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The Neurophysiology of Marijuana Induced Creativity


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juin 2009
Alright guys, I've been looking around with little success trying to find a connection between what happens in neurophysiological terms (pathways/processes) while under the effects of marijuana metabolites, that could suggest a connection for a biological base for creativity and inspiration.

Marijuana provides an unprecedented level of deep thought, creativity, and inspiration for most minds. Seeing as how our brains and THC are both physical objects in this process, I've come to conclude that there is some sort of biological function for creativity and idea generation.

I think this would be extremely useful in developing new ground in creative theory and would help us to understand how we can stimulate these physiological processes while sober through more healthy means that fuck your memory lol, so were not always relying on marijuana. Because face it or not, as much as we'd like to, you can't smoke weed all the time and remain mentally clear and you can not rely on it for all your ideas and creativity.

Thanks for your time :D


17 Sept 2011
I, too, have struggled with this idea. I realize that it is also possible, with the right knowledge in brain physiology, that one could identify the compounds by recognizing their effect on the mind. I managed to predict the psychoactive effects of ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) by noticing that I tend to urinate more when emotionally distressed. Note that the processes any drug sets in motion where there already, the drug just stimulates it.
In the case of marijuana and creativity, you may require an experienced artist, who is also an introvert. By cross-examining what the artist detects inside himself in moments of inspiration and prolonged creativity, and a lot of research, you may be able to deduce the physiological association. I can also predict that the brain has chemicals producing the opposite effect, creating something that resembles a cycle, where you sometimes struggle to get high, and other times the slightest puff sends you rocketing. This might be a second avenue in your quest.
It is a shame that science doesn't study the mind and brain together, though to do so, the scientist will have to experiment on himself - by virtue of the fact that it could take a day for you to describe with words, what you have experienced in one moment in your mind. Hypothetically, if you smoke the Green Happiness, and I study your brain and mind, what we'll have in the end is my brain/mind's interpretation of what I observed from the effect it had on your brain/mind. This is twice removed from the actual experience. It is for this reason that I suspect there is so little real information on the action of drugs.

P.S. Sorry if this was a bit wordy, but it would take me a day of writing, and an even wordier approach, to describe it otherwise.
P.P.S. Check out the article Mind-Space to see the results of my mission to "trip without drugs."