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Time travel to the past


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
Hi guys, I was traveling back to june 2006 in the DMT ayahuasca section, and stubled on this topic:

http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 98&lang=nl

I was gonna try DMT this evening, but now I'm not so sure ;)

..and o yeah, replying to an older-than-150-days topic does not work either :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Don't believe the propaganda, Elf-spice is healthy and the elves are very friendly! :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
Elf-spice is healthy

Not for the lungs.

I'm still having troubles keeping the smoke in. Smoking some weed beforehand seems to desentize my throat, but it also fogs up the trip.

The two trips were mostly dominated by my sore throat this time, and no breaktrough either.

now I'm actually considering snorting some coke firsts to numb my sinus cavity, and then snort the spice. (hmm, lidocaine would be even better since it lacks the typical cocaine effect apart from the numbing..)

Anyone experience with snorting the Spice ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
phalaris a dit:
Elf-spice is healthy

Not for the lungs.

I know that, but who cares about lying to the people, the government does it anyway :mrgreen: (just kidding :lol:)

phalaris a dit:
The two trips were mostly dominated by my sore throat this time, and no breaktrough either.

I don't even find the smoke that bad... I find it better than salvia. But I also smoke siggies and weed, that helps alot I think.

phalaris a dit:
now I'm actually considering snorting some coke firsts to numb my sinus cavity, and then snort the spice. (hmm, lidocaine would be even better since it lacks the typical cocaine effect apart from the numbing..)

Anyone experience with snorting the Spice ?

I've tried snorting a small amount once, but it had no effect (due to the small amount). I must say it burns... Almost like speed, but it wasn't enough to judge properly... I did have a runny nose the rest of the day :p


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
I was gonna try DMT this evening, but now I'm not so sure

Hahaha watch out for those crazy elfs :P

I'm still having troubles keeping the smoke in. Smoking some weed beforehand seems to desentize my throat, but it also fogs up the trip.

I must say that first time at your house i was really stunted :mrgreen: so i noticed little of my throat, only when the effects where gone i had a soar throat.
But when we tryed it at home on a glass pipe, it felt more relax on the throat, i still had the numb thung ect, but a less burning sensation on my lungs and throat.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I guess I'm guilty not responding again to that 2006 thread....

Phalaris, Entheonaut has the impression after smoking your spice and mine, that yours is extremely hard on the throat compared to mine. If you like to compare, drop me a PM with your msn/email, would love to get together someday and do bio essay ;)

As for dangers of DMT, physical it's quite safe unless you have some heart condition. If its dangerous mentally I wouldn't know, for me every experience has been deeply warm and good, even the last one when I completely lost contact with my body and this world and when I literally ended up beyond everything.

Famous Terence quote when they asked him if DMT is dangerous:"Only if you fear death by astonishment.'.

Snorting: I tried a tiny bit of the purest spice I've ever laid my hands on to test how it would feel in my nose. Didn't feel good at all so I never tried a big enough dose to enable the psychedelic experience but someone I know snorts regularly and seems to like it. According to him the trip is less intense and lasts longer than when smoking but his nose hurts really bad..



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
Phalaris, Entheonaut has the impression after smoking your spice and mine, that yours is extremely hard on the throat compared to mine. If you like to compare, drop me a PM with your msn/email, would love to get together someday and do bio essay

That is entirely possible, since I did not wash/purify the spice properly :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
Hahaha! I just got a crazy sms message from a long exploring friend.
..I guess he'd read this topic:

'You and your lidocaine, it still fucking hurts !'

damn, I'll ask some lidocaine from you so that I can try for myselfs :) !

(..hope you don't mind that I post your sms here?..)