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Je m'inscris!

Thoughts on the Political Future of the World,from archdruid

Tell us the name of the BIGGEST FASCIST!!!


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Glandeuse pinéale
10 Nov 2007
The Catholic Church is in a direct continuation of the Roman Empire and continues with it’s insane project to dominate the World. It can not do so by spiritual means as it’s doctrine have little or nothing to do with the life of Christ.

It remains the richest single organisation on Earth and works behind the scenes hoping nobody will notice it’s hidden hand. It’s responsible for the destruction of the heart of Celtic Ireland. The magical hill and valley of Tara. A rallying point of Irish identity and a key European energy centre.
It needed a pro-catholic U.S. government and has worked closely with Dick Cheney. He has links with the American jesuit Universities who “educate


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
The biggest fascist is the person that doesn't let himself be whom he really is.
Stop projecting fear and start creating love.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I think the biggest fascists today are people who go beyond using goverment to provide services/protection for the people, and use government instead as a means to force their morality and world view on others.. liberal, neocon, left, right no difference. Even Canada feels increasingly polarized these days.


Forkbender a dit:
The biggest fascist is the person that doesn't let himself be whom he really is...

and tries to pull others down with him.

I think reality portal is an awesome project, but I think this poll doesn't do the article right.
Nominating people for the bigest facist isn't really necisarry.
But keep up the good work ;)

As discussed before, it's good to spread knowledge about what is wrong, so we can all find a way to make it better.

:heart: & :idea:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
The biggest fascist is the one who redefines fascism to disguise domination.
Then gets everyone buying into that re-definition.

When avaricious precedent becomes societal process.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774

PLEASE go outside and shout that from the rooftops. :)

I agree one thousand per cent.

I get the feeling that some people resent being shaken out of their complacent little bubbles by posts such as this one by Reality Portal, and others by various posters....

In my opinion, posts like these aren't spreading fear, they are increasing awareness.

Believe it or not, these types of things aren't common knowledge to a lot of people.

I believe that a bigger disservice is done when one lets these things pass, in the knowledge that it will be someone elses battle to fight.

Past a certain point, people seem to get irritated when more truth than they are ready to confront is thrust upon them....then, the labeling starts, with these people calling others 'terrorists', or 'fear-mongerers', etc.

Once a certain point of control has been established (and it has been)
the only real recourse that we have is the spread of information, and the fomenting of a certain degree of rebellion. Not rebellion that these reactionary neo-conservative imbeciles can act on, not the armed, bomb-making, hairy-palmed revolutionary kind of rebellion, but the intelligent, pissed off, MEMETIC form of rebellion. A sea-change in awareness, which must be triggered somehow, someway. If any of you think that dropping psychedelics alone is enough then you're much more patient, and naive, than I would have suspected.....these substances have much more to say than 'wow, cool patterns'. They are initiators of awareness only, not the agents of change themselves. The true 'agents of change' are what they always were, people with strong convictions, and the guts and drive to act on these convictions, consequences-be-damned.

I applaud Reality Portal and their efforts to increase awareness.



Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
the only real recourse (.....) concequences-be-damned
Thanks for bringing me this realisation, it kind of feels like a breakthrough :o Especially the part where you point out what way we should go about changing global awareness.
I feel many lives of good people with the best intentions are wasted, simply beacause they go about it the wrong way.
In the end a lot will come down to the consequences for an individual and remaining anonymous will probably be a big issue for a lot of us.
But as you say there are always those out there who will sacrifice themselves for all of us.
If we could only get people aware of the way to go about changing global awareness I think a lot of life and energy that is now wasted can be directed much more efficiently.
Frustralingly the above sentance kind of spells "to change awareness we must first change awareness".
We're just not all blessed with the same brain and intuition I suppose.
Ofc. the heart is what matters, and imo eventually also where the real power lies.
But of course this is just a belief and pretty irrelevant to the things that must be done to undo the brainwashing that be right now.
Those most enlightened, such as spice I suppose, can really give others a little push along their yourney.
So thanks spice :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Didnt read the article because anyone calling themselves a druid is a lyer . Druids dont exist . The people who now call themselves druids are sharlatans . Children dressing up in pantomime uniforms running away from reality . There used to be people called druids but there are next to no facts about what they believed , how they worshiped , where they came from and where they went . Its just more "esoteric" bored housewife fantasys from people with inferiority complexes like those who call themselves witches . Pseudo science , pseudo knowledge for people who dont like what they see when they look in the mirror .