The Voice - The Cosmos and the Quantum Universe

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mysticwarrior
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I like the idea that since recent years there have been publiced severall films publicly that helped a lot of people to have another look at there own lives. I mean, i can't imagine someone watching such a movie without questioning at least somethings what they are observing while or after watching it..... So till now i like the idea, even if things are a little twisted and not the whole truth. I think it can turn people on, given new reason to research into that, what was unknown and forbidden for ages.
Yeah I totally agree there!
Im gonna start on part 2 now.
I mean, its either empirical data of the soul or....insanity....
But nevertheless we found a method, or something close to a method to of spirituality. Reminds me of....The Methods of Science for some strange reason.

I've been watching for about 50 mins now
I think the positive message is very important and some things are said that need to be known by more people, but, as is mentioned in the film to be the sayings of the Dalai Lama (or however you write it), one shouldn't wait for nor believe in prophecy's and wait stuff out, one should try to see what one can do, right here right now.
That's what I liked most about it and that is only said as an opinion of one, not advocated in the film.
Until now, it's just way new-agey to me.
Merely distracting from the problems at hand.
It doesn't adress the real problems humanity is dealing with right now, such as the competitive reality that is destroying us, nor does it come with any solutions.
For me, it's just too impractical.
For what is enlightenment if you can't use it to help others, help the world, further awareness, identify the underlying causes of the sickness attacking it at it's root? To me, that's no enlightenment at all..
Just new agey hocus pocus
Like a new religion thing, creating emotional solis for those who require it
Confronting yourself with reality, that the world is filled with suffering everywhere, that there's problems we don't understand (yet), the ego problems that are destroying us all, that we are manipulating and feeding off of each other, suffering with it, thus sacrificing some of yourself, and trying to identify the root causes and doing something about them, to me, is real enlightenment.
Real enlighenment is the insight that WE (yourself being the only one you have direct control over) need to do something NOW.
The insight that the suffering in the world does not allow for us to waste another second feeling bad that going into the real deal makes others shut us out because we remind them of the things they don't like about themselves.
Shutting down from the collective reality (wich is denial), looking for the real answers, making you ever lonely and unhappy.
I'm getting pretty sick of ET's and so called enlightenment surrounded by all kinds of magic hocus pocus new age crap.
Quantum physics theories.. very intersting.. yes! astounding! But what does it change? What does it do for us?
All it does is try to scientifically explain things we already know because we just do, because we feel it, that don't need to be scientifically explained imho
More technology? In THIS world? Do you WANT things to get even more out of hand? The usual problem with so called "brilliant" inventors and scientists is, imho, that they are so pleased with themselves and their own "brilliance" and vastly lack emotional and psychological development.
No, it is our lack of PSYCHOLOGICAL knowledge that needs to be focussed on.. how our own minds work. The hard thing about this is that we will have to accept things about our behaviour that we may not like (but behaviour is something you control and is therefor not nescessarily identified with you as a person or your personality as being unchangeable). The mindstate of being a fixed rather then emergent personality causes us to feel like failure when we face our demons. The competitive mindstate of feeling like failure when proven wrong. We know NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING in this area..
What the bleep do we know?? (Another film with very promising title wich falls under the quantum physics category and I think is just impractical and distracting from problems at hand).
I say we know NOTHING!!!! Nothing that matters at least..
Imho ofc :D
Furthermore there's the established corporations, banks, governments, those that are feeding off of the rest (and think they are doing good and that they should prevent change at all cost, again competitive reality, emotional and psychological poverty) that somewhere realize people being psychologically unknowledgeable and screwed up is what keeps this structure intact, cleverly fighting anyone that knows, that is enlightened and that tries to bring about change and strength of character and independance of mind in the exploited, fearful and extremely dependantfeeling human.
They don't have to put a lot of energy in this though. We take care of ourselves just fine in this area.
We need the rest to do the same, because otherwise we have no excuse to do so ourselves.
Yeah it's great to have you "reality" shared with and confirmed by everyone, gives great feeling of security and confidence and a feeling you're not alone. Only problem is.. it's not reality. It's being kept like this by us, together, to have an excuse for ourselves not to face our inner demons (at least everyone is doing it so I'm not worse then 'everyone' else), wich really would'nt form too much of a problem were we not in such a competitive reality.
I say:
No magic here folks.. no shortcuts.. no easy ways to understanding (enlightenment).. just real problems.. I'm sorry

(Hehe such a lame character.. I should make a topic containing all my long creedlike posts polluting random topics. Outbursts that I ocasionally have :P)
Bastiaan a dit:
Jep, but i guess he missed the point.


Sorry, i didn't mean in that way. You don't really missed the point. But from my perspective you did ;), i think it is very important for humans to have a explanation for there live and the way reality does present it self to them. Science created a perspective on our live, that is quit depressing and make people look like useless machines that will rot away in the end. This way of thinking is quite negative, and so are the results.

This scienctific perspective that lots of our wester people share, does lack emotion, spirituality, free-time and thinking. Some people are even imprisoned by science, which till these days can't explain everything. Which gives them a perspective on there life, which for them is hard to understand. These people often lack creativity, fantasy and emotions, which are very important for our life.

I think the positive message is very important and some things are said that need to be known by more people, but, as is mentioned in the film to be the sayings of the Dalai Lama (or however you write it), one shouldn't wait for nor believe in prophecy's and wait stuff out, one should try to see what one can do, right here right now.

That's an interesting point, because the movie does not really say that we have to wait for another religion. The movie try's to challange other people to think for them self's, and show them that you don't have to look at everything to critical, which closes our mind. The movie in my perspective showed, that the most important place to find the truth, is to search inside yourself. And i think the movie clearly challange people to think and discuss these subjects that where forbidden to speak about not so long ago.

Until now, it's just way new-agey to me.

If i look at it with a skeptical mind, yes it clearly is. But on the other hand, our society needs new impulses, new explanation for why life is like we experience it. On one hand it's to much inspired by new age, even a little to much. But on the other hand, i can see how they try show you. How science and spirituality are telling the same things, but only the language differs.

Nowadays there are LOTS of newage groups, who just try to find a new perspective which is able make the scientific perspective more a life and instead of religion they try to motivate people to become spiritual, so they have not really a need for religion.

It doesn't adress the real problems humanity is dealing with right now, such as the competitive reality that is destroying us, nor does it come with any solutions.

Hmmm, i wouldn't say that so easily. I mean the main problem is our mental, psychological state of mind. Lots of people are overloaded and can't function properly anymore. They are so sick and depressed and urgently need help. So promoting spirituality and motivate these people to find out who they truly are, will change there perspective on life and gives them lots of rest. But the scientific and pessemistic perspective on spirituality, let people run away from them selfs and become even more sick, which very sick negative results.

For me, it's just too impractical.

Your right, but does it matter. On the moment there are severall movies out, who try to stimulate to find your own personal truth. They try to challenge people to change there mind, and find there own truth and to experiment wit it, to see if it suits them. It doesn't have to be practical yet, but in order to find a much satisfying world view, we must first start to think different then we are used to do. I mean it's not hard to see that if a person does always what he always does, that he then always will receive what he always received.

Like a new religion thing, creating emotional solis for those who require it

Although religion does has some positive elements, it has proven many many times that it doesn't work. Instead of religion, i prefer individual spiritual teachings, like those from buddhism. Ones people see the importance of spirituality and how important it is to be conscious of one self, then i believe they can reach a point which to me sounds as one of the most important goals we should realise.

Confronting yourself with reality, that the world is filled with suffering everywhere, that there's problems we don't understand (yet), the ego problems that are destroying us all, that we are manipulating and feeding off of each other, suffering with it, thus sacrificing some of yourself, and trying to identify the root causes and doing something about them, to me, is real enlightenment.

Sounds a bit negative or let say dualistic. Where there is suffering there is healing, where there are problems are solutions, where there is the ego there is also a soul. But as long we imprisoned in dualistic thought patterns, we can't see the world for what it really is, and thus makes us blind.

The insight that the suffering in the world does not allow for us to waste another second feeling bad that going into the real deal makes others shut us out because we remind them of the things they don't like about themselves.

And if we would had a more collective spiritual word perspective, we would understand this and so we can change for example the hours we work in a day. I guess this also is good for the country's where there are people who can't find a job, can work those hours that the the already working poeple spend to much on it.

Shutting down from the collective reality (wich is denial), looking for the real answers, making you ever lonely and unhappy.

Yes it does, but it also creates joy and very exciting moments wants you reached that conclusion, that it doesn't really matter that you have a different perspective on life. I for example have my own perspective, which is for a big part, not scientific. Because i can't explain everything with science yet, so i fill in the gaps that are unexplainable till i find better explanations. So now i then i change my mind a bit on different subjects if i find better explenations that make even more sense.

I guess not everyone is made for denial the collective reality, i see some people who have a great problem with it. But i think, that these people who deny the collective reality are needed. These individuals then do denial, will encounter many struggles but also find out things with they never could have understand if they didn't had denied the collective reality.

I'm getting pretty sick of ET's and so called enlightenment surrounded by all kinds of magic hocus pocus new age crap.

So do i! But these new age people are not talking about new things. Actually there thoughts are based on many old philosophy's that where some of them where a pretty succes. Sadly enough, there seems to be a group of people who deny reality in such a way that they get pretty psychotic, but instead of declaring them mad, we should help them to find back the collective reality. Most people who have lost touch with the collective, start to lose reffering points on which they can base or interpret reality, and they really need help because although sometimes they say that they are happy, but i have spoken with some. But they always seem to be depressive if you learn them to know a little better.

Quantum physics theories.. very intersting.. yes! astounding! But what does it change? What does it do for us?

In the end it could be a worldview on which far out the most individuals can agree, which could for example mean a change in our collective consciousnes. Because most people have become quit scientific and feel the need for proof, quantum physics is able to explain things in a less spooky way, so they can agree more easily with it. And for the newage guru's there message also get's explained. So quantum physics for me, combines science as well as spirituality.

All it does is try to scientifically explain things we already know because we just do, because we feel it, that don't need to be scientifically explained imho

From you own perspective, yes it would not be neccesary. But others are screaming for a more explainable explanation that does satisfy them on a deeper level. Don't forget that there many people these days, who never really thought about these things for all kinds of reasons.

More technology? In THIS world? Do you WANT things to get even more out of hand? The usual problem with so called "brilliant" inventors and scientists is, imho, that they are so pleased with themselves and their own "brilliance" and vastly lack emotional and psychological development.

If we would come more satisfied with our collective reality, then in my perspective we don't need more. Because one who truly knows him self, doesn't expect to much from the material world. It even could become less important.

No, it is our lack of PSYCHOLOGICAL knowledge that needs to be focussed on.. how our own minds work. The hard thing about this is that we will have to accept things about our behaviour that we may not like (but behaviour is something you control and is therefor not nescessarily identified with you as a person or your personality as being unchangeable). The mindstate of being a fixed rather then emergent personality causes us to feel like failure when we face our demons. The competitive mindstate of feeling like failure when proven wrong. We know NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING in this area..

Yes, i do believe we are in need of MORE psychological knowledge, but therefore spiritual knowledge also becomes important. Especiallyu because it is in our nature to have some spiritual senses.

I think we know nothing, first because we never had the knowledge to know anything at all. But thanks to the internet etc, we humans are for the first time able to read and investigate those things WE would like to research. In the past this wasn't allowed, only for this conversation i would have ended on a pile of wood that's get lighted with my on it and a screaming croud around me, who would love to see me die.

What the bleep do we know?? (Another film with very promising title wich falls under the quantum physics category and I think is just impractical and distracting from problems at hand).
I say we know NOTHING!!!! Nothing that matters at least..

What the bleep do we know is one of those other documentary's who try's to motivate people to start researching the debts our our true nature and reality. And since the cage that was build by religion has opened his doors, we are know able to start investigating things to know at least somethings!

Furthermore there's the established corporations, banks, governments, those that are feeding off of the rest (and think they are doing good and that they should prevent change at all cost, again competitive reality, emotional and psychological poverty) that somewhere realize people being psychologically unknowledgeable and screwed up is what keeps this structure intact, cleverly fighting anyone that knows, that is enlightened and that tries to bring about change and strength of character and independance of mind in the exploited, fearful and extremely dependantfeeling human.

And why do they exist? Why are they so evil? What makes them not wanting to change. Because they are dualistic, and are unable to see the need for a more loving civilisation. So because that reasons it becomes even more important to let the mainstream people think about quantum physics, spirituality etc. Because if the collective reality starts to change in a more positive way, these banks and evil doers will allso follow.

No magic here folks.. no shortcuts.. no easy ways to understanding (enlightenment).. just real problems.. I'm sorry

Hehehe, that's fun. Because i see and experience magic here, i see the shortcuts and easy ways to understand enlightenment. But they can't be seen or understood, if you don't allow yourself to have fantasy/dreams or if you keep saying no or impossible.

In the end we should stop thinking dualistic, because somethings that are good for you, are therefore wrong for me. If you only want positivenes, then you must fear for the rest of the time for negativity. So negative and positive do need each other to make up the whole.

So my conclusion is that we need to start balance the dualistic nature of our collective reality, because you can't reject for example darkness well it is just there in our very nature of reality. So there is darkness and light, the light needs the darkness to become visible, and the darkness does need the light to exist.

So science and spirituality are in fact dualistic, so since we can't reject one of the two, we must look it as a whole.

Damn, i am ready for the complaints of some skeptical minds :P
Your view of the world and the life that you see,
is totally the opposite of what it appears to be.
It's not in the real world that we see all the time,
but it's quietly happening in the back of your mind.

An opportunity is growing understanding yourself,
and you can't even read it from the books on the shelf.
Light enters darkness, when you go that next step.
here's something unique you must learn to accept.

The world as you see it ...that great illusion,
is totally the opposite, and you must reach this conclusion.
You only go outward to get further in,
you only get further, when you see life from within.

Attempts to learn the golden rule,
beyond the well read educated fool.
True colors ~ they reflect what you see,
contradictory images that show harmony.
:idea: I kept thinking about it yesterday and finally had an aha and saw what the intent of this film was and to what kind of audiences (those that need it most, pretty much!) this film would apply
Then, just now, I kind of read my aha as your explaination :P
I guess I was a little quick to judge, frustration, pain, impatience, own discomfort.

Science created a perspective on our live, that is quit depressing and make people look like useless machines that will rot away in the end. Some people are even imprisoned by science, which till these days can't explain everything. Which gives them a perspective on there life, which for them is hard to understand.

I never looked at it this way :roll: I kind of always looked at people that hold on to science as.. well.. kind of faithless. As having other issues that need to be cleared first, and also as a terrible victim of competitive reality. Like they need (some other person) to prove what they feel.. what I feel doesn't have to be proven.. that I feel it is all the proof there is to me. They must have such a negative self-image and worldview (because of society and competitive reality, I will keep repeating this ;) ), indicating deep suffering over a reality that is, indeed, as you describe, all backward. But anyway I suppose there's something to this.

Hmmm, i wouldn't say that so easily. I mean the main problem is our mental, psychological state of mind. Lots of people are overloaded and can't function properly anymore. They are so sick and depressed and urgently need help.

I guess it is even worse then I thought..

Yes it does, but it also creates joy and very exciting moments wants you reached that conclusion, that it doesn't really matter that you have a different perspective on life.

For me it still does, because of the position I am in but this is very hope giving and stimulating :) for the record, I meant to advocate doing this

My own aha also told me this movie might be good for those that have been deeply indoctrinated into religious stuff, what I think to be one of the major if not the major factors to why society and reality are and remain the way they are. Just explaining it all straight to the face probably isn't going to do much good.. this is a much more patient, loving and compassionate way I suppose that relates to their spirituality to release them from their doctrines and exploiters.
Religion (I mean the ran by authority fear and guilt inducing thing).. it's so horrible :'(
It makes for people to support their exploiter and fight their friend with all they have..

I still think ( ;):P) the only way we're going to find ourselves back is by getting at the root, where we lost ourselves in paranoia and became competitive and let a few dominant, exploitive, paranoid people put a system into existence that reflected our worse and led us to a lot of nasty stuff.. (vast understatement). Competitiveness is in our instinct (not in our nature), it comes from jealousy, greed, think of some more, but by realizing the implications, by acknowledging ourselves as devine and loving ourselves, with our consciousness, we can overcome it like the snip of a finger and become ourselves again. But..

Damn, i am ready for the complaints of some skeptical minds
Heheh van je vrienden moet je het hebben :wink: :D

I may be wrong! :)
I watched it.

Fortunately VLC Media Player can speed up video, so it only took me about an hour and fifteen minutes to finish it, because there wasn't really that much information there that would really be helpful for anyone. I mean I liked the way they explained how they see the nature of reality and such, but all the bullshit about people seeing angels and spheres and shit like that. Pfff. People should learn not to trust their senses so much and not to automatically ascribe reality to what they see/hear/etc. They don't see we can fool ourselves and that we project a lot of our own memory/emotions/prejudice on what we see.

I never met a full time scientist that wasn't inspired and deeply interested in how what they were researching could change our idea of reality. Maybe I didn't see all the scientists and what you guys (mysticwarrior and Bastian) are saying about it is true, but it sounds to me you guys are fighting your own idea/projection of what science is and does. Science is 'thinking for yourself', it is always looking for truth, it is an attitude where you do not trust anything someone says by default, but always question what seems to be evident. This is hard and it can look empty and unspiritual, but I think this video shows otherwise: there are plenty of scientists willing to look at everything and questioning age old beliefs. I admit that some science can be corrupted by corporate interest or yes men making carreers, but like the good cannot be corrupted by evil, nor the light by the dark, the scientific attitude will eventually always overturn these corruptions.