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Je m'inscris!

too intelligent


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
You're too stupid to lock up your spacecraft, suck it brain eater! I own it now


21 Juil 2007
5 922
alright then... i hope you're aware, that by this i own your brain now. yum yum yummy :P :axe: :ANAL: ahahahhahah ahahahahaha ... muaaahahahaaha hehehehe :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
BrainEater a dit:
life is a purpose and if you ask the question of what the purpose of life is, GOD is probably one who could answer such a bundled question quite eloquently. being a infinte being, makes it hard for GOD not to see himself in all beings, as that would be denying his own existance. so the basis really is consciousness, it depends what you build of it and on it.
GOD is in every human being, as every human being is in GOD.
inside and outside are a representation for the innate, maybe infinite duality of the universe.

dreams are a representation of the "without within", where you can experience what isn't real in your interpretation of the universe's "way". life in turn is a represantation of the "within without", where you can experience what is real in your "way" of the universe's interpretation. obviously, the difference in reality or realities lies in perspective or in the amount of perspectives.
don't take your dreams for granted and in turn, don't take your reality for granted. you can do anything you can imagine, or else reality wouldn't be only what you couldn't get away with it and that doesn't make sense.

the living dead are among us, literally and figuratively. on the one hand the spirits of the dead interact with planet earth we live on for the time until they choose where they want to be or where they want to go, so they can wait for a convenient time for reincarnation and do something else meanwhile. they need to be en-lightened to find grace, their final destination. also there is the machines and the distinct machineries that take over the power of thought in humanity. generally or politically speaking, that means people rely on what machines measure for them or produce for them, which obviously takes power away from consciousness, giving it to intelligent machines, that can handle data better.

all that just tells us how they, others or anyone wants to take over our consciousnesses, or the frequencies of our consciousnesses, by taking the power away. it just depends how they do it, and whether we would choose our power to be given away with the affirmation of our own wills. the question of whether it's love or just confusion expresses (or doesn't express) in the joy or not joy.

so for some, GOD's comeback is too much, because they have turned away from him and with lies and fear worked against him... they shall perish, as they can do nothing, but surrender. because the power of GOD is the power of the atoms and the stars taken together. it's the power of imagination that realizes its own infinite potential in infinity itself. we all have been given this gift, it's just a question of how much we have given it away. or is it more a question of how or why we give ourselves away in the first place?? remember who you are!! remember who you were, are and will be. find harmony or balance in the love within and the love without... the only real reality for living beings is now. past and future are mere abstractions of the everpresent now, which is forever in infinity. we are slaves to universal time and it depends on the light or power of our consciousness of how much we have made ourselves or have ourselves letting been made slaves to human time. it depends on the freedom of our will, that force we call god... so what is there to say?? find yourself and be found...

peace :weedman:

considering how stupid people are, then god must be a piece of shit

when human use machines, machines are just an extension of our will. they have no will of their own

past and future aren't really but they are relevant, we have to learn from past to help direct our future. and we are always directing our future. the goal is to make it a conscious action


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
Brugmansia a dit:
When I'm getting wrapped up in a loop of a mental frame with dexterous digestion of all moving parts, I tend to put my brains on fire in order to shape an essence for which I can take recognized acknowledgement through displaying it as the answer. Albeit it's me grasping to control. I hate me being nifty with codes, gives me the ability to push or punch my fellow mortals in exchange for my own space. But I really rather just dance in my own dark room believing I'm going to take over the world. :mrgreen: I hate putting one world into another, tires me out and boundaries will always be the same outside my head.

Break yourself or make yourself, we should smoke a toke together, Braineater. :mrgreen:
well you're a little presumptuous aren't you? obviously you're not as "nifty with codes" as you'd like to think or you'd find a way around those boundaries
but what you want to be(holy grail) isn't something anyone can do(takes "divine blood"). you have to be able to master the mundane if you expect to master anything else

and whoever that god thing is wrong


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I'm mastering nada except my hypothalamus.

The GOD I was refering at, is an old member of this community who is banned, his cock grew to over 15 inches and acted like a vigorous giant which has eliminated lots of generous folks from this place. Though he was charaterized with rational traits as well. So in a sarcastic way, I told braineater not to pull the same card by placing himself above others.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Fev 2009
6 918
BrainEater a dit:
i am unfortunately too intelligent for this planet, or rather for most of its inhabitants, to be more precise.
i demand to be moved to a set of environments with higher intelligence as a planetary standard.
it's frustrating, really, having to interact with all you retarded cats.

I must be a retarded cat (though I'd rather be a racoon, if you don't mind), because I can't get whether you're joking or not.
If yes, you're a great humorist, and if not, you're even better.