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"The truth about drugs"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2005
1 060
I'm not really really sur, but i think that the site "drugfreeworld" is related to the scientology...
So, you never will have good informations with a secte...


Elfe Mécanique
21 Avr 2006
"drugfreeworld" is related to scientology ...

" Nanette Ciano of the Boston Scientology Volunteer Ministry is offering free Truth about Drugs talks to interested community groups throughout the New England area. The talks are based on the effective drug education and prevention program created by the Foundation for a Drug Free World, www.drugfreeworld.org. The Foundation has created a new Truth About Drugs Education Kit. The kit contains ten well-research pocket size individual booklets with factual information about the most abused drugs, including real-life stories and a study guide. One can learn these talks and deliver them to their community."


but this is nothing compare scientology rehab center called "Narconon" ...



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
WHAT DA FCUK? i knew they were nosey blastrads (excuse moin dislexic french) but to get to THIS??
jeesus krist!
this reminds me A LOT about that P.K.Dick book..what's the title? skanner darkly? i think they made a movie out of it, but the latter of course lacks the accuracy of the book!
spread anti propaganda against scientology people! stop watching movies with Tom Cruise :P kiddin (only about the Tom Cruise stuff the rest i'm serious...we gotta stop them they are the ultimate evil!!)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Scientology is a CON , total bullshit . Ron L Hubard was an extremely bad science fiction writer . One of those dumb books he wrote was about his ideas for a better world and later he turned it into a "religion" for DICKHEADS . Its a typical psycho sekt , where the deeper the members get they have to keep lying to themselves rather than admit that they have been coned . Go to the library and read his books from the first one to the last one , then you will understand what a stupid , boring piece of shit he was .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
The prosecuter general of Belgium yesterday anounced that he was going to prosecute , and try to ban , the european scientology headquarters in Belgium and all their branches in Belgium plus twelve of their members on organised crime charges .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
They’ll be hoping for their spacecraft that look like DB7's to come to earth and save their scamming asses from a fast ticket to prison. Seriously, you have to be dyslexic like Tom Cruise to want to join a cult like this.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juin 2006
Yay to Belgium lol.
Tom Cruise is a good actor but he should have joined that cult.
I respect all religions and opinions but Scientology is a cult that takes people's freedom and money (oké most religions do that but Christianity has the Bible, Islam have the Koran and Scientology have a sciencefiction novel for f#ck sakes)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
I read 1/3 of the comments on geenstijl.nl.. and then I just stopped. It is too tiresome to read that many ignorant comment.

The awareness of the horrors of Wars has completely evaporated from the public consiousness. When I was a kid, it was normal to get a education on the horrors of WWII. We even visited a former concentration-camp to watch with our own eyes that humans can easily be turned into both slaves and sadists.

Apparantly, when the generation has died out (~60 years) that has experienced war for themselves, the public has forgotten that war is something ugly, and not some 'tool' that can be applied to solve problems.

But even with some war education at schools; those few hours are no real match of the 24/7 commercial multimedia brainwashing machine we have now in our culture. Not that I am against commercial television perse, but it's just a nasty by-effect of commercialism: public education programs won't make as much money as ringtones commercials or other TV fastfoods.

and yeah, that anti-drugpropaganda website makes me sick too ;)

/rant off.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juin 2006
You know, just let them make such antidrugpropagandasites.
It wont make any difference, so let them waste their money on campagnes and sh#t.
It is in the human nature to experiment with herbs/drugs, native americans used Peyote and mushrooms, the chinese people used opium, and many inhabitans of the rainforest use many herbs for survival/insight/rituals.
You cant stop years of evolution by putting some lame antidrug campagnes lol.
Besides those campagnes are just so those people can get a firm grip on more rational, open minded people.
Controle and power is their drug, a drug that destroys more lives than every drug know to man put together.
So dont be sad by those things, just laugh at them.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juin 2006
The title alone makes me laugh :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
LSD is still one of the most potent mood-changing chemicals and poisonous substances on Earth

Oh my god!? Whaaaaaaahaaahahahaa! They know jack-shit about drugs! Ignorant mofo's...


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
Entheonaut a dit:
LSD is still one of the most potent mood-changing chemicals and poisonous substances on Earth

Oh my god!? Whaaaaaaahaaahahahaa! They know jack-shit about drugs! Ignorant mofo's...

yeah had read that too :? "the truth" huh :? fuck em :( the title even tells lies


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
MAN! what a load of bullshit at least about "joints" and acid I can't really defend any of the other drugs because I believe in the psychedelic experience and most of those other drugs they list arent psychedelics however I noticed they didnt include mushrooms i guess they couldn't find enough vague facts about its dangers lol anyways i wrote them an email about how wrong they are and how sinful in the eyes of L. Ron Hubbard spreading propaganda is hahaha


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Who knows how many pharmaceuticals they inject their 'subjects' with to get them to believe in their sect? And what could be more poisonous than a money grubbing cult that bases its ideals from a cheaply constructed science fiction novel written by a scamming lunatic? Not acid that’s for sure.

When you think about it; the Bible, Koran and all other religious books of teaching are all, basically, science fiction novels. Just because there older or more renowned doesn’t mean that there any more truthful, relevant or that they haven’t been readjusted over and over again for millennia to fit an enforcing elites goals for domination. None of these are meant to be taken literally or as ‘evidence’ toward anything other than the major themes that all of these religious tomes encapsulate; love.
This is the prime constituent of all these books which, twisted through a need for control, are engulfed with rules and boundaries pertaining to the laws of humanity rather than focusing on that initial intent for a simple connection of love for one another and for oneself. This is how the meaning has been lost, much like all things in this currant day and age; they denote little if anything other than the categorisation and classification of rules about nothing.
It’s a circus! A funhouse of lies based around something true and great; that one emotion, love. It’s so sad to see that everything but’ this love (other than a love for power) has been gained and extended by those who push this idiom on people who need an easy answer for their questions about reality.

It’s the spiritual and cultural cripples guide to life; easy answers for the misinformed and un-explorative minds of a sick, cancerous modern human society.



23 Déc 2005
Buffachino u got it right my man.
Peace Love and Light


I wish I will be someday able to just laugh at how people are ignorant and don't want to have an open mind, right now it's pissing me off so much...


Elfe Mécanique
21 Avr 2006
Psychoid a dit:
For people who can speak french, here is a website that made me laugh :lol:


Oh my god ^^ !!!!!
This is more dangerous than scientologist bullshit ... It's parent's association.
i have never read so much lies about drugs.. pathetic