This forum sucks?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dr. Leospace
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Dr. Leospace

Alpiniste Kundalini
This forum sucks?

But I hope you like the new design and functionality? We are still working to improve this community, fix errors and add extra functionality. So if see some strange things happening, encounter weird errors or if you just see something you would have done completely differently please let us know! Thanks, Lennart
The new forum is quite good, there's only two things I don't like:

1. The colors ... it looks too bright and sterile for my taste

2. The new synthetics forum is a good idea, but why is it filled with old posts from the entheogen categories?
We had to make alot of new topic out of old ones so some topics were moved but not all the right ones. :oops: Ik will look into it and move some better topics in there.

Hopefully this will help start up that forum, because some topics are not that busy yes.
Well, my feedback:

I like the new .. well .. how to call it ?
New forum ... no, it's more than a forum ..
portal ? community ?
Anyway, it like it *a lot* -- conceptionaly / new functionality etc.

But usability, in particular readability of the forum part ...
Errr, lets say it in the most euphemistic way: there's room for improvements :>

The German word "Verschlimmbesserung" is floating in my head ;)

Basicly meaning: Some parts/aspects of something improved but at the same time some (other) aspects got worse.

Summa Summarum: Thumps up :)
Basicly meaning: Some parts/aspects of something improved but at the same time some (other) aspects got worse.

hey could you give me some more info of the things you think that got worser than the former forum?

perhaps it are things that we just didnt see, but are easely to fix

thanx in advance :)
well, what got worse is that we can see your image :D sjors!
I personaly like the bright colors, it looks a lot like one of my favorite (dutch) websites (

But I can imagine that some people preferred the green and brown.

And I think this forum can be a little slow, ecspecially when you want to switch between the picture gallery and the encyclopedia (for example)