: )
You are right about the P2 lodge.
I do believe there are criminal lodges and criminal elements within freemasonry.
What i do not believe in is a worldwide masonic conspiracy against transhumanism. I do not believe everything is the work of the freemasons.

It,s not only religion that keeps cannabis illegal. There are for example prison guards in the USA who are against legalization because of the fear of losing there job. Religion i think does play a big role. In the Netherlands the religious political party,s are the ones who banned the mushroom and want to ban cannabis. They are the ones who keep it illegal.
Keep in mind that the religions and churches are also against other forms of freedom. The churches where brainwashing and manipulating people , long before there was any media.

As i see it there is no war on transhumanism. What i think is that there is a war on freedom. There ara many forces in the world and they all fight for power and influence. I think blaming it all on the elite or on the masons is very simplistic.
edit: all that what I wrote is: maybe I think p2 is like the world, exchange of favors

Finarfin a dit:
You are right about the P2 lodge.
I do believe there are criminal lodges and criminal elements within freemasonry.
What i do not believe in is a worldwide masonic conspiracy against transhumanism. I do not believe everything is the work of the freemasons.

uh ok
there are theirs nominees or their friend. but we don't know infact
... more e more I'm convinced of this exchange of favors...
for the transhumanism... mmmmmmm they know what is a particular plant, we can build house with them, or we can be them... and they know them... the transhumanism also derives from them, the plants...
about the scentific tecnology. ...


...Now I do not know how to explain my opinions...

Finarfin a dit:
Religion i think does play a big role. In the Netherlands the religious political party,s are the ones who banned the mushroom and want to ban cannabis. They are the ones who keep it illegal.
Keep in mind that the religions and churches are also against other forms of freedom. The churches where brainwashing and manipulating people , long before there was any media.

how yaeh, like italian DC or Lega
in netherland (at least) there are the truffles... and is in the netherland one of the biggest company agriculture, (I don't want know if it give of our green-friends...)
for the religion: yeah!!! sadly... religions infact have/had money... the man back religion, have/had, and they have culture in their hands

Finarfin a dit:
What i think is that there is a war on freedom. There ara many forces in the world and they all fight for power and influence. I think blaming it all on the elite or on the masons is very simplistic.

also yes.
the forces know each other. and maybe-maybe fight. the boss are in them rooms, and building (masons, why not?) the world. maybe boss to boss fighting and boss to people fighting
I think masons have power and are a in a circle....

(I smock too... :rolleyes: + :mrgreen: )
english traducteur of a thread about our mentality before open to drugs:

[QUOTE = Pagan Atheist; 815 548]
But this not only applies to psychotropic substances and is due to the low level of self-consciousness in which the consumer society deliberately keeps the average human.

but now we are internet -Here in the West, in the East, I do not know-

we must not underestimate democratization
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