The end of problems with radioactive waste

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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Yeh !!! Give the chemical/pharmasutical industrys a boost to + get rid of a few obsolete poor people
by making a film!?!?!?
No , with those armour piercing radioactive plutonium shells that didnt polute iraq and didnt polute all those american soldiers ( mostly black) that arent ill so they get no treatm,ent and compensation and their government doesnt get charged with war crimes .
there is a reactor a few miles north of me, being dismantled now, where they used to dump everything in a 20m pit. there is enough weapons grade uranium for 60 neuks(get it?), plutonium cobalt etc. the records of whats in it are incomplete. it has exploded several times. the nearby beaches have bits of fuel rod all over the place. they comb the beach every day and find fuel rod almost every week. the pit is a big problem. its unstable, so they cant empty it, its base is below sea level and it leaks. they have sealed it with bathroom grout, the stuff between the tiles. then they put a loose lid on it, loose so any more explosions are contained. then a fence a child could ger over.
the stuff just wont go away. strangely i believe our future lays in Helium3 fusion reactors. the only source so far of He3 is the moon and decomissioned Plutonium nukes. its possible we will find a way to make it
GOD a dit:
No , with those armour piercing radioactive plutonium shells that didnt polute iraq and didnt polute all those american soldiers ( mostly black) that arent ill so they get no treatm,ent and compensation and their government doesnt get charged with war crimes .

Naaah. They wouldn't do THAT!?!
A friend just came back from having a beak here :-

Whats special about Helium 3 and have you seen the reports/ TV programms about "cold" fusion ?
I'm not smart enough for sites like those. Instant dyslexia.
I thought i could save the effort `cos Drugless can probably explain it easyer and quicker . Twas to much to read to find the juicy bits for me .
druglessdouglas a dit:
if you can pair enough electrons you have a faster than light comunication device. if you change the spin of one electron (in an entangled pair) the other changes spin direction at exactly the same time even if you separate them accross a galaxy. ive been talking about this for 10 years

but if all molecules were together at the big bang, doesnt that mean that all the universe is already linked in this non-local connection ?

how much could we extend this to macroscopic scales?

because as far as I know, quantum doesnt say its impossible for quantum effects at macro scales, but only that it is not very likely

btw the big bang, I seem to remember reading recently some scientific article that mentioned there was evidence that there was something before the big bang? I will try to see if I find it, it might have been posted here in the forum somewhere

I always found funny that materialist science has used the big bang as its creation myth. I mean, ok there is evidence of a period where all matter was condensed in a singularity. but that to me seems hardly explaining the fundamental reasons, more like how we can perceive the temporal history of matter. but anyways time is a dimension, like the side of a table. You can walk from the beginning to the end of the table, but the whole table that you took a while to walk beside could have been seen all at once if only you looked at it from far.

if vacuum fluctuations are a fact in quantum physics, then our universe could be some sort of vacuum fluctuation, created by super strings vibrating in higher dimensions like a symphony, following chaotic fractal mathematics.

sorry if im going off topic but I love physics discussions
^it is not off topic, it is just a bigger frame.
If "could" was "but" it "might" be "maybe" or just something else.......
^That frame is even bigger.

Hard to keep this shit together.

On topic, please.
I dont care if it diverges so long as the words dont get to big ..... and we come back to the thread sometime .
Endlessness ,

What i ment was that that was to many ideas at once for me and to many things i didnt understand because of the terminology . I aint thick but first i have to understand what you are talking about and then i can join in . So if you could take one idea at a time and put it in a frame i`d be very interested .
GOD a dit:
Endlessness ,

What i ment was that that was to many ideas at once for me and to many things i didnt understand because of the terminology . I aint thick but first i have to understand what you are talking about and then i can join in . So if you could take one idea at a time and put it in a frame i`d be very interested .

youre right.. stoned posting has some negative aspects sometimes :)

ok so let me talk about the first thing I said, later I go back to the rest

druglessdouglas stated the scientific observation that if you put two electrons together, and then separate it, and you change the spin of one electron, the other will automatically have its spin changed too, in a faster-than-light connection, no matter how far away they are from each other. So there is some sort of extending real connection between particles that were once in touch

what I said is that if all molecules were together during big bang, this means they all have an instantaneous faster-than-light connection

so we were talking about spin of particles being connected.. but I proposed extending this to the macro scale, not talking only about spin but about the general sense that we are all linked to the rest of the universe (may seem obvious to some of us in our psychedelic experiences but its always good to find possibilities of explaining this with the scientific model).. Quantum physics always talk about these ´weird´ aspects of reality at the small-scale world, but I wonder if we can extend this to our normal world and experience level.

does it make more sense now?
I understood that bit . It was when you got to vacume fluctuations i wasnt sure what you ment .

I think that every particle in the universe is linked in that its all part of a 4(?) dimentional picture / a whole . A small part of the same plan . That its all dancing to the same tune in some sort of (joint dis)harmony with each other . But not that it can be understood/controled on our level of posible interaction . Maybe when we move far enough away so we can see the whole picture we can manipulate it as a whole .

I think that you mean that all the particles in the universe were one/joined at the big band so there must be a conection = if you put your finger in a pond it has a sort of (resonance?) effect on the rest of the particles in the universe . What it comes down to is that i as a colection of particles that is part of a bigger group of particles should , because of that , be able to have an effect / change the behaviour of any / all other particles in the universe . = the whole of the universe / our reality should be able to be changed by mental controll .

I dont think it can be as easy as that . It would mean i can hit a wall with a hammer the whole universe would resonate/react . That isnt right because it doesnt . Drugless was talking about pairs of electrons , wich would sugest to me that all electrons arent paired , only that each one has (at least) a sort of twin . Energy disipates as it moves out from its source . So a local effect could not have a mass effect on the whole universe . Those particles are linked in another way but ón the level they are linked its only with eachother .

Does that make sense ?
true God but its no stranger an idea than superstring or brane theory. we will probably never know because we will always be limited by our measuring equipment and intellect, or lack of intellect
When i talk crap or missunderstand something please tell me . That way i can learn . I dont pretend to know anything about physics but things like what we are talking about interest me very much . I think that to understand the spiritual why and how we are here we have to understand the physics of the whats going here and how . I think that phisics might join with spirituality in the near/far future . I am not a big fan of some parts of qantum physics because on a small/local scale some of it seems good but when you try to look at the big picture it often seems to me to destroy / cancel it self out .
yes what you said, god, does make sense.. I didnt mean to imply that if there is such a connection, then it can mean that I can, for example, make the sun go blue just because we were all once together.. more like, that we could theoretically understand the universal pattern by looking at each of its individual parts, or something like that

ok the vacuum fluctuations was a bit unrelated to what I had said before..

it was something like this:

quantum physics predicts that even in a total vacuum, there will be charges, so to say.. If I remember correctly, they explained it by saying if you put 2 metal plates very close and paralell to each other in total vacuum, there shouldnt be any measured electricitiy/magnetism because its pure vacuum.. but that what actually happens is that there IS magnetism/electricity measured, as a result of vacuum fluctuations. This is because of virtual particles coming in and out of existence.. Since in usual terms, the virtual particles are countered by their opposite, resulting in anihilation of both, then we dont consider their existence in our daily life, but for quantum physics they are very important, particles that dont even really exist, springing in and out of existence

so what I was talking about is sort of relating this to the whole notion of big bang, where the universe started in one single instant, from nothing, basically.. So I imagined if it might be possible that our universe is sort of like a virtual particle that appeared out of knowhere and at some point might be eliminated by it´s counter part, or not, who knows..

in any case, my point was that we can look at the big bang in many more ways than just ´ok the universe was all in a singularity, suddenly it appeared by chance and thats it, its all explained, you can all go back home ppl´

for me its sort of like explaining the formation of the images on the screen of the tv, by showing what happens on the hardware and wiring inside it, without realizing this doesnt say anything about the real source of the images which are only being captured there.

btw druglessdouglas, I have a question for you.. do you have any idea if the ´superstrings´ theory talks about octaves? I mean, do the patterns of the strings vibrating also obey musical octave scales?