the future of energy recycling

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i guess the basic recipe is simply to try or not try to be aware and awake. then it's more likely you can see the problems as such and what can be done about them. maybe if people lie about nature it could mean they also lie about themselves and/or just don't know any better.
so it's also about society... what some people perceive as nature others would perceive as limitation. it's definately something to think about... but instead maybe rather try to feel it. how we "really" care about ourselves and nature... :Oo:

it's probably about the nature of light... for example what people perceive as light. what if light is the basic relativity between us and infinity? how do we relate to the light? well i would say love, feeling and imagination... it can probably be like relating to yourself. it depends on how and why exactly we perceive ourselves as separate.. so this means we also create reality by how we perceive reality. if we have a negative energy and attitude all the time it also affects the planet!! and also how others perceive us...
so it can all be very mental, but not necessarily so much in an abstract sense...
one definition of light is "waves of vibrational energy". the question is what do we do with it?
if the light can do anything then why and how are we holding it back? well it's relatively obviously because of mental or other limitations... i think if light is infinity then it can probably have an infinte amount of stages or levels...
maybe you have never really looked at something even if it's just a simple object?... :roll:

why do we think we need mental limitations? my speculation is that we are simply too much in a sleep like state... it's like seeing the or a web or not seeing something like that... connections between things.. understand? just like the idea of energy in general, energy structures or formations and then for example the ideas of intelligence and design.
every single day light is fractured and dispersed through the atmosphere of planet earth. but where is the intelligence in the fact that when we destroy the protective layers of the planet's atmosphere the light can be harmful? maybe a forced influence in evolution... or simply a punishment... so like this nature can do animal testings with humans lol...
why does it sometimes seem as if some people can only learn the hard way? :Oo:

if you look carefully, you can see some people don't think it's possible that it can be good for everyone, but others do. if you ask me, i would say interestingly enough both groups of such people can be mentally limited. for example maybe some children that grow up in cities just don't know naturally what really is healthy and what not... the evolution of common sense is what can drive or not drive a society...get the point? lol... hmm maybe someone else also has got some ideas or so? :retard:

More than anything else, i thing the concerned people and authorities need to take more positive and serious steps toward addressing energy recycling issue. And of course there could be a lots of right and effective way to produce it in abundance, and not going for shortcuts. And doing it at right time is also necessarily required before it get too late.

yeah of course. well to me it seems that nature organisations are often going more in the direction of NGO (non government organisation) and maybe this says it all. furthermore i would say it's a known fact that most politicians are just puppets, so why not do some shows so we can make real progress. it really shouldn't fail just because of some puppets lol... seriously..:x

then basically one of the main points if not the main point is that it's all connected. the deep sea, the coral reefs, the deserts and plains, the forest and jungle regions/areas, the mountains and volcanoes, the air and the clouds. not to mention all our brains, nervous systems and whatnot etc etc... :P ... and the big and small towns/cities!!!
as i said before the wind is probably one of the most important things to understand. if you ask me it's like it has a spirit of its own. i think there are many layers of air in the atmosphere. maybe holes in the ozone layer are a bit like cyclones or got to do something wit them? a change in the winds from the cosmos...figuratively and literally. sort of like balance mechanisms... what lets the air move is the difference of temperature, humidity and pressure between different zones of air. that and various other factors contribute to the wind energies... almost anything can have an effect, but it can also be very complicated/complex. for example it should be obvious that the wings of birds or the opening or closing of doors do have a different wind spiral energy effect on the air and winds than for example a helicopter or an airplane. or think of all the breathing creatures... :Oo: even if the planet is sick, it's still alive...
swirls/vortexes of energy can be found under the sealevel also. there can be small and big of those. lol maybe it's all decided by some currents in the skies and the oceans.
and if you can imagine that maybe you can see the greatness of it all. :idea:

if we would all take some time at least once in a while to ask ourselves how we are really honestly feeling and then imagine how the planet feels, then it can be much more easier..
the good thing is today most people have TV and internet so the people should have no excuses. it's like a bunch of people and individuals have to look in the right way at something or in a direction in order for it to change and/or them to change. think about it.
hell, even intention and will alone can do more than we may think. well yeah why not spice up the boring routine lives of so many people? the shock fear paralysis "normal" state is not really healthy.
according to terrence mc kenna, we as a culture/civilisation/species need an awakening. :!:
translated this means that thoughts and emotions should be purified for everyone. we only need to change ourselves? forgot how to do that? no problem... you can always remember...
think of it like the ocean and the waves. many small waves can form a big wave. a big wave can become many small waves. but in the end whether small or big, all waves are one with the ocean. :-o :retard:

now... mind you, even simple observing can change the whole world..!!! the question is do you observe it physically, chemically, biologically or maybe not scientifically at all??... do you observe it with or without detachment? etc etc... if you ask me, that sort of energies are greatly underestimated. it seems to me even simple ideas like that can crush entire worldviews of people! what does that possibly tell us?? :retard:
what if the desertification in some areas of the world has parallels with something?
well and also i can say i hate all the illusions of a ideal/idyllic world, however i observed that sometimes but not always interestingly enough such illusions can lead to one or many better worlds.
how much people are how much living in their own little unfair worlds?

Scientifically if we see that regarding energy recycling maybe we may see the importance of water, because one state of water is the state of flow.In other sense we recycling process which is irreversible like egg because it is not bring into its original form.
if you ask me, maybe one of the most important points of the future is probably more thinking about the recycling of oils and oil products.
or generally the power of oils. if crucial technologies like cars won't stop to have so much negative waste gas, then there should be something that can recycle that waste gas in a positive meaningful way. the question then is: can it be simplified to how and/or how much the compounds of the gases stick or don't stick to the stuff and with or without how much inertia? but yeah i guess thinking about something is never the same like the thing itself.

i would say it's about how blue the skies are... i sometimes noticed that the blue of the sky had been getting a white aspect (=less intense blue) and i think it's related partly to bad chemicals..
but at other times i also saw deep blue skies and at other times even turquoise... that was really amazing!!! if the world had been dying maybe it is being reborn already???

also if you like, maybe consider the state of the world with mythical/mythological ideas or stories like "the mists of avalon". i think it's fascinating... because i would say mist is not the same as clouds or smoke. if you ask me, especially with the big cities we have nowadays it can be taken to a whole other level though. can't explain it very well... maybe a bit like "the spirit of a city or town"...
the global oceans of winds is effecting everyone on the planet... the trees play a key role and maybe we would get tree mutants??? i.e. the structure of the carbon atom suggests geometry that has a decent amount of edges.
what does this mean?? it means the sickness/death and healing/rebirth phases of the planet are probably connected a lot to gases and generally the nature of gas. the idea of edges and gases has something scientifical and in some sense philosophical to it. i think it can be interesting to imagine billions and billions of smaller and bigger spheres that represent gases and mix spheres that have a different momentum and how such spheres stack and don't stack and form spirals and/or homogenous layers etc etc... hopefully the forests around the world are strong enough to deal with the spirits of the cities or towns. but the vastness of the oceans and its coral reefs play a big role also in terms of air...
and also sea salt... it can be fascinating to watch the shores of the sea... there are chemical reactions of the waves and the sand of the beaches...

maybe it's possible that the ozone layer gets replenished, because the various gases we have in the atmosphere are also influenced by the energy of the sun..
the time will come and maybe there have been times on the earth that we have to look at the clouds to understand what's "really" going on.
however i am not sure whether the majority of the people understands it. in principle i think it's simply a lot about pressure... pressure and friction mechanisms are the key for natural cloud combustion.
so let's just hope that such mechanisms or so do the trick in terms of oxygen atoms together with the trees. many humans are disconnected from nature, but trees not.
ever wondered why exactly it is healthy to go into the forest or to the sea when you have breathing issues? ;) :idea:
man, we want next level technology now!!! technology without disadvantages. tired of all the low level shit... what exactly is holding us back to be a type 2 or type 3 civilisation? :angry:

Yep, i agree, you must a plan about diet throughout life.
hey alright now... i figured that what i had written before, all seems now a little bit strange and confusing... but i was hoping maybe it's not totally wrong. also i think i mean it a bit like sometimes scientific models can help, but sometimes they only seem to get in the way... know what i mean lol??? basically, i thought possibly the spirals in the air could be important, where the wind plays a big role. however it's probably not all the time only spirals or not only one spiral (or what exactly/appropiately is a spiral????) ... same with the wind... or well yeah it would also probably be interesting to know how exactly light interacts with the planet earth. it seems to me, it's quite astounding that in the solar system only the outer planets are gas planets... well maybe that's a bit besides the point, but as i have been saying before, the concept of inertia has probably more levels/dimensions to it than we may be aware of at first. also interesting to notice/note that in chakra theory a basic concept are energy vortices/swirls/whirls...
also is the spirit of the wind the same as the spirit of the air?? obviously not, right??

well... anyway.. for now concluding that spirals are seemingly a rather crucial energy (not really form) and basic concept. the question is now: what is the deal with oxygen in the spirals, because oxygen is what is we need more in the atmosphere (the gas layer that is bound to the planet by the planet's gravity) of planet earth. how many molecules break up and can make new oxygen atoms in the spirals chaos' and/or orders?? how do groups of atoms play their part in the molecules' chaos' and/or orders? or chaotic orders, ordered chaos??? are there also groups of molecules together with groups of simple atoms???
neverthelss now what projects can and/or do we as humans need to do in order to make the sky more blue again? if it's the lack of oxygen (atoms) that made the skies less blue... well i think maybe in some sense it could be as simple as the color turqouise and/or simply the idea of deeper blue symbollically and/or not symbollically. turquoise/cyan is green and blue..
one example i remember now the coral reefs also are supposed to play a role in the oxygen cycles of the planet...
and then the other question is: how exactly and/or appropiately would we need the all-creator god for help??
hmm probably enough for now... little bit food for thought lol... :? :Oo: :-o ;)
please don't get me wrong!! i mean it in a good way!!

now one possible question could be whether it boils down to this: basically human beings and other oxygen breathing beings breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide while trees or other plants basically breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.. but as far as i understand, trees also need oxygen for some process (breathing of the cells, but i haven't really understood it very well yet. anyway now... who knows whether all trees and all human beings do their "breathing jobs" well enough??? if you ask me, i would say we simply would need quite a massive amount of new trees or maybe also other plants, if we want that the planet will be more than less alright in the future. i think i am saying this because of the growing significance of the air cycles in the atmosphere for obvious reasons (pollution)... i think if we would understand more or less what winds are going on nowadays in a spiritual sense then we could think better with the heart and not be fooled so easily and possibly see the big picture with a much more sophisticated and yet maybe also at the same time a much easier understanding. hope that helps lol... ;)
possible conclusion: in the times before the industrialisation + globalisation there was more than enough good air, but not so much other shit in contrast to nowadays where we have more than enough other shit, but not enough good air.
but yeah... i don't really know....
