SSRI Decline effects of psychedelic drugs -Can i reverse it?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion rafael1000
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Elfe Mécanique
Hello :wink:,

I take an antidepressant, before it was escitalopram (20mg/day) and now it's venlavaxine XR (150mg/day), and it is proved that SSRIs and SSNRIs (like my antidepressants) inhibit the cytochrome P450 CYP2D6.

But CYP2D6 is necessary to have effets with psychedelic drugs such as LSD, MDMA, BZP, Magic mushrooms, codein, opiates... because there metabolism is mainly through the enzymes CYP2D6 !

Yesterday i took MDMA and BZP (party pill XXX) and I had relatively few effects, especially no physical euphory, I had mydriasis and i was speed, but no love and well being !
Same with mushroom with effects during 1 or two hours and effects were very very lowered comparatively as when i taked no SSRIs.
When i didn't take antidepressants, effects were so much high and appreciable !

I want to continue taking my medications wich inhibit CYP2D6 because I need it to feel better, but what can i do when i want to make a "normal" trip with LSD, MDMA, BZP, Magic mushrooms or others drugs that need CYP2D6 to be synthetised? I want to enjoy drugs when like i didn't took any medications, so what can I do?

Can I accelerate metabolism of enzymes CYP2D6, or desinhibition of that enzyme?

Have you ideas to enjoy much better psychedelic drugs when on antidepressors?

I could stop my medications a few days before taking the drug, but I will have discontinuation syndrom and withdrawal symptoms and i didn't schedule when I take drugs so I think it's a bad idea.
Do you have a better idea?

Thx for your help which could be very appreciable (and sorry for my poor english ^^)!
I don't have hard evidence for my answer (if I would search a little I probably would) but it seems to me very evident that SSRI's and a lot of drugs just don't mix.
If you're on SSRI's, I think you'll want to, not have to, forget about drugs for a little while.
What's the reason you started this medication? Did you ever search for a cause of your feeling depressed?
You want to give your brain's chemistry a little time to recover and balance before you start to experiment again.
This way you'll also have much more intense experiences by the way ;)
Some folks have stable brain chemistry that can take a punch, others don't I guess (I know I don't).
I'm not a saint, I think people must do whatever the hell makes them happy if this does'nt interfere with others doing this.
But please, be responsible and look out for yourself, nobody else is able to do this for you quite like yourself. Amen ;)

Why do you take antideppressant pills? I don't know, but i don't think it's good. Apart of that as the one above stated it's not good to combine use of antideppressant and psychadelics.

peace :)
SRRI's are wack, abandon them first. Permanent if you can.

(Of course with the doctor who prescribed you those, since cutting instantly may cause unpleasant consequences)
you take the pills because your doctor says you should do so? does he give you alternatives to treat your deppression problem? maybe you could ask him if there's a possibility of not taking the SSRI's, because as much as i heard of this sstuff is that it just totally fucks you.
I stopped SSRIs, now I take only benzodiazepines and sometimes oxycodone (for me, the best antidepressant I can find)
What benzodiazepines ?
1 :- Escitalopram and venlavaxine are approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder; other indications include social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. You are taking twice the daily recomended dose of venlavaxine .

2 :- The effects of the medicines you are using are oposite to the efects of the drugs you want to take . There is NOTHING you can do to make the drugs you want to take work while you are taking venlavaxine .

3 :- Benzodiazepines and oxycodone do not work as , and are not prescribed as anti depressives . They are adictive drugs .

4 :- You should not be using your brain as a chemical dustbin , or be doing iresponsible chemical experiments with it . You should not be abusing drugs , and you are abusing drugs . The only efects will be that you make your medical condition worse . MUCH WORSE .

5 :- You have asked exactly the same question , and explained your illness in the "General Psychonautics" thread and you have not listened to any of the advice that was given to you . Your compulsive behaviour and drug abuse is your problem . There is ONLY one solution and that is that you acept that you have very serious problems , stop runing away from them , and try to solve them .
I take 3 X 0,5 mg xanax (alprazolam) and 1 X 2 mg rivotril (clonazepam), but i am very accoutumed to benzodiazepines and it mades me almost nothing when taken alone, i use benzodiazepines only in association with cannabis and opiates.

I know opiates are not for depression but with me, i works so well ! When I take oxycodone i am more sociable, happy, motivated, full of hope and relaxed. And in this state of mind, i am totally capable to think to my problems and try to resolve them, while when i am sober it's very painfull to think to my problems.
The SSRIs were not working with me, it was shit and it was blocking effects of others drugs.

OK, opiates are addictive so it's not a long-term solution. I assume that there is no long term solution, not even SSRIs.
A long term solution is to change your mind without taking drugs, and stopping all drugs.
But in the short term, i think that oxycodone is not as powerful as cocain, MDMA... because when i take it i don't feel physically and mentally stoned, it's only an improve of my problems, so i see it more like a medicament than a dangerous drug.

For the moment I enjoy it. Next step is to feel fine without drugs, so stop benzos and opiates.

I precise that i am not injecting oxycodone, i take it orally (40 or 80mg a day, when i take it).

5 :- You have asked exactly the same question , and explained your illness in the "General Psychonautics" thread and you have not listened to any of the advice that was given to you . Your compulsive behaviour and drug abuse is your problem . There is ONLY one solution and that is that you acept that you have very serious problems , stop runing away from them , and try to solve them .
In the other question, I listened all your advices, even tryed to stop drugs, but it's hard. But i don't forgot what you told me, i really want to solve my problems and go out of drugs. Since your posts, i am searching more actively solutions to what happens to me, and answers about WHY this happened to me.
Hey Rafael1000 ,

You sound like you are trying to be honest with yourself . Please read this and be honest . Its ment to be a positive help .

Who is not happy , YOU
Who has problems , YOU
Who caused the problems , YOU .
Who is the only one that can do anything about YOUR problems , YOU .

The drugs YOU are taking much to much of are HARD drugs , they bring YOU as many problems as they cover up . They dont heal YOU . They make things worse . They make YOUR pain longer .

"when i am sober it's very painfull to think to my problems. "

YOU are talking and living in circles . YOU are running away from YOUR problems . YOU cant run away from YOURSELF . Sometime YOU will have to face YOURSELF and YOUR problems . The longer YOU put it off the harder it will be for YOU . There is only one way to solve problems . Be honest with YOURSELF and stop doing the things that caused YOUR problems and DO IT NOW .

"I assume that there is no long term solution"

YOU are the only answer to YOUR problems and YOU are the one that can do something about them .

"A long term solution is to change your mind without taking drugs, and stopping all drugs. "

YOU know the answer . When are YOU going to have enough of YOUR pain and face YOURSELF .

"But in the short term, i think that oxycodone is not as powerful as cocain, MDMA... because when i take it i don't feel physically and mentally stoned, it's only an improve of my problems, so i see it more like a medicament than a dangerous drug. "

YOUR problems are not in the short term . Its YOUR life . Its now . YOU only live once . Its not like TV , there are no repeats , no second chances . And YOU are the only one that thinks that oxycodone is not as strong as cocain, MDMA........ Who gives a fuck about whats stronger ???? YOU . YOU claim its an improvement of YOUR problems . Its not an improvement , its YOU running away from YOU . And its YOU that sees it more as a medicament than a dangerous drug . But YOU still have YOUR problems , the drugs didnt solve anything .

"For the moment I enjoy it"

NO YOU DONT , or YOU wouldnt have the problems that YOU have , and YOU wouldnt keep having YOUR problems .

"Next step is to feel fine without drugs, so stop benzos and opiates. "

YES . YOU know what the answer is . SO DO IT . NOW .

"but it's hard."

Maybe , but not as hard as YOU think . Its YOUR only choice if YOU ever want to be high from life , if YOU want to be healthy and happy , and YOU can be .

"But i don't forgot what you told me, i really want to solve my problems and go out of drugs. "

So DO IT NOW . Even if doesnt work the first time KEEP TRYING . IT WILL WORK . YOU must have the consequencys of YOUR problem in YOUR head . YOU must know that YOU are the one that is suffering , and that YOU are the reason why YOU have YOUR problems , and that YOU are the only one that can solve YOUR problems . Decide that YOU want to stop the pain . That YOU are worth it . That YOU have made mistakes and that YOU can solve them . YOU CAN .

" i am searching more actively solutions to what happens to me, and answers about WHY this happened to me."

YOU have already said what the answer to YOUR problems are . STOP TAKING DRUGS . At least for six months , and better for 2 years . Stop doing the things that got YOU in the position that YOU are in . The things YOU do are the problems , and YOU can not heal YOURSELF by doing the same things . Do other things .

Make a start by getting rid of this shit "Cocaine, LSD, Héroine, Crack, Champignons hallucinogènes, Ecstasy, Cannabis, Amphétamines, Opium, Alcool, Tabac, MDMA, Shit, Morphine, Mescaline, Poppers,LSA,Salvia Divinorum, Peyotl,PCP..." from the bottom of YOUR posts .

I`m sure that if the people here see YOU trying to make an effort to solve YOUR problems that they will give YOU all the suport , encouragement and friendship that they can .

Life is as it is , we all have all had our problems . It was hard sometimes for us all . One day YOU will look back and will laugh . The sooner YOU start the sooner YOU will come out of the hole YOU are in .
Difficult but true..

Your original question does not require an academic answer about receptors and chemicals. The simple truth is that you are abusing your brain, and things got to a point where you are trying to fix one problem and creating a bigger one at the same time.

The more important issue has already been revealed.

Since your posts, i am searching more actively solutions to what happens to me, and answers about WHY this happened to me.
while when i am sober it's very painfull to think to my problems

You are running in circles and that way you are not getting anywhere.. I have not much to add to GOD's words. You are aware of the situation and know exactly what has to be done, as you say later. Trying to be your own doctor and see it as medication is pointless, cause your medication is part of the problem and just makes things worse. Don't lie to yourself. The only way out of this mess is to stop taking drugs, you know it, now do it!!

Venlafaxine is the nastiest shit I have ever put in my body. I rue the day my doc randomly prescribed it to me after asking me a list of 8 questions (about 10 years ago). I understand some people might genuinely need it.. Fortunately I was able to get on with my life and make changes, and abandon that stuff after two months (and two months too long) of taking it.