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Je m'inscris!

.. this was a nice experience


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
I had been with a friend of mine to his school, you may know him, it was ProStoner, and we'd been wadering in school, talking with some friends of him that I didn't knew. At some point we were leaving his school and walked outside, past the school, where PS met a girl he knew and started talking to her.

It was a very common conversation, about some place PS had been where he had eaten french fries a few days ago, and he thought he had payed too much for it. He said he paid 10,- euros for 4 portions (he was there with some others) and the girl said that he did pay to much, or got ripped off, because it's priced 1,60 per portion.

Well, anyway, ok, we walked on. I thought we were going to that cafetaria to get something to eat so I just followed without asking whereto we'd go.

We walking into an old store, rather close to his school and I thought 'huh, they ain't got french fries over here', but hell, I'd not say so, and followed PS, who went up the stairs to the next floor. He appearantly knew this place well. The store was full of antique and old stuff, books and some instruments. We went up another floor (third) are there was the owner of this shop, an old grey haired, but vital fellow.

PS knew this person and started talking, I thought, about playing guitar or something. We got to sit at a table and PS and that fellow chattered about. At this point I feld a little strange, a little out of place. I had just been following PS around and thought 'erm, what am I doing here, what is this place?'.

PS noticed this and asked how I was doing and I told him 'I dn't know, man .. I think I am dreaming' to which he replied with his recognisable ' Gheghe'. I got quite convinced of this and asked the old man if he could open the window, since he was sitting just next to it. I got out of my chair, walked of the table towards the window and jumped out of it.


My prognose was correct! I was actually dreaming, but all was so real. I saw all details, colors, voices were exactly real, nothing behaved outside of realistic borders .. I actually saw the reflection of myself flying in front of the window, waving back at PS, and I just saw me, nothing strange about it, wearing my red seater and blue pants.

It was a very very nice dream. Well, ok, until I woke up I saw my brother in trance at the foot-side of my bed and I got pushed out of my bed by some spirit/ghost who then claimed my bed ..

Next I woke up again and was actually awake :)


Man, strange stuff. An almost lucid dream :D

I never have these things.
Maybe I have to quit smoking mj again on a regular basis.
I quit that every 2 months, but 3 weeks after I start again....

But cool dream, love to read these things, just like your always amazing adventures in SD land :mrgreen:


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
This was a true lucid dream, I was very aware of the fact that I was dreaming, so I even payed more attention to the things I experienced and was suprised to feel my tummy move when I rolled and dived though the air, flying.

These dreams do not happen often to me, like today was just a weird collection of things that I experienced over the past days, all put together in some totally absurd situation. To weird to get lucid =)


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
High percentage of control, certainly. I mean, at first I was just walking along with PS, but when I mentioned that I thought I was dreaming, I decided to go flying .. I had the control to go adn decide what to do.


Funny, this night I had an even way more lucid dream, in which there was total control and even control to not wake up. So this dream lasted very very long. I noticed I was dreaming when I saw a girl's who haircut had turned from brown to blonde. So I told her "Heey, you know what, I am dreaming".

I was at a techno party in Germany, but I spend most of the time outside, at night, walking through the streets with my brother meeting many many people I didn't knew and also quite some friends of mine. I told my brother aswell that I was dreaming (actually I told almost everybody; I even told I had a lucid dream in the dream after this one) and I was trying to play around with it. He had a camera and had made some pictures, so I told him "Show me those pictures and I will remember them, so that when I wake up I can predict the pictures you have taken". Ok, it's missing some logic, because I did not realise that because I was dreaming at this .. my brother also wouldn't have made these picture in-real-life.

I played around just a bit with that fact that I was dreaming, like defying gravity (ofcourse, I allway have to do this .. like jumping out of a window, or in this case making some double backflips and more impossible manoeuvres), but this did put a strain on the focus for this dreamstate.

At a certain point I remembered to go and look for PS. We made a deal that if we'd be dreaming lucid, we'd try and find eachother. So I was wandering around, meeting many many friends of mine omst of them outside aswell, some of them dancing inside, at the party. I only couldn't find PS, so I knew I didn't had to look for him in my dream, so I tried to contact him outside of this actual dream I somewhere I might have met him. He was sitting at his place, being quite nervous about the fact I did actually came to meet him, however he was perhaps dreaming his own dream.

Anyway, done that, returned to my own dream and there I met some guy who said "Ah, so you're dreaming, hmm, let me explain something". Then things got quite weird. He said something about Kappa, which was a certain crystal, that caused this lucid dreaming. He had brought some and explained that when grinded and soluted in ethanol and consumed, it would cause this lucid dreamstate. At this point, while this fellow was explaining (and some friends of mine were doing so; grinding these big crystals) I started to loose contact with my dream. My current view just got stuck and distorted, like an old bad movie, very 2-D, but the sound remained. So I could hear this friend of mine asking some questions about the process, while I was trying to retian focus.

Well, I lost focus, and woke up. I had the feeling in my belly as if I had foodpoisoning; I did noticed that weird, slightly hallucinogenic effects (having very weird thoughts and hearing voices). My body was quite warm and I was breating heavier than normally. All effects diminished after half hour or so, so I dreamed on .. other dreams .. in which I proudly told peopleI had a lucid dream. Funny :)

Well, that was another one ... peace


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
haha I just got your sms :)
seems ur having a lot of luck with the lucids huh
well after you told me about your first dream .. I had one like 2 days later also
and which I had allready told u about
but there was one very fun thing..
because when I closed my eyes to go to sleep..
within a few minutes I felt a slight rush .. and things started to take shape..
and saw friends of mine and whole scenes playing by with me eyes closed..
and I noticed that I was slipping off into the dreamworld
this was very funny because I knew from other times thatI had to keep lying in the same shape I was when I fell asleep .. if I would turn around .. I would wake up
so I waited untill I was completely in the dreamworld .. and then when asleep I turned my body over in the real world... this was quite an experience by itself :)
and I dreamt for about an hour .. and I know 100% sure it was an hour
because I woke up (sort off) a few times knowing what time it was
and then went back to my dream
but after an hour I was suddenly awoken from that dream because someone called me
so by that I knew I dreamt for an hour
the dream itself is waaay too complicated to start explaining now :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
within a few minutes I felt a slight rush .. and things started to take shape..
and saw friends of mine and whole scenes playing by with me eyes closed..
and I noticed that I was slipping off into the dreamworld
this was very funny because I knew from other times thatI had to keep lying in the same shape I was when I fell asleep .. if I would turn around .. I would wake up
I really know what you mean. Many times I forgot the most beautiful dreams because I turned around in bed and I woke up. A few times since I now about lucid dreams I turned around in bed but only half way.. So your awake and you know your dreaming(not like lucid dreaming cause than your asleep) than I turn around again so I'm in original position. Usually this allows me to have full control about the entire dream... Mostly this are the dreams I remember..

Alcohol and cannabis(both low dose) 'causes a toxication that works perfect for my lucid dreams.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
Nice LD report :o

He said something about Kappa, which was a certain crystal,

Did you noticed /remembered a possible relationship with "Kappa opioid" receptors involved with salvinorine ?
That's fun !


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
He didn't metion any relation, but I slightly made this in the dream. I did mention something about alkaloids, on which he confirmed, however this doesn't make sence anyway. Things weren't so clear from that point because it started fading.


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
Yesterday evening i was reading the post about you're lucid dreaming experience right before i went to bed, and the funniest thing happend
i had a dream ( never had a fucking dream for months since i smoke MJ on a daily basis ) and it was lucid, becouse i suddenly realised that i was dreaming.

Everything felt so real almost like awake only brighter,
in this dream i was talking to my dad had a pretty good discusion with him better then in normal life :P , but at the end of my dream like you said you lose focus and becouse blury and shit and not much later i woke up.
Right when i woke up it was all fresh in my mind, but now i allready am forgetting shit :? better write it up next time.

So i want to thank you for you post Siq, it got me dreaming somehow.
And man i can't wait to go to bed and start dreaming again :D

PeaCe yall..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Yeah this is true cannabis seems to stop dreams... I dream a LOT more, (like almost everynight) since i stopped smoking a little more than a month and a half ago. I didn't have a lucid dream since a very long time,like over a year... I miss them, they are so cool :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
mostly for it is .. when I stop smoking for about 2 weeks .. I dream a lot ..
and then its back to the same as when I smoked weed :P
drinking a lot of beer helps better for me to dream good :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Hmmm, aclohol may make me dream, but it makes me forget things (even more effective than somking pot for me) so I wouldn't remember any dreams. Also .. my dreams are more blurry and weird and .. twisted when I am not sober when I dream ..

@MindAstronaut: That good to hear!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I smoke cannabis daily and dream a lot. When I quit for a few days, I get some very intense dreaming the first few days, then it becomes the same type of dreaming as I experience while smoking cannabis.

But what a nice experience!

I only managed to get a lucid dream once, after practicing for months every night before going to sleep. When it finally worked, it freaked me out and I quit (still planning to take it up again soon).

What happened was, I was sitting in the kitchen with a very good friend and we were having vivid conversations. During the dream, I knew something was out of place but I could not lay my finger on it. At once I realized, you are dead (my friend died 3 years before that dream) so this must be a dream. The dream changed drastically. It was like a whole new layer of reality was put over the scene. I was in awe, looking at everything but woke up soon after that. I knew I was dreaming but felt awake.

Woken up, I realized that I should have kept focussing on my friend instead of looking everywhere except at him. This experience made me reconsider a lot of things I thought I figured out by then (what is dead, dying etc..).


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Hmm, I had something like that ..

I was doing gymnastics and suddenly I realised my gym-teacher had died like 3 years ago, so I instanly knew that I was dreaming .. I didn't freak out, but I took two steps and flew up into the air past the roof and dove down. When I was about to hit the ground, I woke up :)

That's a real nice thing to try when flying in your dream .. dive into the ground, it's THE fucking thrillride of your (non-waking) life!!


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Siq a dit:
Hmm, I had something like that ..

I was doing gymnastics and suddenly I realised my gym-teacher had died like 3 years ago, so I instanly knew that I was dreaming .. I didn't freak out, but I took two steps and flew up into the air past the roof and dove down. When I was about to hit the ground, I woke up :)

That's a real nice thing to try when flying in your dream .. dive into the ground, it's THE fucking thrillride of your (non-waking) life!!
I love that way of realizing that your dreaming.
Few weeks ago I was at a friends house, passed out drunk on bed and suddenly I was dreaming and my friend was talking to me I said to him: Hey you can't be here you're upstairs in your bed. So I asked him to pinch my arm. He did so but I didn't feel a thing and he's a strong guy so I knew I was in my bed. The same moment I flew away in to the twisted possibilities of my dreaming fantasy..
Good night everybody


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
Siq a dit:
Hmm, I had something like that ..

I was doing gymnastics and suddenly I realised my gym-teacher had died like 3 years ago, so I instanly knew that I was dreaming .. I didn't freak out, but I took two steps and flew up into the air past the roof and dove down. When I was about to hit the ground, I woke up :)

That's a real nice thing to try when flying in your dream .. dive into the ground, it's THE fucking thrillride of your (non-waking) life!!

try staying awake and just hit the ground :D
now that's wicked :)
i`ve done it once .. and it was hilareous haha


Hahahaha, yeah, I hit the ground many times awake, not on purpose though... :mrgreen:

But man, I'd like to experience it again, lucid dreaming.
Could do it as a kid.
Flying is awesome!

Seriously dudes... I envy you


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Flying is awesome!

Seriously dudes... I envy you

If you want you can teach yourself. Just search the web.
Don't be disappointed if you don't have results right away.


I know all the techniques, but I'd really have to cut down on the smoking again.

Although last couple of days/weeks I've remembered a lot more dreams.
But I seriously need to write them down as soon as I wake up...

This evening I'm doing a meditation again, so maybe it's a good moment to quit the shit for a while...