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THC and solubility


21 Juil 2007
5 922
yo psychonauts!! 8)

recently, i have thought quite a bit about that and the science of the human body. it facinated me!! supposedly, THC which is the psychoactive stuff in cannabis, is only exclusively soluble in alcohol and fats. what do you think could that mean and/or how could that be used reasonably to have positive effects? basically i thought that it could have to do with that the human body consists mostly of water.. symbollically and not symbollically. a sort of natural form of alchemy. the basic idea is simply taste.
think of the fact, that in the human body, high and low density fat-acids are something very essential.
so the question is not only how acidic is it, but also how fatty and how dense. maybe alcohol can have some sort of meaning or purpose/function in transitions of acids and/or fat-acids?? think of pressure, chi energy and "natural feeling" for your body. if something doesn't feel right that can tell everything... if people can't trust their feelings you know there is probably something wrong. does that make sense??

well i also had the thought that cannabis in some sense is about "spirit"... obviously it has already influenced the human spirit quite a bit over the course of the history of the world.
think of the human body and mind connection(s), if that can be generalized in some way or so... how from a certain perspective healing plants in general can activate self-healing. this simply means something along the lines of what would you consider a healthy body mind connection to be anyway? :idea: :?:

so for example i would suggest that smells can tell something or a lot about persons... nowadays this is maybe not so obvious anymore, because people are in tendency much more identifying with their minds than their bodies , but i would theorize that in earlier times when the air was fresher, the smell communication factor or so was naturally more relevant in some sense. of course it's still very important today, but maybe simply not so much focussed on... it seems many people are caring more about the looks... maybe we are still in changing times though??? i am all for naturality and advanced civilisations.. what about you? do you sometimes consciously mix or don't mix for a special reason or so?? for example could you sensitize the feeling for your body and mind with cannabis and in what ways?? discuss!! :P

peace :weed:


Matrice périnatale
14 Fev 2013
if the mind is being the observer and the body is being the observed, then yeah, sure! It is
common knowledge that cannabis is a sense inhencher. Most people can't cope with the idea of being
in the midst of it, :paranoid:or so they say.
We often get these hunchies when smoking cannabis or intake of some other counsciouness awareness/counsciouness unawareness
substances for that matter, many trying to decide
joining the dark side or jedi mind trick yourself, it dosen`t really matter. I decided (in lack of trying) to recogize my self so i can direct myself.

It`s funny how you mention smell as how we could recognize each and one another, it`s a form of cloak an dagger and still works fine til this day.

in some cultures they wet the passifier in alcohol, (probably some of the sweeter luiqor) in order to sued the infants itchiness in the mouth.
This is true trough out our life, whenever we feel the need, urges etc. we nurture this, just like a parent nurture they're
child. But why don`t we examine the screams, instead we num them with substance? Or perhaps just scream out loud whatever,whenever, wherever.

i like to sensitize myself before i go out in public so i don`t mix up in sanity with insanity. Unless the majority is on the same page.
Either way wondering on about reasonably conduction between the body from the mind, go with the flow, Chi energy, "natural feeling" can be and is
a real braineater.

And on that bombshell i would like to say that after we come home from retardationvielle, the fluid time run.....

One sheep, two dogs, hey, look! a flying pig *crash* stumbling over the fence and into the pigpen, ZzzoooOOO


21 Juil 2007
5 922
well i guess i just wanted to raise the consciousnes for common sense a little bit.. and i know some people are like animals and i know that some people who are too ghetto, too normal or too not-normal are not always very easy to talk to.
i certainly prefer the "real" and the cultivated people. in my opinion it's about a sense of being at peace with yourself and others.
it's probably always good to know yourself so the retarded culture zoo can't get it's hold on you if you know what i mean... similar with what you say about empathy for children and screaming... in principle i think it's mostly better to try to understand the feelings instead of suppressing them.
the body mind connection i wouldn't necessarily call a conduction, however from some perspectives the description fits, but maybe the word bridges could describe it better. well i just hope you know what i mean... for example a body land and a mind land lol... the interesting idea would be how the different lands trade with each other. lol kind of funny idea... or from a certain perspective it could even be the same land.
also sometimes what is considered insane by culture or society is in reality sane. i had some a little bit strange experiences where sometimes it seems everybody is wrong in their own ways. but "hopefully" we can all learn and evolve etc etc...because especially in cities the consciousness for nature and sensible natural feeling is often very distorted. i can say i have had the problem sometimes i was surely too sensitive in this numb and cold world... well not everyone but i guess you know what i mean. so this simply means to me it would be great if you can be strong and sensitive without being fake also. i just wished the world had more real peace...



Matrice périnatale
14 Fev 2013
hmm, I see. I`m humble in your opinion and thankful for your solubility of space.
You certainly raised my conscious for common sense. But that was the point of my reply.(if i am in the right forum that is):drool::lol:

Well, cultivated in retardationville it`s easy not to be sensitive and wheel falseness. But as I learn the awful taste of the harvest,
the desire of a new cultivation is indeed needed to be nurtured. My apologies for ruining your wish. You`ll get a new one for sure.

And retraining from selfishness I like to see that our product of conduction comes to the conclusion that there`s no need for wishes
regarding peace, cause in one`s conquest for the perfect cultivation there`s no perfect harvest, It`s all perfect harvest. :evil: mohahah...

I too want real peace in the world but don`t always know how or where to look. Now i know that my sarcasm is way off balance.

Thanks for the peace and i`ll come back to water the plants and smell the freshness once again.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
thanks for the positive reply and positivity... it seems the deal with THC is also that it has social implications... maybe a different pace/flow of society.. i would say in certain places that would certainly be advantageous... how people treat each other and themselves... more relaxed and not so uptight... more humane..!!! but that's just a possibility... the thing is the possibilities with the plant and intake are so great.... i am simply worried about the criminalisation a lot... i mean come on it's a plant.. some people that criminalise the plant are simply evil and stupid, if you ask me...
seriously, a very basic problem for me is how they want to prohibit us nature... sure responsability and healthy common sense should certainly still be an issue.. it could be controlled cultivation and sale... i would say maybe they even would owe it to us offering natural remedies from partly in many places of the world so strange, wrong, sickening, unhealthy, oppressing society/"culture"... and then as if we shouldn't be allowed to have our own opinions? know what i mean!?!? wtf!!! a lot is simply because of the dead end concept of western capitalism... how people become so emotionless and cold to each other... :paranoid:

i don't want more wannabe gangsters etc etc... all this stupid shit bores me to death and makes me sad... i just want freedom and peace for everyone. as if they want us to melt down until we surrender to the stupid culture of them... yuck!!! plants have spirits and we can learn a lot from the plants... that is the truth... and please please please don't believe me... just "really" look for yourself and most importantly feel!!
in my opinion the traditional social thing in the western culture is alcohol and tobacco .. both have something very negative them to in some sense and so has the culture... it's just a lot of dumbing down... and then because they don't understand and have strange ego issues, because they aren't on another level yet, they don't know better and they can't admit it and aren't open-minded and hence some of them are really a hindrance to the positive evolution of society... i think such people have an authority problem... they are big children, but stupid retarded ones.... well anyway, we had some waves of changes towards freedom in the 60s-70s, think about it there were probably lots of strange ignorant people before also, and then it went on and also didn't went on and maybe now or maybe for a while already another big wave is forming... in my opinion at least it should..... man.... freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crybaby:

p.s. just remembered something a bit more on topic... i think THC can make the skin softer, at least it was so in my experience... do you know why this is so? i think it's amazing...



Matrice périnatale
14 Fev 2013
my skin has certainly lost allot of it`s calluses,
specially after the introductions of this plant that`s no harm in it`s self, because it`s adventurous and transcendent. And yes it`s sad of all the corrupted minds from the influence and criminalization. I certainly don`t wanna be too leavened, and i suppose here`s the solubility make sense.
And on the flip side we gain allot of our calluses trough this freedom fighter that Tellus tells us it`s ok, and then we have the opportunity to transcend our "spirit" to the body.

perhaps if we apply cellular respiration to the psychoactive stuff in THC, then the air will fresh`n up
and there will be less bullshit around our domain.

I will heed your advice and surf on the top of the wave and afterwards drink beer on the beach while the sun does it`s thing.:pidu:

ps. maybe because it`s a oily substance and the fat is next to the skin. It`s a great amazing indeed, lol:unibrow::rolleyes::Oo:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
well yeah man... i thought a lot about that, too... often people are simply too tense, too unrelaxed... but i noticed an interesting thing with the tolerance of THC.... i felt like relatively often i had become stressed while and/or after having smoked so much sometimes that i couldn't fully chill out or relax... i know it sounds a bit strange, but i just had some strange life situations... so what i mean by this is something like maybe when we don't relax fully while stoned then the stress comes back maybe in different forms when we get high on another time??? maybe even a bit like learned tension or stress...how we relax... :Oo: but yeah hmm somehow it's logical to me that in some way this would work in waves or so...
or maybe a more specific example... think about what salt , sugar and water in general can do in the body or what the body can do with them lol... i guess more or less and different energy flow or levels or so... but i am not totally sure about that...i guess i mean something like that it can be a difference to feel something and to know or understand what you are feeling or why... also what i know for sure is that salt has an elemental role with water and electricity flow... a bit like crystals or crystal structures... hmmm with alcohol i am not totally sure... one thing with it is that alcohol dehydrates the body, so maybe a bit like salt a power source or something connected or similar to that??? mind you just speculating lol...
then i would say fat is a substance that has special properties because it mixes with some substances and with others not..
so maybe it can filter something out or capture something.. lol.. funny idea... :D
well... basically levels of purification or so...

maybe that's why there are low and high density fat-acids... because of different compounds and maybe they all have different energies and/or tasks or so...
anyway basically i agree with you say about breathing... it's a lot about breathing right, to be able to breathe deeply, to feel and loosen up energy blockages etc etc... and if something sticks it should be good material so to say?? hmm lol ... well as i said before it's simply about taste and smell... and i noticed with a lot of people that are too unrelaxed that they don't smell good...
with combinations i think it's about experience... for instance it's obviously no use thinking hours and hours what you want to combine if you can't really imagine the flavours combined because of all the thinking... get the point? lol... the good thing is we can not only learn from our own but also from others' mistakes, too... a bit like intuition or so... :retard: :idea: :lol:
this simply means it's great to be able to notice when thinking in general gets too much in the way... but if you ask me, that should be common sense.... 8)

hmm yeah also interesting what you say about spirit... i have found myself asking myself sometimes whether my spirit was more inside or outside of my body.. what's spirit anyway? anti-matter? :Oo: :lol:
and then something you say reminds me of the idea of body armors... lol i just think many people should relax more and relax properly... we feel our skin but then we can also feel our inner organs... humans are creatures of herd and habit, but that's probably only one way to understand it. it's like lots of people don't know how to use their bodies right.. :paranoid:

concluding i can say that i am convinced that human beings are not always better under pressure... it all depends etc etc.... hmm .. also over time after having smoked a little bit i got the impression that cannabis maybe has something to do with lemon and salt... can't explain it very well and it's probably not really as simple as that...
for example it probably makes a difference whether you smoke, bake or vaporize .. i think it's amazing .. it's a science lol... lol ..
also got a thought about it being a sense enhancer.. think of dilated pupils... it could mean we simply absorb more...how we absorb more is a different question, because it's different for everyone... for example cultural and social conditionings... which of course can be both good and bad...
hmm just some ideas...

peace :weed:


Matrice périnatale
14 Fev 2013
-Yes, it`s quite interesting how we get uptight and relax properly. It`s allot like you point out that there`s a bridge connection and not necessarily direct conduction between the body and mind... cause then we miss the points and hence we do not relax properly.

Lemon and salt was certainly a strange combination, but nonetheless it`s how things become when we do not include some sugary substance to our life. The bitter sweet symphony with salt as the conductor... lol:roll::\\

An idea of a body armor, that it is soluble in water. i.e. when we have been working in the woods all day or perhaps a whole year, there`s really nice to take a warm and long bath to dissolve the calluses not to build a armor but to gain the experiences...much like a wave in some way.
and maybe it is because it`s nice to have soft skin. :ninja:

anyways THC is also a crystal structure form, but it`s also a sticky substance that may also be a great conducter for the electricity flow in water, and since it`s sticky substance crystal structure form, maybe it also store it self in the high density fat cells and hence the lighter flow to/trough the heart and then there`s harmonization... i`m thinking now... so about high and low density fat-acids it`s clear that we should be aware of the property of which is which, and every thing(substance) with moderated intake perhaps. And not too raise any alarms, but with alcohol we can also make our mistakes, often sensless in the event horizon and later on learn from them.. :mrgreen::crybaby: *realxing*

by the way, do you know why we feel to an extension, emptiness when dehydrated from alcohol?? I think it`s because the acid dissolves the salt/crystals and the low density in the body.
speculating anyways...:jook::weed::rock:


ps. maybe the spirit is anti-matter, it sure seem`s like it`s dark-matter sometimes. But it doesn`t matter... it`s all grey-matter anyways


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hmm some interesting points man!! maybe an actual question in society for a lot of people could be why should they fool themselves in terms of not relaxing properly? who are they helping like that? i just mean how sometimes it can probably seem as if some parts of society are becoming mindless drones or clones or so... well but it's only logical if they derive their sense of being from mindlessness. to me this certainly means that what people consider meaningful or reasonable is not the same for everybody... and then there are people who can accept that and others can't... can't really explain it very well... :x :roll:
to me it just means how people care about themselves... :-|

lol now that i think of it i am actually not totally sure why i wrote lemon and salt regarding the cannabis taste... funny lol... maybe because both salt and sugar do have crystal structures or can form crystals or so?? anyway... maybe it's not salt, but simply minerals... can't really tell lol... but i still think it's a fascinating plant!!! it's not really a tree but has resin... possibly, one day there will be cannabis trees lol?! :P well basically resin is supposed to be the blood of a tree..and we know the cannabis plant forms the substance THC to protect itself from insects, right? so what exactly does that tell us about nature and the plant world?? dunno for sure lol.. but it's kind of interesting to think about it... hmm maybe think about society... :roll:
it's maybe not such a great wonder, but i still think it's remarkable that a substance that should protect a plant from insect attacks also can be good for humans.. probably insects that can go against trees are normally different kinds of insects than the ones that only can go against smaller plants...
but yeah then again in nature there's also the concept of symbiosis... it's really amazing lol... the question towards the spirits of plants is probably what can they really do anyway?... individualism, collectivism or classism lol... maybe it's a revolution of evolution of nature that is going on... cells and architecture... the future of nature... for instance what do the best tools or technologies serve us if we can't use them right etc etc...? well anyway nature is great... ;) please try to recognize and just don't buy all the mental limitation/amputation shit etc etc... know what i mean? consumerism and retardism culture... as you already pointed out it's more about "real" peace of mind and relaxation of the body... something like that...

yeah man maybe it means something that the substance THC isn't soluble in water. it could be that's where people could ask themselves about common sense or so...
maybe it means the science of the human body is for some people deeper than others... :Oo:
for example some people like to do workout, when they are high... i don't like that very much, but sometimes doing sports while being high can be fun... i guess i mostly prefer training the mental muscles though.. and it's also definately great for massaging the skin ..
sweet-salty, sweet-sour or bitter-sweet... as long as it's not too sweet, salty, sour or bitter etc etc :roll: ... spices are great lol... or think about sugar, what can the body use it for? for example fruit sugar vs other sorts of sugar...
i think it simply means the social aspect of the drug could be the symbollical taste of the society? but yeah that is of course only speculation lol... :lol: however what i know for sure is that citric acid is in a lot of foods... not to mention sugars lol... and well who knows... maybe some cities are more like zoos than others... or just different zoos lol.. :roll: :lol: :Oo: :Oo:

the deal with grey matter is probably that it's not black or white matter... and what if it's all matter "or" nothing matters? what's the matter then lol...?! hmm joking a little bit.. :wasted: :D
rating of densities ... is that where the future markets lie...?? maybe for air callers it's all about the density of philosophy or the philosophy of density lol... hmmm omg what a bad pun lol... :lol: :finger:
the notion of common sense!!!!!!!!... 8)
