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Je m'inscris!

The Venus Project


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juin 2009
Saw this on Zeitgeist: Addendum
Could it ever work???


Elfe Mécanique
18 Déc 2008
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juin 2009
Well then I guess the question is: How do we properly educate everybody so the transition is possible??


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Juin 2009
that sure does sound great
but I think that you guys are right saying that making the whole world switch to this system could not be possible without a bloody revolution and that's the last thing that we need
if you just look on it - humanity has the potential to achieve such great things but there's always a few dicks here and there which just try to ruin everything
that system kinda reminds me for some reason of what Lenin was trying to do
behind all that propaganda - if people will just submit instead of being just a bunch of assholes than I think that something truly great could have resulted from that
if all the nations of the world was united and every one would be equal and everyone will have the right to get enough food and clothes and shelter not to starve to death than I think that something truly great could have resulted from this
but it just resulted in an unnecessary loss of lives of many people and the whole empire crushed down and in result nothing good haven't really came from it
if people would just try not to be dicks for a second...geez


Alpiniste Kundalini
28 Juin 2008
the mistake I think that was made here, is the concept of offering a solution. Evolution is a global process, that needs come naturally from everyone. When a bunch of «outsiders» come to society and claim that they can build a system without money, law and work. They tend to be discredited, and classified as utopia visionaries and such. Change has to come from a more smooth approach.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
if you just look on it - humanity has the potential to achieve such great things but there's always a few dicks here and there which just try to ruin everything

Jep, there will surely be! Because that, with what you as a person do agree with, will always be disagreed by people who believe the opposite. And a power struggle about who is right, get's born in no-time. In other words, you have to deal with dualism. While where growing up, we start learning dualistic thinking. I think first a LARGE group have to stand up, and make a start with making others aware of this dualistic reality we experience. I believe it is one of the main challanges that a person should learn to recognise in life. It will improve our way at looking things in such a more efficient way.

There is enough knowledge avaible to help humanity! But as long as we prefer to do nothing, then of course nothing is going te happen. People need trouble, HUGE trouble, before they even take a serious look on what your saying. Look at your own life, How many times do you need to make mistakes, before you know how it works? Or look at it, as if it is a depression that causes negative emotions, and if one get trough it. The pain will force him to reach higher heights where for example the exact opposite thing happends :D

Lucky enough, the venus project can be at least achieved and be tried to realise, if the group of people who like the plan would make lots of effort in find more and more support. Remember, the most people behave like sheeps. And with a good dog, you can direct the sheeps in certain direction, what will not be easy but if there are enough sheeps that follow you. Then more and more will join.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
it will happen, just not planned like this.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2008
1 230
I don't know if this will happen.
Maybe once in a VERY long term, like a thousand years or more.

I think money is still needed on a large scale to prevent people from beating the shit out of each other.


3 Juin 2006
off course it could work, anything could work! if hitler had won the war and killed all the jews and stuff, eventualy fascism would work.

if everyone is following all the rules of the system they live in, then anything will work.

the only problem with a facist system is: that i'm not a facist, so it wont work for me.
capitalism also doesn't work for me, and i gues although it sounds so utopic there certainly would be people for wich the venus project just would not work.
i don't think there is just one solution that will work for anyone.
i think the concept of the venusproject is a damn good one, but imho people have to decide for themself how they live they're life, not even the designers of the venus project.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
We don't have a thousand years...


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
Ijesuscrist you're right.
Transition is needed, this is the main focus.
We just need to keep thinking and pushing ourselves to focus our energy and keep looking around and think think while taking care of ourselves and living our lives as well of course. We will find a way to make it happen and we will find answers to all our questions. Soon. Evolution is an exponential process.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Be the change. It is good to think on a global scale, but action doesn't come from thinking on a global scale. Go small.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
Forkbender a dit:
Be the change. It is good to think on a global scale, but action doesn't come from thinking on a global scale. Go small.

Hehehe :)

We can not do great things in this world. We can only do small things with great love - Mother theresa ;)


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
Ah that was not what she said, she said only a few! :D

Let us be positive :)
Very important.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Yes, realize that "just doing this small thing isn't going to make a difference" is exactly how we got in this 'crisis' of energy.

So do your small part, and be smart and efficient with what you do. Don't be a hipacryt (or however the fuck u spell that word)


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I think it's spelled hypocrite? :P
Anyway, good point you're making. If everyone says "well it doesn't make a difference what I do because everyone else does ..."... it's A. not true and it's B. Kidding yourself. Change starts on an individual scale simply because the world composes of only individuals.
On the other hand, if any real change is going to come it's most likely going to be/ it's actually going to HAVE to be a big thing, like a change of system or at least a group of people with a thought out plan trying to live different.
I say don't nescesarily work towards achieving or being part of something large scale yourself, but be prepared so that when it does happen, you know where you stand and you can support it and/or even take part in it.