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Je m'inscris!

Stash locations


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
well im 17 and i live with my parents so i hide my shit in a lceramic mushroom i got at a thrift store for 2 bucks. its meant to be a salt shaker but i like my use much better.


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
I also keep everthing in my little safe,
execpt for big things like a bottle of ghb or pipes, i just put that in the back of my guitar amplifier :D
the only disadvantage is that if have to remove all of that when i wanna play some guitar..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
All legal herbs like weed, salvia, LSA etc I keep on my desk (proud to have 'em hehe :wink:)
MDMA, GHB, LSD, DMT etc all hidden in de drawer(that's the way I learned to spell it :P)
Also I prefer to hide my DMT pipe because I'll have to explain to my parents I don't smoke crack. :roll:


Brewmaster a dit:
I have no room to talk though, I'm French Canadian.

OMG, how could I missed this ?!

Brew is actually a FRENCH person ? : |

(Yeah, I know, french-and-canadian-people-are-not-teh-same-whatever)

Now that's a shock... :shock:


4 Juil 2007
Most stuff goes into a drawer, but the weed's always on the table. No one comes to my house that minds it, so. :D

And soon I'll have a little peyote cactus among my cacti collection which resides on a small altar I made with plants, a mirror, a few buddhas and other assorted trinkets.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Well my smoko buddy and I keep all our gear and paraphernalia where we use it. But when it’s a being neglected or stored it usually gets placed in a military ammo case. Used to be for a claymore mine, lol. EXPLOSIVES.
smaller trinkets such as lighters, mix tins and all the little bits and pieces get left in a cabinet / set of draws whilst our range of bongs sit comfortable under the desk for easy access :D


26 Mai 2007
Im amazed people honestly answered that question. I dont hide them, as its pointless where i am, they use dogs(they even occasionally walk through the trains station and on the street)the, my rolling tray sees daily use so theres no escape. I just try to limit eveidence, clean up powders pretty well, never have enough to get done for dealing and for f**ks sake dont keep your gear and scales together. Ive got a set just for checking weights of what i buy but keep them stored in the cupboard besides the herbs and spices, theyre for cooking nothing else :wink:

Stashes are for when you live with your parents or want to hide a large amount outdoors, although my mum knows i smoke weed, grew several plants in the garden and on the roof a few years ago.

Stash what you can just leave out enough for personal use, you dont need an oz on the table if your having a few spliffs :)


Glandeuse pinéale
29 Sept 2007
inside my bricked GAMEBOY (from 90´s)
inside my clothes, every day i change the pockets.
(i have to hide them from my wife, she´s the CLEANEST person i know in this world)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
When i used to take drugs i used to keep them all in one small 50 x 50 cm ., lockable box . with a tray in it , so if i was useing anything i had it out on the table in front of me on the tray . That meant if the doorbell went that i could pick up the tray and put it in the box , close the lid , wich locked automaticly and knew that my house was clean . Otherwise it can be very paniking runing around the house trying to find things that visitors shouldnt see and very embaressing when you forget lines of coke on a mirror on the sideboard . I had about 30 busts in my dealing days and the forces of evil used to take everything , and i do mean everything , apart if i didnt show them imediately where everything was . Its a real drag sitting in your house after a bust looking at a big pile of screws and all the small parts of your T.V. , stereo and everything else that could be taken apart . My stratocaster didnt like it either .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Your stratocaster...
That must have been a SAD day!!!
Which motherfucker takes a strat to pieces to search for drugs. Djeeezes


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
yeah i wonder who would be the idiot to desacralize a strat to put drugs in, in the first place, and to redesacralize it to check for them :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
i love mine so i don't get drugs near her not even in the cover lol
anyway i like to improvise :wink: i don't have waterbongs or pipes....if i need one i buy some apples or waterbottles, and you do the math
for the various substances
the legal ones stay in the herbs cabinet
the illegal ones stay right under people's noses, but in my room...small boxes...inside audio books...in the puzzle game boxes (talkin'bout blotters :wink: )
and my smelly friend Mary lives at a friend of mine, cause my peers know her way too well so i just pop at my friends place to meet her once in a while...
i don't worry about being checked cause i've never sold. and when i buy i buy very small amounts from different people...but again i'm not much of a shopper and the uses are rare.
oh i almost forgot!
My Ipomoea lives in the house, tho at the moment she's sick (having mites problems):cry:
Next year i finally have an app on my own!!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Me too a place to live man :D
I'm probably gonna rent something with my gf.
Let the psychonautic cultivation begin :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Yup , the strat lived through it , but i nearly died , i thought i`d lost her , no more hendrix imitations would be my end , its my only drug at the moment . My indoor Morning glorys have a mega dose of spider mites but the out door ones are OK . I dont grow them for consumption , only because the look so good and flower seemingly forever , masses of flowers every day . I get a big kick when my landlord says how good they look as well .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Not the imitations...
The creativity of yourself. I think that's the most painfull thing to lose.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I did try to get in touch with hendrix soul on a few trips to try to get him to teach me to play better , but it didnt work , i also tried to make a deal with the devil , that he could have my soul if i was allowed to cary on where hendrix left off , but the bastard obviously didnt think my soul was worth it !!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
or probably your soul was so worth it that his heart skipped a beat, you know he's an old man you can't expect him to react without any consequence to such an offer.......
or maybe he was bribed by the CIA NOT to take it :o :shock: :shock: :shock:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
No , i think it was because we have met before , had a little fight and i won . Hes probably sulking .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Man...you should have some "sympathy for the devil" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
poor fella you treated the most beautiful af angels in the worst of ways just cause of a little skirmish??? tsk tsk tsk if you were so merciful you'd have left him where he was until he understood his mistake youre the allmighty one after all...
or are we to begin to doubt about that??????????????
EDIT gee...a god with inferiority complex????


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
The last thing anyone could think i have is an inferiority complex . I am the light and i am the way ,
i am i am ,
i am he that is , he that was and he that will come .....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Lã ilâha ill’Allah