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That's pretty cool. I haven't been smoking since November now.

What I did was, I tried nicotine chewing gum. I bought some, and tried it just one day. It was the hardest day to try quitting, because I was surrounded by a lot of smokers. They were all constantly having cigarette breaks, but chewing nicotine gum helped me through it without bigger problems. After that day I knew I could quit with the help of nicotine gums.

I thought maybe it would be hard to quit the nicotine gums then, but I am already down to one or two per day, without even trying to reduce them. Maybe because I really don't like chewing gum all day, and they really aren't that much fun to chew. However they do change the feeling of "I really need a cigarette now" to "no, I don't need a cigarette at all!"

This seems very promising to me, I have already broken all the habits of cigarette breaks and having a cigarette with your coffee and so on. I think in a few weeks or so I will be down to less than one gum per day - but I can keep them with me for a long time as a safety net against nicotine urges.
sounds nice tryponaut,viel Glück further on :wink:
Some interesting tidbits about tobacco. Stumbled upon it looking for news about entheogens...

May 6, written by Dr. S.D.Shanmugakumar

TOBACCO is an agricultural product processed from the fresh leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed in the form of nicotine tartarate, which is used as adjuvant in some medicines. It can be consumed in the form of smoking, chewing, snuffing, dipping tobacco or snus.

Tobacco has been used as an entheogen in the Americas. But, after the arrival of Europeans in North America, it quickly became popularised as trade item and as recreational drug. This popularisation led to an economic boom in the United States, resulting in the growth of tobacco companies in the mid -1900’s.

The word Nicotiana was named in honour of Jean Nicot, French ambassador to Portugal, who in 1559 sent it as a medicine to the court of Catherine de Medici. Because of the addictive properties of nicotine, tolerance and dependence developed. Absorption quantity, frequency and speed tobacco consumption are believed to be directly related to biological strength of nicotine dependence, addiction and tolerance. According to World Health Organisation reports, 5.4 millions annually die because of consumption of tobacco.


The Spanish word 'Tabaco' is thought to be originated in Arawakan language of the Caribbean. Similar words were also utilised in Spanish and Italian in the year 1410. Arabic language supports the Tabbaq from ninth century.

Types of Tobacco:

* Aromatic Fire cured
* Bright leaf tobacco
* Burley tobacco
* Caven dish
* Criollo tobacco
* Dokham
* Oriental tobacco
* Perique
* Shade tobacco
* White burley
* Wild tobacco
* Y1


Tobacco products were been categorised as:

Beedi which are thin, often flavoured, south Asian cigarettes made of tobacco wrapped in a tendu leaf and secured with coloured thread at one end.


Chewing tobacco is one of the oldest ways of consuming tobacco leaves. It is consumed orally in two forms: through sweetened strands or in a shredded form. Small amounts were placed at a bottom of the lip, between the gum and teeth.

Cigars were tightly rolled bundle dried and fermented tobacco, which is ignited produces smoke which can be drawn in to the smoker’s mouth.

Creamy snuff are tobacco paste, which comprises of tobacco, clove oil, glycerin, spear mint, menthol and camphor and sold in a tooth paste. The brand names are Ipco, Denobac, Tona and Mishri

Gutkha and Hookah are a preparation of crushed betel nut, tobacco and sweet or savory flavourings. It is manufactured in India and exported to a few other countries. A mild stimulant, it is sold across India in small, individual-size packets.


Snus is steam-cured moist powder tobacco product that is not fermented and does not induce salivation. It is consumed by placing it in the mouth against the gums for an extended period of time. It is a form of snuff that is used in a manner similar to American dipping tobacco, but does not require regular spitting.

Health hazards:

Tobacco consumption is a wide problem for a multi-million people nation like India. The consumption of tobacco is seen as a major reason of oral cancer in the country. According to a survey conducted in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the starting age of tobacco consumption is 10-18 years. The survey also found that nearly, 3,422 children were affected by the oral cancer across the capital.

A recent study in 52 countries has revealed that 35.7 per cent of myocardial infractions were attributed to smoking. Smoking is a health hazard because so many people lose their lives due to smoking-related diseases. Smoking affects different parts of the body, which includes heart, lungs and brain.

Lung cancer accounts for 22 per cent of cancer deaths. Ninety per cent of the people, who get cancer of the throat and mouth because they used tobacco. Forty years of smoking causes 60 per cent greater chance of getting lung cancer. Smoking can also ruin your appearance by staining your teeth, yellowing your finger nails and causes wrinkles, gum disease, tooth decay and bad breadth. Asthmatic effect would also be caused due to the hypersensitivity of tobacco consumption.

Thus, pledge to say no to cigar and tobacco products, in order to prevent lung and oral cancer. If you quit tobacco today, you may save many lives and younger generation from being the victims of tobacco.

Usually, whenever I smoke a cigarette, I feel depressed and exhausted afterwards. However, I discovered this week that if I have taken some pseudo-ephedrine recently then the effect is reduced by like 95%, and the effect of tobacco is a bit better. Or it may be that cigarettes mysteriously stopped having this effect on me (which would be a very bad thing).
How long have you been smoking and how much per day?
If you smoke like a train, you could be on the verge of a nicotine overdose.


me smokas minimas cigarettas

yo can't resistar la temptation

Generous people become traps :O

Y todos the fumeurs in general.

Sorry for my bad english.

EDIT: That pseudo-ephedrine thing is bullshit, cigarette just decided to give me a break for 2 days
All sympathomimetic drugs go very well with nicotine. The first time I took mdma when it hit me I smoked a cigarette, and then I smoked another 4 cigarettes right after because it felt so great. Every sympathomimetic drug from speed to ephedrine will make you smoke more because the nicotine rush feels so good.
I also read somewhere that cigarette smoke has some maoi components (monoamine-oxidase inhibitors) that will make a lot of drug effects stronger - that is why smoking on shrooms, lsd or anything like that feels great. Also on alcohol cigarettes feel much better than sober.

However cigarettes are shit. You don't really gain anything from smoking cigarettes, except that you will get addicted and you'll have to smoke every hour or so or you will feel really bad. Glad I broke that habit a year ago!
I don't smoke tobacco anymore, and I'm feeling much better, especially my lungs! :P
LOL! this thread made my day!!! :heart: :weedman: +1000000

edit: too bad i'm still chainsmoker but when i smoke weed i don't smoke sigs at all :D 8[
Hi, Does anyone here has experience with vaporizing tobacco, or a combination of marijuana and tobacco?
I've tried one time weed+tobacco at 190°C and the taste was...revolting...
Never did it again...
gross imo. i guess if you "HAVE" to smoke some tobacco, then that's the "best" way to do it... although i personally wouldn't ruin the lovely taste of MJ by mixing them, unless you're smoking some schwag, in which case it probably doesn't matter.
I use tobacco somewhat medicinally but only because I can get eCigs that use an atomizer at the local convenience store. I rarely smoke it but I find it calms me or lets me focus without having the addiction side effect of the nicotene. I actualy tried to see if I could get addicted again and failed so I guess its not meant to be. Still I hit the atomizer once in a while when I wanna feel a 'throat hit' or wanna relax a little.
I understand that Tobacco contains hamala like rue and caapi. I bet this is why the natives and shamans used it with other psychoactive plants. makes sense.
I never liked smoking cigs or smoking for recreation.... About 5 years ago though I started working with Amazonian jungle tobacco some people call mapacho. I use it in ceremony, for meditation, and I also work with it as a snuff - both the powdered rapé snuff and the liquid rapoté snuff. It is very powerful when used in ceremony for guidance and healing.

It is a great addition to other plant medicines. If for example I work with San Pedro or Ayahuasca and the visions dont open up I can use tobacco to open the visions better. At the same time, if the visions are too intense and disorienting I can use tobacco to moderate them and chill them out. It can help me take the experience in either direction depending on what I need in the moment. Also really great for helping clear the mind, focus the mind, or for clearing out unwanted energy in the ceremony. I even met some shamans in Peru that heal with just tobacco.

Nice thing about using it in ceremony - after 5 years I have still never felt any compulsion to use it habitually, any addiction or withdrawals, and so far it has brought me a lot of insight and healing. One of my friends even healed his depression with tobacco - after 10 years trying to heal it with Ayahuasca and that not working, he did his first ever tobacco purge and puked out a spirit that had caused his depression.... That was years ago and he has been great since then.